Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Isolation

Fascism and Isolation

Fascism is keeping one isolated they are bound for control they are going to control one into staying isolated, into there insanity. Isolating one and keeping one for experiments, where everything is an controlled environment, an experiments and everything is done with control, and under control conditions. One isolated cause then they are able to do the Experiments without an trace, to control ones mind to know ones mind to mess with ones head , to insane one to confined one to the implants and there use of the implants.

It is Fascism it is also an experiments where they have not or will not allow one to know anything but the use of the implants and there presence in ones head all the issues and problems there after, where they are able to control ones and everything and everyone in ones life to isolate one. Fascism is bound to isolate one of control, out of domination and there intentions to do so .

Out of there intentions to isolate ones mind ones thoughts and to control ones every thought, to read the mind to know ones mind to experiments on learning ones mind. Where the know everything I know, thus able to read the mind and experiment accordingly, to interfere with the mind and all that one does, knowing all that ones does in isolation. All sorts of things from mind control and brainwashing come from isolation.

Isolation is kept to insane one to mess with ones head and Fascism is bound to want ones head messed up, Fascism bound to keep one isolated, conspiracy does so and the race corners do so. Conspiracy has does so and race corners have done so but it is because of Experiments. The organisation will prevent one from talking to anyone about this to being aware of anything that ones says therefore there would be no point, whilst they would be able to force about there own presence if one was to associate with other but the have need to they are present in ones head.

They do not want one to talk to anyone about this but one writes to the whole world about things and tells the whole world about this therefore they are going on about talking to someone because they are able to mix things up and an excuse to dismiss the truth as is noted. Perhaps they are just moving to have one talk to them hence the issue of talking and there presence, and dismissing that which one has written, and these they are those whom have kept one isolated all my life out of one reason and method or the other.

Fascism would keep one isolated and would mean to control one into what ever life they have planed in effect keeping one isolated and into what ever they have planed. Perhaps into an cover up or more experiments or insanity.

Fascism has isolated one and is forcing one into marriage and that is just control exerted over one for the rest of ones life, they are organised to do so where they have planed and conspired for this control throughout ones life and have the same information the same damage to effect ones life for the rest of ones life, hence control one for the rest of ones life. Keeping one as an human guinea pig hence isolated where in isolation they will keep one as an human guinea pig.

Fascism will do so for the rest of ones life, where there would be no point in associating with one where they just mean to control one with the implants. One is isolated where one has no friends no visitors no phone calls , that is all my life they have isolated one from the start to having that control over all those whom one comes across they know everyone that one knows to just conspiring to playing there insane games where they are just pretending other wise to just covering up there conspiracy.

It is for Fascism all events in ones life are for an reason not just for the hell of it or as one own choice, even getting an job or what ever one does has done is for an reason, simply given by the existence of the implants, to waste one time to distract and prevent one from bringing about case issues from associating, where they have an hidden motive in all things to disturb the flow of things or ones work to buy time whilst they map the brain to cover up from something or the other.

To force about war games into one to mould one into war games and into China, to set one up to buy time to get control of the brain, whilst forcing one grow old and to give up on things whilst this conspiracy is planed for the rest of ones life hence it is just the motion of the conspiracy that has taken place the actions of the conspiracy which as been running ones life. To issues of women and sex to that of racism, they are as an organisation forcing about there own Fascism onto one.

One has been kept isolated all my life thus one has been controlled all my life for the purpose of controlling ones head to control ones every thought to the purpose of conspiracy and to aid there conspiracy and coverup, all actions have been done to cover up from that conspiracy, and to continue with there conspiracy and experiments to this control over ones head. Hence isolated which allows them to coverup without an trace.

Isolated whilst any association with anyone or family or anyone is known to them and someone will move against any association that one is engaged in whether that is society and people to human nature or that of conspiracy. They will move against that association including that of women, to always having the implants active and used to invade ones mind to disturb one to keep one disturbed hence isolated.

Isolated in every sense and the fact that one is confined to the implants hence isolated by the implants, where one has been isolated all my life by society from society. Isolated by several means from conspiracy to race issues to that of human nature. To the implants where the implants is keeping one isolated. Alienated where nobody wanted to associate with one and that it is all blamed onto conspiracy and implants to that of an organisation which is intent on staying in on control of one.

I was as society and conspiracy until they were able to use the implants to insane one to mentally torture one out of associating with anyone. Many aspects of conspiracy exist where one is considered an threat because one is victim of such madness, because that is what they would expect being an victim of the use of the implants real reasons exist but perhaps it is because they had it in for one, whilst all that alienation is perhaps an fascist movement.
Implants is mentally torturing one into isolation and alienation with war games, repressed ones mind, into an inferior character.

The organisation is intent on having one confined to this insanity, to this insane control over ones life, over ones head or brain and into this conspiracy where they are able to set one up and one has no defence, where they tend to accuse one of things out of conspiracy out of the creation of rumours. Perhaps one would become guilty under pressure, of wanting trouble or war or ill intentions or being mad or mental. Isolated thus they do not know one and can not then accuse one of things.

Isolating one and using marriage to cover up from ill intentions, with every intentions of staying in control of one for the rest of ones life, they all are arguing on and for control of one, and intent on discrediting one for that control. Conspiracy exist and they are all conspiring for control of one, out of madness and Fascism where they are against everything about one, ones every thought to all that one does in ones life.

Whilst in isolation they are toying around with ones head and ones environment to forcing about marriage and there own interference in ones life, they are covered up into human nature as everyone whom is thus interfering within all this as people as trouble back into this race thing where it is all conspiracy but covered up as human nature and natural events. Into race issue, which is bound to emerge and surfacing but against one and for the purpose of costing one, molding one into there own race things into marriage, and into three corners.

They have made there presence an way of life, and have always been present it just mind gams where one has to prove there presence the implants the conspiracy and themselves as those conspiring and guilty. Where one has always been isolated, mind games allowing them to force about there presence as an way or life to making things legit too enforcing this fascist rule over ones life. Race issues are making things legit where race corners are arguing wanting things there own way including marriage to there presence and use of the implants.

As an organisation they just fall in line with this conspiracy against one, and that of Fascism where they are against everything about one from ones recognition to ones freedom to ones rights as an individual, to all case issues. Contending against one on issues regarding ones typing, ones thoughts as ones own , ones mentality and the speed of thought, to intelligence , as to whether one capable or not.

Dangerous in isolation with them all messing with one head as that which goes on reality, isolated and confined to that which they want one to know and effecting one on race issue to the character of people. Interfering with the mind and attempting to mould one into error, the error would exist where they mean to claim such thoughts are ones own and hence ones character or mentality. They are attempting to mould one in isolation, messing with ones mind on races issues to all things to just brainwashing one into there cover up story.

Moulded one within isolation, it is all Fascism there actions against ones mind, there conspiracy against ones thoughts this insane control of ones life and ones head. They are controlling one into one thing or the other from marriage into insanity, from isolation to experiments, from working on all things to doing nothing or being against this to doing nothing about this and there presence. They are fascist from start to finish, they are wrong from start to finish they are conspiracy from start to finish.

Even they many not seem wrong and one deemed to be at fault or wrong, it is they whom are an constant threat it is them are conspiracy, it is they whom are using the implants whom refuse to get out of ones head, it is they whom have control of ones head it is they whom have experiments whom have mind control whom have brainwashing. It is just that one is isolated and confined to this Fascism this conspiracy.

They are not deemed to be considered wrong in there want for marriage or there control of one as race corners, there isolation of one based on there race issues, there stealing of ones mind and use of ones thoughts, use of the implants there blame of one to there pretence at meaning well where they are that organization which is intent on using the implants on one for its very purpose.

In isolation they are filling ones head with rubbish and building on that to arguing against one mind based on the issues and problems that exist, problems that they have caused, it is all conspiracy they are just toying around with the events of that conspiracy but they know thus are that conspiracy that organisation. Whilst keeping one isolated to have one insane thus messing with ones head in isolation with every intentions of having one insane.

Isolation itself would drive a person insane, would cause all the damage that is intended by that of an organisation with implants functionality. Where they drive one insane for that control over ones head and ones mind, to control all that one does where they know what one does they just need to match that with ones thoughts and there mind games. They are just able to keep one disturbed and to have one considered disturbed without an trace.
It is all Fascism where they are intent on controlling ones head.


One should be allowed to associate with whom one chooses to do so any opposition of that would be conspiracy, there should not be an opposition to association hence conspiracy exist and one is trying to prove conspiracy and the extent of that conspiracy. An organisation is intent on keeping one confined to the implants, to ones own thoughts hence there mind games and hence insanity.

One must avoid isolation at all cost where one does not want talk to those behind the implants to allow them to know ones thoughts or ones mind, but isolation makes it easer for them where there is nothing to distract one from there presence or to communicate with, where one needs to communicate out side into reality not in ones head and those behind the implants they are intent on communicating with the mind on knowing ones mind and thoughts. They have kept one isolated for that purpose and to control ones mind or thoughts.

There is no point in keeping one isolated other than conspiracy and ill intentions, all the effects of isolation from becoming disillusioned are all enhanced with the organisation messing with ones head. There is no harm in talking to anyone and everyone and one can and will just choose and swap and change whom one talks to and what about, to just normal conversation and socialising. Conspiracy is obviously against such association with anyone.

There is nothing wrong with that, but one can not talk to those behind the implants, they know ones mind to stealing ones thoughts too all issues of an threat to one, ones mind and ones sanity one also bases there presence behind the implants as conspiracy, there knowledge of ones thoughts it is all conspiracy and all would be used as evidence against them. It just that they have driven everything insane, and mentally tortured one until there presence is no longer even considered an problem

One can not and does not want to associate with those behind the implants where they are not allowed to interfere in anything that one does or whom ever one associates where that is all conspiracy, it has all shifted into control and fascism where they are intent on controlling whom one associates with and whom one talks to the extent of controlling ones thoughts. It is about there presence and implants and not about whom one talks to or what one says, it is about not allowing the conspiracy the organisation to get control of ones life to mess up ones whole life.

This prevention of association means that one is confined to those behind the implants and it is they whom have thus conspired against one and formed and organisation, it is they whom are that organisation that conspiracy. It is the organisation which is an threat to one, it is those behind the implants which is an threat to one they are not present to protect one or to help one or to save one where they are all that organisation that organisation.

The mixup exist if one allows them to mix things up, if one allows them to get away with there presence or use of the implants there knowledge of ones thoughts to using ones mind and experiments to all other things where it is just conspiracy, fascism where they are intent on controlling for the rest of ones life. They are already doing so from one thing onto

It makes no difference as to what they say and do or whom they are, they are conspiracy they are fascist perhaps they have covered up from that fact, they are still insane they are psychopaths, they are still wrong they are still those whom have kept one as an Human guinea pig that it is what this is about. They are an organisation they are those whom are intent on staying in control of one for the rest of ones life even though one is unable to prove it, as nation as an race corner as insane people whom have always interfere with ones mind with every intentions to do so.

I do not mind associating with people but one is unable to do so if they are those behind the implants, or those with ill intentions whilst I do not see as to why one should confined to some rules and regulations on association where the organisation want to know whom one talks to what about and what race it is and perhaps would like to know before hand everything about the person alas that is all Fascism, it is just twisted around into some twisted meaning of protection.

Nobody should be forced to associate with one or talk to one but any issues and problems that one has with anyone can be related to this conspiracy and organisation where in effect nobody knows anything about one. Nothing should be done If no harm is intended, whilst the conspiracy has always removed that which has always been in ones interest or favour.

One can not be forced to associate with anyone, if one chooses to disassociate one can do so or refuse to associate all together. Whilst the organisation is intent on forcing about its presence into ones life, as an organisation they are rejected cause they are guilty of controlling the brain of driving one mad, they are forcing about there own way of life as race corners going on about marriage and insisting on being ones friends.

They are basing there own stance on there own mixup of things into race things and forcing about marriage and an idea of being ones friends and diving one mad on that, defying protocol where can not have anything to do with those whom use implants on one, whom are causing one harm and driving one mad. They are making one mad cause the are mental an forcing about an defiance of protocol an cover up.

As an organisation they are not allowed to interfere in ones life, they are guilty of driving one mad where they are just covered up in race things as race corners and into mind games but they are all guilty of driving one mad where one has to prove it hence there presence alone where it is all mind games as to whom they are. Association must be put into logic gates where many arguments exist with race corners wanting too associate with one to talk to one but only after getting married, with the organisation also not wanting me out of there sight.

Again it is those behind the implants and conspiracy which is forcing about its presence in ones life and ones future, I guess because of isolation and there coverup is compromised, whilst it is as everyone whom is deemed to be wanting to associate with one but they are all deemed to behind the implants also, and following with the fascist rules or race rules. This association with the organisation is out of bound where they have always caused one harm.

Protocol must exist where perhaps one can check on whether certain people are guilty of causing one harm, or mean to cause one harm or have caused one harm or are apart of some conspiracy against one, but that protocol can only be enforced by myself or the fifth corner, and not by race corners or that organisation or this nation, hence those conspiring against one where they will just move to keep one isolated.

One can also deemed all three races to be guilty where one does not know whom they are, or anyone specific, unless it is proven other wise whilst protocol stand for the rest of ones life where ones rights can not be violated or compromised. Those whom do are not welcome and one should not have to explain why. It is not an race issues as such, it is an conspiracy but those consider it as such must also be consider an threat where they themselves will create an race issues and racially motivated organisation. Such an organisation would want the implants and one as an Human Guinea Pig.

It is simply kept as an organisation and an conspiracy, whilst an race issues is an issue that will go on forever with many issues of injustice likely. It is about implants and that it is what the threat is the problem is the implants and the threat to ones individuality, that is the problem that needs to be solved. Whilst allowing it to be considered as an race issues would the allows none whites to use the implants too violate ones rights to use the implants, and it would prevent them from using the implants or forcing about there own racial things into ones life. In an race things all race corners would be an threat to one, they would all just moved to control one and for there own interest.

As an organisation, nobody is allowed to use the implants or violate ones rights, or to act against one within this conspiracy to move against one, it would be conspiracy but race issues are allowing it. Allowing them to use the implants on one to disturb one to know ones thought to move against one. Issues on isolation where race issues are used to keep one isolated, where race corners are against one associating with anyone else whilst it is just used to keep one isolated.

It is not as if anyone wants to associate with one and as an conspiracy they are still routed out but they are also routed by race corners, race issues are used to route out women or people from ones life. It is not that they all want to associate with one as race corners, they never have done so, they are just moving to keep alienated to forcing one into exile, and doing so under racial pretences. To bringing about an rule of marriage before they have anything to do with one or associate or talk to one.

It is all illogical where as an organisation they are just running ones life to controlling everything about one, one way or the other, where one was not suppose to make sense of anything or prove anything.

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