Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Cover Up

Fascism and Cover Up

It is all Fascism there presence and use of the implants, experiments and it is all about an coverup they will always cover up the conspiracy will always cover up it actions its objectives and its crime. They have always covered up and conspired to cover up, it is still conspiracy and Fascism but it is also an cover up of that. Fascism will be used hence there control of al things there knowledge of all things there ability to drive one insane, alas that insanity is an coverup of this conspiracy they meant to drive one insane to cover up there conspiracy.

Mind control to Brainwashing will be used to coverup the facts of the case the issues that one has with them , one will be controlled into error into allowing them to twist things around to accuse one of things, hence to have one considered at fault or inferior or wrong or perhaps in error in respect of ones arguments, or ones mentality where there presence allows them to force errors to compromise ones mentality hence the thoughts that one has that which one says or would say or argue on.

The implants the fascism allows them to force one to be considered inferior, there actions forces one to become inferiority that inferiority allows them to coverup from there own Fascism where one is no longer capable or considered unable to do things hence unable to type or maths or to do the jobs that one is given at work, the task that one has at work or at home or in life. It is all simple stuff but they are intent on interfering with such things into having control of such aspects of ones mind or behaviour, into messing one up in all that one does to then pretending to be helping or advising one such matters to controlling one.

Simple task from locking the doors or switching of the lights or recalling to do so,from recalling the keys, simple things to the complex of things but the simple things are there and done to build on the complex of matters one is busy dealing with typing errors and simple task and not allowed to get on with things. To no longer being able to do certain things whilst one is corrected on the simple of task whilst considered thick. It is there intentions to curb ones progress to prevent one from progressing in any direction including case issues. It is Fascism at work and an cover up there fascist nature.

It is there intentions to have one inferior, as would be expected of fascism thus one is just confined to this simple issues and problem, problem caused by the implants, which is messing up that which one does on an simple basis but one is just confined to simplest of task, to being open to be considered insane or dumb on not recalling such things or knowing how to do such things or messing up on such things. Whilst one is not recognized or even considered to be capable of doing anything which is more complex, hence typing, or fixing computers, to anything of any intelligence, to even thinking for ones self, let alone being an Genius.

This Fascism is makings sure that one is unable deal with this conspiracy or implants and experiments that one is not event considered to be able add any input to an investigation or have an say in the outcome of events or the development of ongoing events perhaps allowing them to cover up or add there own ill intentions to matters. One is not even considered to be able to deal with such matters of conspiracy or complex problems or reason on such matters. To being able to present solutions or to be able to think.

Fascism is making sure that one has no say in matters, hence repressing ones mind, to making sure that one knows nothing else but madness, insanity the mentally torture, to the use of the implants. Making sure that ones does not use one head or know ones mind that ones mind and thoughts are repressed thus one is unable to express ones self an ones mind, where they refuse to get out of ones head and alway in ones head and talking rubbish and surrounding one with rubbish where one is unable to consider other matters.

Fascism is making sure that one stays repressed, and is forced into an coverup where one has to argue over all things and against all things. One has to fight for ones every thought that one is capable of thinking, or capable doing things that one can do including that of typing. It is an coverup where one is not dealing with the Fascism and conspiracy but dealing with all other issues and problems, and problems they able to cause and have caused on all matters in respect of ones life or mentality.

Issues of studying or learning and revising and passing exams, where one is deemed not capable alas one does have to keep ones mind working whilst also knowing and showing the effects of the implants. making sure that one is still capable of handling intellectual material, but such things would not allow them to keep one repressed, one would be recognized. If one is deemed capable of studying, thinking and reasoning then one would be capable of reasoning within the boundaries of Law and also within the boundaries of common sense. The dismissal of ones abilities, ones capabilities is an coverup of there Fascism.

The conspiracy keeps ones repressed and it has always been there intentions to keep one repressed, but ones mind ones genius can not be repressed hence the implants they have the implants to repress ones mind ones thoughts to controlling ones every thought not allowing a single thought to go pass or through there control. They are intent on having one considered inferior thus one is restricted to inferior task and considered incapable of doing such things or discriminated with such task whilst raising such issues of cleaning or lateness as an conspiracy forces ones to be deemed stupid or disillusioned.

As conspiracy as an fascist regime they defy logic out of ill intentions they defy common sense, they pretend to be reasonable, or logical but they are conspiracy with other motives, there common sense is twisted and although nobody else sees it one know where one knows them to be conspiracy and them as psychopaths. They are just pretending as an cover-up to be reasonable or logical but they know the conspiracy they know ones mind they know that which one has done to prove things or that which is used as evidence they are just moving against cracks within there conspiracy.

Say the issue of having no friends visitors or phone calls, which is all conspiracy, they insist on being ones friends, to talking to one and listening to one all of which are errors where they know ones every thought and the need to coverup there conspiracy. They refuse to follow through with protocol defying protocol with every intentions, dismissing it all not just know but throughout the future hence not allowing themselves to be found out or caught or proven to be guilty.

A Cover up exist where nobody knows whom they are, they are just voices in ones head, and mind games are played as to whom they are but they are those whom are causing one problems and the problems are just defined as an organisation an conspiracy, thus an organisation is causing one problem is messing with the implants and all that it can do and ones head ones mind. As an organisation they are those behind the implants where they have mixed things up into an coverup , into mind games of there identity.

They argue to be Black, thus one is unable to accuse them where they intent on having whites blamed for this or blaming whites to Asians making themselves heard and also causing problem to blaming others and creating and becoming an party to this mix up. Alas this mixup is still the same conspiracy they are still those behind the implants, they are still very much that organisation whom are just dependent on playing there own mind games given by the fact that one does not know whom the are and the are dead set on playing these mind games.

They are still very much an conspiracy, an conspiracy which is just intent covering up with mind games, and are intent playing such games based on race and as an race corner they  conspiring for there own racial interest, also guilty on the grounds of there presence behind the implants and the problem they are causing one although they may have an race issues they are still very much an organisation an conspiracy and fascist regime which is intent on controlling ones head ones life ones mind ones thoughts on driving one mad.

They are just covering up the conspiracy within an issue of race with the intentions of having things an mixup, hence there coverup is that mixup and the mixup is as to whom they are, as to whom is causing one problems, back into race issues hence there conspiracy which is all motivated by race hence Fascism.

It is all an conspiracy, and that conspiracy will inevitable cover itself up, therefore most of there actions are covered up whilst most of there actions is carried out to cover up there conspiracy. It all exist from one extreme to the other where they are just causing an chain reaction of covering up from one action to the next hence covering up from there presence or use of the implants to then conspiracy, insanity to being presence and making things an way of life.

It was always about there intentions to violate ones rights which has become an way of life there use and presence behind the implants. Just that madness and insanity is allowing them to coverup from issues regarding ones rights, and now the case is that of insanity and the harm the are causing one brain. Whilst they are again covered up from driving one insane by playing mind games on the basis that it is or was someone else. Organisation which is just pretending that it is someone else or blaming the other race whilst having that control over ones Brain.

Controlling all events for the purpose of that conspiracy and of an coverup forcing about an fabricated truth an conviction of one or one as being guilty of something, from wanting war or having ill intentions to being inferior in all things alas the would have to stay in control of one for the rest of ones life to ensure the cover up the stays, conspiring accordingly, to keep repressed the truth of all this Fascism and Experiments on Humans.

It all exist without an trace where one is unable to do anything about this conspiracy or there presence one is unable to prove anything or put an end to things even if everyone knows there is still no solution to this, where they are just able to cause problems and to get away with things where they are able to play mind games as to whom what and why to the conclusion of insanity, or an mixup, whilst without an trace actions is an cover up.

They mean to deny any knowledge of this situation and conspiracy which again aids the conspiracy, the act of working without an trace, they have always meant to argue and deny any knowledge of whom one is hence the isolation is enforced. That again is an cover up of this conspiracy and this Fascism. In an way it has always been covered up and it has always been acted out without an trace where I know of the events and the use of the implants. Where they are all conspiring to coverup there conspiracy there actions, they are all based on that and continue with the intentions of controlling one and experiments to having one finished.

Fascism would exist as an conspiracy and within an conspiracy it would be Fascism where they would have to control all aspects of ones life ones mind ones thoughts and that which people think or know, where they are making sure that everyone knows what they want them to know, which all plays into the role of experiments of Mind Control and Brainwashing, Fascism and an Cover up.

The issues of repressing ones thoughts one mind, or stealing ones thoughts to brainwashing and mind control the actions to control one into something or the other is all an coverup where they are forcing one out of one thing into another hence forcing one out of progress into wasting ones time. Covering up from conspiracy that conspiracy is there to achieve such control over one, over ones brain and mind and it is used to force about an coverup.

This cover up is insanity, an mixup into whom what and why, whilst being side tracked into all other aspects of ones life, they are intent on interfering with ones life and all that one does, Now, in the past and the future but just pretending on not knowing anything or on being innocence to forcing about there own way life onto one, that of marriage and there presence. It is an cover-up where they are themselves an conspiracy but also an race corner which is forcing one into its own race or racial interest thus also Fascism.

Issues of marriage is also an side track an cover up where the issues is about there presence and use of the implants, this is about getting them out of ones head and ones life, of having ones rights recognised. Issues of marriage is just side tracking one of case things, just driving one mad out of ones life another way of continuing with there control over one, there conspiracy against one this conspiracy to insane one or to do ones head in this Fascism.

Insanity to all other things is an cover up, there presence allows them to side track ones mind onto other things where issues regarding money or artificially induced pressure is side tracking one into considering other matters as an problem. There presence allows them to argue otherwise in respect of that which one understand to be the problem. It is all an cover up where they should not be able to read the mind or know ones mind or match ones thoughts or able to interfere with that which one does or thinks about or says, they should not be able to talk to the mind which is interfering with the mind that is experiment and conspiracy.

It is all an coverup as such where they organisation is covering up its purpose and role behind the implants its ill intentions to interfere with the mind and they are all wanting to do so under the pretence of someone else is doing so or has done so, and arguing to know better than one to race things and mind games thus managing to use the implants on one for its very purpose, alas interfering with the mind to controlling one and messing up that which one does. It is all mind games which is covering up the conspiracy to do as such there ill intentions.

As an organisation they are covering up the fact the know ones thoughts ones mind to reading ones mind, it is about reading ones mind and they have used the implants until matters are mixed up as to whose`s thoughts are whose`s, to poisoning up ones mind to stealing ones innocence, for ill intentions. Covering up the truth about ones mentality, or the conspiracy to keep one as an Human Guinea Pig.

They do mean to continue with there conspiracy just covering up there actions, there fascist nature and they will be fascist well into the future, why would anyone want to cover up such inhumanity unless they are themselves guilty an party to this madness, perhaps intent on continuing with such actions. Even if they cover up or one is unable to prove there guilt it does not mean that the are not guilty, or that the crime did not occur, it does not mean they have any rights over one or one has to do as they want, or one has to listen to them or they have any rights to control one.

Perhaps such demands would be evidence of such Fascism itself, whilst race corners are arguing for control over one, they do mean to have control over one and no doubt the implants. Whilst I doubt this Fascism will ever end where trial needs to take place they need to be proven and shown to be wrong in there actions whilst if they have an choice they would choose to act as such hence to use the implants to conspire to control hence to act in an fascist manner, and too follow some fascist rules.

If they think there actions are right, then they will always continue to act as such, if they feel there conspiracy has some justification or is merited, if they feel that which they are doing is just then they will always act as such they will always move to use the implants on one, they will always revert to the use of mental torture too have there interest met. They are reasoning to act as such and the will always do so well into the future.

Present events steams from such insanity and no doubt they will continue too progress into the future with an foundation of such Fascism or such insanity. The cover up of such inhumanity includes there reasoning where they have reason to violate ones rights to control ones brain ones mind ones thoughts. Even though they promise to be nice to one or to be ones friends, and to talk to one, and promise not to bother one again, one feels and one knows that they will always do so just that one is arguing against insane people whom refuse to compromise and follow through with protocol.

An Artificial life style is created by this conspiracy, this Fascism, an cover up is forcing one into an Artificial life an predetermine life that life style will always stay that cover up will always stay and it is created by Fascism therefore the Fascism will always stay it is as an result of Fascism and is Fascism in its full sense. Where one is forced into an pre-defined life that of marriage, that of being there friends or talking to them and them all being nice to one it is all an Artificial life. It is also Fascism but it is also an coverup of the same.


Use of the implants is forbidden whilst they should not know anything about one where if they do then it can only be because of there presence behind the implants. Whilst on the basis of conspiracy it is the conspiracy which is to be brought to trial where one can not be accused of anything, where one is innocence, to the conspiracy framing one up, rigging up the mind to forcing one into error. Conspiracy must be brought to trial where failure to do so is just an coverup of events especially if one is to stand trial.

To prevent coverup, things should be put into writing where it would allow for things to be used as evidence, it would also prevent them all from going round in circles or going back on there words or changing there story. To deal with an coverup all that which is conspiracy must be uncovered, all issues must be looked into and considered to be an aspect of an conspiracy where everything is an aspect of conspiracy it is an controlled environment. On the basis that nothing goes outside the control of that organization not even an single thought thus all things can be inferred to be controlled and planed.

On the grounds of experiments all that goes on is an experiments thus everything has an degree of control to be specific about the outcome of the results. To know what the brain and the mind is doing in respect of all environmental factors. All events can be deemed as being apart of that conspiracy, the objective of that event must be found the purpose of that action or event, perhaps to know ones mind to distract one or what ever.

This situation has not arisen by accident, all or any mix up`s, or there knowledge of one, or implants or conspiracy, especially if conspiracy is being covered up it is all controlled they all know because they are chosen or meant to know, for some reason perhaps even to cause an mixup. One must not be forced to follow any rules risen by social justice or race issues, and especially that which one deemed to be illogical.

Rules would restrict one, and conspiracy may shift into making there control of one legit, even protocol is to be followed by themselves and mostly when I am out of the country where over here the organization is able to use protocol to stay in control of one. They are just able to twist things around or to add to things for there own control of one. Rights should be recognized thus any control can be restricted via issues of ones rights. Any interference in ones life can be dealt with via issues of ones rights.

One can not be forced to anything that one chooses not to and one can not be prevented from doing things that one means to including that of writing, whilst any talk or conversations of this must take place with witness and in writing, no deals can be agreed to without passing things through nations whilst no deals can be taken on my behalf without my approval and that of nations. One is unable to sign anything pertaining to this nothing which one has signed can be used against one or held against one, whilst all that which is to be signed is to be confirmed.

Any mix ups must be dealt with as intentional cover-ups, none can be allowed for or considered as such, where it is all conspiracy any such participants in an mix-up or events must be accounted for. They should just adhere to protocol, where one can then blame those behind the implants or just accuse those behind the implants, where it is just about implants and proving the implants to stopping the use of the implants.

Any threats must be brought to trial, whilst anything that is dealt with under the idea of an threat must be prove to be an threat any actions taken must only be taken against that which is an threat hence those whom use the implants not just against anyone where such actions can be deemed as conspiracy as isolating one or removing witnesses, or just actions taken on the grounds of racism. Whilst actions can not be taken by those behind the implants where it is they whom are accused, and they are all psychopaths at work.

One can not be challenged on any issue without trial, and only on legal matters where arguments and issues pertaining to ones character or personality are all conspiracy and actions of an organization, where this conspiracy is intent on going against ones every thought and against all that one does the fascism is intent on compromising ones very individuality. It makes no sense of anyone to question ones individuality ones identity where only fascism would do so.

Ones thoughts, ones intelligence must be considered as ones own, no compromise or questions to ones thoughts or intelligence will be tolerated, where they are all conspiring to steal ones mind ones thoughts to use one as an Human Guinea Pig. Such contention is just an cover up of there conspiracy to know ones thoughts ones mind. Ones had an identity, one has an mentality and thoughts other than this insanity or madness alas that should be recognized as ones identity, that is ones mentality not the implants or all this madness.

They are present to cause one harm not to assist but to insane one, thus there ill intentions should be recognize, for them to argue otherwise and to claim ones thoughts or ones intelligence is an cover-up of there ill intentions, there intentions to drive one insane, to stealing ones identity ones thoughts and leave one with nothing but insanity. Organization should not be in ones head there presence is rejected, whilst ones thoughts ones mind can is more than capable, they are just covering up there fascism, to keep one as an Human guinea pig.

Things must be recognized this must be deemed as insanity as inhumane, this conspiracy and there actions there very reasoning within all this conspiracy. Conspiracy must be recognized and to have issues of conspiracy confirmed via trial to all events and incidents brought to justice even though those responsible may never be caught. Other wise an cover-up would have been achieved and the facts as know are open to an more complete coverups and tarnishes of the truth of the facts. Perhaps an deterrence in respect of future justice is also achieved where such crimes committed by conspiracy are never acknowledged.

Perhaps having all issues of conspiracy tested by trial , where the conspiracy exist and the damage is done there objectives or purpose has been achieved such damage has to be reversed. For instance since one is and has been subjected to question all my life to all things about one has been used against one in some form of twisted manner, then such issues or aspects of ones life must be straighten out or put back into order where one is just preventing an lie from existing, and to find the objective the means by which they have operated. For instance one is not an liar, or one is not insane or one wrong in anything or one has never lost an argument.

Such simple things are open to mind games and could be relied upon by those whom have ill intentions or other motives and will use this character sketch of one to argue against one to contend against one to consider one as being thick or to argue to that effect. One is not wrong one is not thick, whilst one has acted out of an necessity as opposed too ill intentions where it is they whom have always acted out of ill intentions and are in effect covered up from such actions but are bound to or intent on making sure the damage stays. That one stays repressed or isolated.

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