Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Brain Washing

Fascism and Brain Washing

Many forms of Brainwashing exist and they will experiment with all routes into achieving Brainwashing, a fascist regime will find use for brainwashing to being dependent on such technology to bring about its own fascist rule. Perhaps it will find means of dominating people and individuals alike through brainwashing. Brainwashing is achieved in many ways and for no other purpose other than to dominate ones mind to Erase information to Brainwash one of all that one knows.

What is Brain washing ? I will leave that of my research projects. Whilst on here I will continue with the case issue of Brain washing, many forms exist. This blocking of ones head ones thoughts is an incident of brain washing not allowing one to know ones own thoughts and mind that which one should know, to thoughts that one has. Stealing of thoughts from the mapping of ones mind and thoughts, where it even feels like they are capturing ones thoughts and pulling things out.

Surrounding one with lies or forcing there lies into ones head is an act of brainwashing, where they lie about everything. Pressuring one, the mental torture which represses ones head, ones own thoughts thus forces own thoughts out of ones mind, thoughts in respect of time or thinking about the MP3 player or even thinking about the weather where the pressure, mental torture bashes such thoughts out of ones mind.

Keeping one isolated prevents on following the routs that one would have taken had ones life not been interfered with, one would know of different things and different people to have had many more conversations hence known of many more things. The absence of which is brainwashing whilst isolation to being kept isolated and confined to four walls is an experiment with Brain-Washing. Isolated and confined to there use of there implants, not allowing one to know anything else other than there madness, which is just brainwashing one of that which one would have learnt or that which would have become apart of ones mentality.

Conspiracy, Fascism is not allowing one to know anything other than there own wants and plans for one life hence there own way of life. Mind control also follows through with brainwashing where one is in effect controlled into doing something or saying something that one would not have said or done hence one is thus Brainwashed into such things. Pacing about, or smoking or drinking tea or even killing some one.

Brainwashing one in there interference with ones mind, just there presence to what ever they say in ones head should be considered as brainwashing where one should not know or have that information, or that which they want or there views, there opinions. Interfering with ones understanding of reality is also an issue of brainwashing where nothing goes on in ones environment but one is lead to believe that events are occurring thus it is an issue of

On forcing about there on bias into ones head is also an act of brainwashing, where we clash on all issues within this conspiracy. Forcing about issues of marriage into ones head is also an act of brainwashing and to force one into there own way of life is Fascism.

One argues that they are Brain washing everyone where they do not consider this to be an issue of Fascism or conspiracy or to be wrong or criminal, it seems that nobody cares, or seems concerned. Any cover ups would also be as lies, since it is conspiracy, they are conspiring to bring about mass Brain Washing, with the addition of this fascist power or rule. Perhaps are doing so with the results of these experiments, the further understanding of the mind, the minds of people works to the mentality, as one as an individual, or as an collective.

It would explain why everyone is keen to use the implants to having one kept confined to the implants, communicating in that fashion, not allowing, not even interested or trying or have attempted normal means of comminations or association. It is vial to use the implants it is act of inhumanity, it is inhuman. A gross example of there ill intentions, a means of interfering with the mind, of driving a person insane. A means of messing up ones head to put things into one head to control ones head of exerting fascist rule over ones life not to communicate with one.

Communication is achieved because the know ones thoughts and in this habit of invading ones mind to prevent one from having thoughts, preventing one from following through with such thoughts too repress ones thoughts not much communication takes place just that the know ones thoughts ones mind and are opposing such thoughts, conspiring against ones mentality ones sanity.

It is Fascism, it is an act of brainwashing, where they argue to be better than one, just arguing for the sake of it, they have no merit or substance to there claims. Nothing to support that claim, or stance where they are those whom have conspiring to drive one insane, they are that organisation which is just curbing ones progress through this insanity. Besides they should recognise as nations have recognised one as being intelligent as being capable of doing
anything I set my mind on.

They argue on being better than one, out of Fascism out of inferiority, attempting to brainwash one and the mas into this notion that they are better then one, for the purpose of control there intentions to get ones obedience to do as they want without question, that one does as they want and probably leading one into cover up or objectives with this conspiracy. They are an organisation an fascist regime which is just intent on covering up with an series of mind games. Presenting and forcing the fabricated truths, or lies into ones life.

They are intent on having everything there own way hence that is Fascism, of knowing everyone that one knows or knowing ones every thought and ones intension to conspiring against everything about one, whether that is to talk to some one, to do something about this to raise a force or to revise. Not allowing one to get on with ones own life, to live ones own life to forcing one into an pre- determined life or a life which they deem to be right for one or suitable for one or perfect or an ideal person. It is total Fascism.

Brainwashing one into marriage, and reasoning that marriage is the best thing for one, that they would leave one alone or would not bother one or would be nice to one, hence I guess refrain from disturbing one. Brainwashing and Fascism where they are driving everything out of ones life, ones head, that which they do not approve of and they do not approve anything that one does in ones life to forcing one into there own way of life including that of marriage.
It is Fascism from one extreme too another.

It is sick, an act of brainwashing where they are in ones head, trying to reason that everything would be ok if one does as the want and complies with there demands and wants. It is not just an simple want for marriage where that is an cover up that is sick of them, where they are just pretending to mean well but not allowing one an choice in the issue or any issues in respect of ones life. Alas one has no choice in respect of all events and issues in ones life, given by conspiracy to the violation of ones rights, to being isolated.

Alas one has no choice but to live with there presence in ones head to live with there use of the implants to deal with or to hear there challenge to ones choice or thoughts. Invading ones mind an challenging ones thoughts in respect of ones direction and in respect of ones mentality the clashes in mentality where they are forcing there own bias into ones life and head. Not just to hear of there thickness or wrongness but know of there wrongness, with the implants it is forced into ones head, one has to deal with it, it is Fascism.

Protocol -: One needs an period of rehabilitation, where one has time to get ones thoughts together and the same rest period. Too allow ones own mind to start working and kick starting ones own memory. Dealing with any flash backs or recall of events, to having an ability to deal with issues via judicial proceedings on that which recalled many years later. Allowing for things to occur in writing where it may trigger ones thoughts or ones mind, thus one would be able to deal with things in recall. Also ones mind is hindered or slowed down in verbal communications, thus one does not or many respond spontaneously.

Protocol should also allow this protection that one does not have to associate with those whom one feels is an threat, or chooses not to associates with or talk hence discuss this matter or any one issue or matter, if one feels uncomfortable in doing so. Many mental people to race issues are intent and insistent on talking to one, whilst they might just go after ones head, whilst they might be dumb or thick or wrong and intent on forcing one into there regime or organisation.

It is experiments and perhaps they will find other means of brain washing one, without even the use of implants, to triggering ones or having other means of brainwashing. Drugs or even suggestions to noises or what ever where they know ones mind and perhaps sound would have that effect, knowing all of ones thoughts hence knowing what they targeting, more so with mind control and the threat of mind control.

They will not allow one to recover to know that which one should know, epically since the have prevented one from knowing all my life, as an organisation they would be in an position to prevent one from knowing and living my own life where they already have that fascist rule over ones life that control or power of ones life, head also. They must be prevented from forcing about there presence in ones life or rule over ones life.

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