Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Mind Control

To have mind control is Fascism, to experiment with the mind for the purpose of mind control is also Fascism. To control one with use of implants or mind control is Fascism, identity issues exist, the organization is bound to dismiss one own choices and ones own life for that which they all think is best which is still Fascism and conspiracy. The conspiracy does tend to question all things about one out of conspiracy against one and just insanning there way through this to considering one to be in error.

My own choices should never be questioned by this nation or anyone from this nation, especially in respect of ones choices or actions where ones actions are not an threat or illegal, or harm full. As an nation as race corners as people, society as an fascist regime as an organisation they have all kept one in this mess. Where they have all kept one subjected to the use of the implants, to allowing for mind control, and such experiments. They are very much guilty of being a party to if just causing one the problem the damage as raised by this conspiracy.

Ones mind or mentality should never be question where it must be deemed as experiments as probing the mind, the learning the ability to know ones mind. Ones mentality should never be question where they have interfered with ones mind to cause that damage, to mess up ones head, whilst why should ones mentality be an issue it they whom are insane. Ones mentality in respect of ones genius should not be question where I have been put aside whilst one deals with this insanity, there presence, and needing time to recover and to repair the damage from being driven mad.

There presence in ones head would give rise to mind control, especially if one is unaware of there presence. Tampering around with the mind using loudness, violence and hostiles to control, being mental and angry and shouting would control one. To low volumes of tampering around with ones mind allows them to get control.

They are able to interfere with the mind given by there presence in ones head and thus able to and tend interfere with everything that one does and all that the mind comes across to control and mess all that one does up. Typing also being all messed up in things from matching ones thoughts and using voices familiar to one that which I would listen to, or my own voices and thoughts that which relates to control that which one thinks about doing , including smoking to drinking or changing directions. On waking up in the morning.

Interfering with the mind and effecting ones understanding of reality, whilst not allowing one to know ones own mind and thoughts, mentally torturing one, bashing ones mind not allowing ones thoughts to exist, blocking and repressing ones mind not allowing me know my own thoughts to recognise my own mind or thoughts them all intent on dominating and controlling ones mind into there own cover up story into there own way of life.

From conspiracy to reading ones mind they have leant to control ones head and ones mind to that which one does, including typing, and other regions of the brain and functions of the brain and mind, they are just continuing and engaged in there conspiracy to control ones life and ones head. Several controls exist it is all fascism , that of voice control that of mechanical, control to that of brain stimuli control.

The implants is an constant threat to one, the nation is an constant threat to one, they are an threat to one, they are an fascist regime, which his intent on controlling ones head, to stealing ones mind ones thoughts, to not allowing me know things that which one wishes to do, to knowing ones mind thus that which one wishes to do. To stealing ones intelligence and just being considered clever or intelligent or right and profiting from things either by gaining power or money.

Mind Control used to control one out of things, aware of there presence in ones head as alien states of the mind, where they are tampering around one focusses on what is going on and catches them all tampering around with ones mind saying things in ones head and using voice control to control one out of things used in many events and found or caught many times. Things said include “ I do not want to do this ” etc and other things. Controlled used too prevent one from doing anything in ones life they are working on one thing or the other.

Used to prevent one or stopping one from training, or studying or working and other things from waking up or wanting to do that which one has in mind. Reverting to mental torture where mind control is found out or does not work. Mind control used to force one into error into saying or doing things that one would not have said or done, slipping and silly things that one does, to getting of the train when I should not have done. Control of ones memory is also an aspect of mind control and that information being with held, prevents from doing that which I would have done or recalled. One is forced to turned back on recall of keys or paper work or items.

It is mind control, messing up ones character ones identity, with out an trace with the addition of other issues and problems that one has one is slowly being moulded into an character an inferior person or one whom is trouble or wants war. They are conspiring against one without an trace.

Conspiring against ones mind without an trace, interfering with ones natural brain functions, ones mentality, to what effect to having this control of sleep regions, I guess to control and run ones life to have that control over ones life and for the rest of ones life with no opposition where only I know the control or the effects if that to one being thought of being of such an character.

To what purpose ? To force one into there own way of life ! It is all Fascism and control, control of ones mind and brain and used for what ever reason. These are all experiments to achieve mind control, thus it is there intentions and has always been there intentions to keep one as an Human Guinea Pig.

Knowing ones every thought aids there experiments on mind control, matching ones thoughts and ones mind the passage of thoughts to the routes used by the brain to channel sound and thoughts. Whilst reading of the mind means they are able to match ones thoughts ones mind the speed of thoughts to fooling one mind as to the origin of thought. Gaining some degree of mind control by fooling ones mind and one as an person.

Not allowing one to know ones own mind or thoughts, thus easier to control one where anything that exist would have control of one would be able to be forced into ones head whilst there is no other traffic of ones thoughts or an mind set which is able to challenge things whilst being so blocked. Repressing ones mind, with intent to control one and ones head, to challenge ones mind ones thoughts where ones arguments are reduced or repressed thus able to argue against ones mentality or further repress ones thoughts that escape them.

Going against ones mind to achieve mind control an ability mould ones mind or force one into there own plans or ways, to make an mess of all that one does whether that is revising or reading or typing, not allowing one to against them in any shape or form, including thought wise. They are damaging one, driving one insane, being illogical and unreasonable, arguing over whom is to blame what the problems whom the problems, and what the issues are to questioning my actions and my guilt and role within all this insanity.
As to what one did or does or did or has done, and intends to do. It is strange but they are just intent on being considered as that organisation or those conspiring against one.

The nation, to races to society and people exercising there rule a choice, in which they all choose that which one is allowed to do and not allowed to do in ones life through debating arguing or negotiating they have all agree or decide that which one is able to do and not able to do, a rule a choice which is not so much as being democratic but more rather fascism. Making sure that there choices is followed through via conspiracy and use of the implants.

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