Fascism and Race issues
Being an Human Guinea Pig it is all expected that there would be an race issues, but it is still an conspiracy it is still Fascism it should still be about implants and Experiments, but race issues are playing an active role in events and seems to be predomination the actual case, race corners, are intent on having there own racial interest meet before any recognitions of ones rights is even considered. Or the recognition of conspiracy or implants and the experiments.
As an race thing they do act, conspire and do things out race things, forcing ones life to turn in accordance to racial bias is Fascism. It is Fascism which ever way one looks at this, which ever race is conspiring against one and acting against one. As an organisation that organisation would still be fascist, they problem exist the conspiracy exist the fascism exist, whilst as to whom is fascist, well that is up to them, as to how they choose behave.
All the issues and the problems are the same the implants exist and the implants are used for its purpose, and all those whom choose to use the implants for its purpose are party to that Fascism. This is about fascism and implants and experiments, things are shifted into human nature, society, to the choices of people, will people will choose to enforce there own choices upon one.
Race corners will enforce there own racism onto one and into this, they will make decision based on race, they will dismiss one as an individual, and all that is individual about one for that which is racially orientated. It is about ones individuality but they will not care they will violate ones individuality, in every sense to dismissing all that individual about one or going against all that individual about one. Fascism.
Organisation Fascism, racism to race issues and corners are uncompromising, impossible not allowing for any issues to be solved, refusing to even understand or accept the problems exist in respect of ones Rights. They just dismiss ones rights and argue that it solves an race issues that exist between themselves. It all continues with all issues and any issues remain unresolved, the understanding is that there is an race issue and matters are solved accordingly,
nothing is recognised to exist as being the problem just an race thing, hence nothing is solved.
Everyone agrees to there racial differences, adding an artificial understanding to the problem, which is recognised as an race thing. Dismissing all issues of conspiracy or trial, or human rights to ones rights as an individual, to refusing to recognise the implants, refusing to get out of ones head, refusing from refraining from using the implants. Them all being quite happy in controlling ones life, quite accomplished where there objectives are reached, in controlling everything and everyone in ones life, to acting that there is no issue or problem.
They all even pretend to have solved all issues, but nothing is solved, where they have just got everything there own way, they have just managed to control everything, nobody even knows whom one is apart from those behind the implants, nobody knows what is inside ones head, even those behind the implants are denying any knowledge of things, nobody knows as to whom is using the implants, deny any knowledge of events of the conspiracy to the Experiments, I mean surely that would be the prime objective to find out what experiments are carried out.
They are impossible and the like being that way, and uncompromising where they mean to have things there own way and able to get things there own way, with race arguments to one having no choice in matters the implants the conspiracy the control they have over ones life which is all very much fascist. It is just an race issue where they all tend to argue against each other, or wish to justify there actions but they are fascist in there control over one.
They will be fascist, and are fascist where one has no choice but to comply with there demands, there presence there control there interference of ones life there running of ones life. One has to live with the events that occur in ones life, to deal with events, events which are created via conspiracy. It is all Fascism, where they know they have that control over ones life and able to interfere with all things to control all things to change the random events of life into an controlled event or an event which no longer occurs.
It is an conspiracy which is controlling all aspects of ones life, all of which is just covered up into race issues or race things as an motive to natural events thus deemed as normal but it is not normal is just brushed of as being as such, but it is hard to argue that ones life is controlled or events are as an result of an conspiracy, or ones head is messed with interfered with, to being repressed or ones life and head is being interfered with.
It is hard to argue that ones life is conspired against where one is considered insane, to being driven insane, and controlled into that insane behavior. Whom is one to or prove things to where they all know one has implants to being conspired against alas they are all involved to actively conspiring against one. Things are shifted into an race things an race issue. Where they are all involved to being guilty of conspiring against one and causing one problems.
It is shifted into an race issues as to what they all want or what ever everyone wants that is the same as everyone getting what ever they want out of this or nation getting what ever it wants out of this, to them all sharing things out ones thoughts ones mind to blending things into society and human nature. To them all savaging one to being in an state of anarchy, with them all wanting something out of this, and wanting to share out all of ones money that everyone games or benefits from this.
As an society they all get benefits for co-operating with the organisation, to the mind games as to what is going on, to them all offered free shopping or recognised for ones work, or as victims where they go mental on knowing of implants, and lead into race issues and race things where it is all played into an race thing. The nation wanting it all as an race thing, thus able to deal with any race issue that arise from this. Them all wanting to recognise an race thing and an race issues and not an conspiracy or implants or experiments.
It is an conspiracy which is just covering up its experiments its Fascism into an race thing, from which another fascist thing is bound to arise, where the conspiracy is playing for an race thing, to give rise to an tick tack tow situation, where it is then tick tack tow and all sides are guilty to them all just arguing and blaming each other, to sharing the blame, and having it all considered as an result of racial issues or differences. It tick tack tow but in ones head and with the problems one has and on dealing with any issue or problem that one has, as opposed to there being any issues between themselves.
The issues that one has is as an result of conspiracy and Fascism, that organisation being intent on controlling everything about one, on going against ones every thought. Issues are not just limited to the implants but in reality and as an conspiracy. All issues and problems are created by all three races, they all causing one the same problems, and just playing tick tack tow with ones head, them all intent on messing with ones head until ones bound to an race thing and an race solution.
Issues regarding isolating and associating, one is isolated by the conspiracy, whilst race corners also want one isolated, referring to race issues, shouting that they do not want one associating with whites, but in actual fact the do not want one to associate with anyone, but just being more specific when there identity is known, to people themselves not wanting to associate with one, to talk to one or to have anything to do with one.
On issues of recognition, the conspiracy is not going to recognize anything about one, it is an conspiracy against everything about one thus one is forced into character as would be specified by that organisation. There is an issue of discrimination which is the same as an refusal to recognize, whilst as race corners voice there refusal to recognize, arguing not to recognize anything about one until one gets married. As race corners and race issues things are toyed with as the motive.
Whites not wanting to recognise because of ones sending to China, but there rejection of ones rights has always been an issues, there refusal to recognise or rights, or anything about one has always been case, given also by the use of the implants, there presence. Whilst the damage caused by the conspiracy leave nothing to be recognise but insanity or one as an character, where one is isolated to the mind games there after as to what could be recognised.
It all falls under race things where blacks and none whites refuse to recognise because the whites refuse to recognise, and want one to blame whites to hate whites, not to associate with whites, not wanting it all considered as an organisation or conspiracy but as an race thing thus making sure that they themselves are not accused of anything. They would be considered as an organisation where they have not recognised anything about one and that is what one has proven.
Recognition includes ones rights hence, the respect for ones rights hence there removal from ones head, they would not be allowed to watch ones every move or know anything about one or use the implants or invade ones mind, and would not be allowed to use anything against if it was given by an violation of ones rights, but they are conspiracy and organisation which want control of one and over one. Whilst insisting on violating ones rights where whites are doing so and implying that one is just blaming them out of discriminating against them or being racist towards them.
All three refuse recognise ones intelligence or ones thoughts as ones own, them all arguing that it is because one has implants in ones head thus one can not be so clever or genius like or perfect or such an high flyer, and making sure that one is not by discriminating, and refusing to recognise, to treating one to be of an character. They often voice there contemp insisting that the do not want one to be clever or considered clever, thus able to keep one repressed or wasted.
All three argue that one is dumb or thick, covering up the refusal to recognise to using ones intelligence or stealing ones intelligence, to wanting one considered insane but unable to where one is considered intelligent. Whilst intelligence brings up the issues of recognition, and the evidence to show that one is not recognised, to them all needing to steal such thoughts hence to coverup and working away at things accusing whites or others of helping one, to stealing such genius from one themselves.
Recognition also includes the implants, conspiracy to ones innocence, all three races wanting one considered guilty thus shifting the blame onto one, instead of themselves being blamed which just allows others to blame one and get away with things. Finding one guilty of wanting war or sending to China or ill intentions or some trouble. Them all wanting one guilty thus not allowing one to accuse them or find them guilty of conspiracy, or being that organisation.
They all refused to recognise the implants thus one would have no choice but to give into them, to break to go insane to crack or prove the implants, the conspiracy and there presence to removing there presence. The problems are the same the mind games are predictable where they are all intent on not being caught, too defeating one or cracking one up, to using the implants for its purpose, to forcing one into an coverup or an mixup or insanity or race issues.
On issues of marriage them all wanting that where the case is then sidetracked away from trial. Not allowing the case to be brought to trial, and into race things also, whilst also and distraction from issues of them all being in ones head, where they are not allowing for there removal from ones head, to dismissing issues of control or experiments it is more suited to that of an organisation which conspiring against one as such but it does seem that all three races are guilty of such.
In respect of there presence, we know that an organisation has always been present in ones head and has always been using the implants. To argue that all three races have always been present and that they have always been using the implants, all remains to be proven an issue of mind games, where they are making everything else an problem in ones life. One feels that the have always been behind the implants, they have always been using the implants and perhaps one will need to prove, just to satisfy ones curiosity.
There presence alone means they are deemed guilty and are accused of being present and using the implants all my life, they are using the implants all the time, every day of ones life and when ever they fell like using the implants and doing so as experts whom are after ones mind thus to be experts they have always used the implants to having leant to do so, whilst since they are using the implants all the time then the must have done so all my life.
One knows of conspiracy and events in ones life, and maybe those events are conspiracy or as an result of conspiracy, there presence and role is thus through out this or as of from that point.
Ones knows of conspiracy as one knows of the presence of an organisation, and as such one is always aware of all three corners conspiring against one to being involved in all this and throughout ones life, it just details and one just has to prove it, but it would be the same as organisation and proving or knowing whom that organisation is.
One has had issues with all three races and one is having issues and problems with all three races, they are causing one problems as race corners, them all wanting it all mixed up as such but they have always messed with one head and are doing so and are dependent on doing so, to driving one mad into an race thing and an race issue just trivial race arguments. They are and always have been against one as everyone, and as everyone they have all caused one problems to being against one, where it just one thing after the other where they all just build of it all to just eating away at one.
It all shifts into race issues with nobody wanting to be blamed, or race corners do not want to be considered wrong or guilty of accused of conspiring against one, where they want whites to be accused and found guilty of things to being blamed, to being held responsible for this and not themselves as none whites. At the same time they want control of one and all that one does, as an fascist regime they want everything that one does to pass through them including ones every thought, for there approval.
The same control they already have over one as an organisation but them all wanting it official and legit, based on race issues, as an race corner they want control of one. Whites seeming to agree with this and have always adhered to it all with the various race corners getting things there own where it is deemed that an conspiracy an organisation exist and is trouble, thus race corners seeming to be getting things there own way, with all whites being blamed. It maybe that the nation does not care as long as one is kept repressed and disturbed, thus agreeing to what that regime wants or demands.
The issues lies with them all being guilty, them all being that conspiracy that organisation an organisation which is and has been using the implants on one, it is not about race issues, but there presence in one head and use of the implants, it is about the harm and the problems they are causing one not about issues they have with each other. One is just being passed from one organisation to another, or one race corner to another or from one person to the other it makes no difference, at the very least one still has rights as an individual, even if one is unable to prove anything else.
The are still an threat to one, fascist and conspiracy, still guilty of experiments to controlling ones head to using the implants for its very purpose. All issues are the same with all three races, all arguments are the same where they are all guilty but just able to play mind games, where they argue what about him or them or her, or whites. Whilst as an organisation they would be deemed guilty, whilst there defence would be ridiculous. As everyone or as race corners they may have an argument, an defence an act of covering up that organisation that conspiracy.
As an organisation they would argue against ones thoughts as being ones own, or ones mind as being ones own, thus stealing ones thoughts. They would accuse one of copying or voice an stance which is against one being recognised. Wanting one to waste, to keep one repressed, to forcing one to start again in all that one does, including dealing with this issue or the case. They would use the implants all my life to controlling ones head to driving one mad and mentally torturing one, not allowing one to sleep to work or to rest.
The same issues all exist with race corners, they race corners are causing one all most problem to them all arguing against one and standing against one in the same fashion as that organisation that regime. They are very much that regime, that organisation, where it is just mind games as to whom but it is one race or the other, and at times they all seeming to be jamming into ones head or in this together to wanting one mixed up, to bring about an coverup. They may all get away with things and perhaps coverup or mixup all aspects of this conspiracy or just revert to blaming an organisation.
They all have there own insane reasoning, motives to cause one harm, one is aware of there presence and intentions to cause one harm to cause one that problem, and they all seeming to be in an agreement to do so. To keep one isolated, to prevent one from sleeping where they are just able to add onto the pressure that one lives under, to experiments where they learning about the brain, to insanity where it all steams from insanity, one was not supposed to sleep through the insanity.
Insanity which was all created by them all, they where all making insane sounds and noises and messing with ones head. To always being present in ones head and bothering one when one is unable to sleep. As race corner they do not care about anything that one does, and are just messing up everything that one does as an organisation they would do so. Whilst as race corners they are just more interested in forcing one into there racism. Whilst it is still an coverup where they are just able to blame someone else or whites.
One is aware of issues in the past where one is set up into war games and into being trouble insane and angry and mental, thus of character and not an person whom knows what one is doing or having direction and able to deal with issues and problems. Whilst one would be able to accuse them for being present behind the implants, but it is all twisted around where one is deemed to be trouble or wanting war, whilst them all as an race corner are claiming to be innocent of all crimes. Insisting on marriage to talking to one, to being ones friend, wanting control of the implants and conspiracy. They are just as dangerous as that organisation.
As an fascist regime they wanting the same things they guilty of the same things, as an organisation they same as that organisation which is intent on watching ones every move or knowing ones every thought or using the implants on one, to controlling one with the implants. An organisation is controlling one and they are covering up as such, that organisation has an identity they would have to be someone or some body hence a white person or black or Asian,
it is not just an object but people, hence they must be that people or those people whom are that conspiracy that regime, that organization.
Issues on being repressed or ones progress, as an organisation they would want to curb ones progress, to keep one repressed, one has been kept repressed all my life. It all surfaces that all three races are wanting to curb ones progress to keep one repressed, and have conspired to do so, to using the implants to working against one to the conspiracy that exist. Repressed in the fashion of discrimination, to being kept out of main stream science to the refusal to recognize anything about one, many other events.
Whilst implants allows them to coverup that conspiracy to repress one, it all works with control, where one is controlled out of things hence no longer wants to do things, to the mind being repressed ones thoughts being blocked and repressed. To an stance and an argument against that which one does from studying to writing, to ones method of dealing with this to the defiance of protocol. There stance against everything that one does which is just described as the actions of the organisation but they are that organisation. The pressure on marriage to the mental torture where one is mentally tortured everyday that messes up ones progress.
On having one considered insane, conspiracy will do so but they are all using the implants to drive one mad to make one insane, there use of the implants is that which drives one insane to one begin considered insane based on ones complaints and behaviour, all of which is brought about by there use of the implants. They are as all three races which is driving one mad, using the implants to mentally torturing one and refusing to get out of one head, to forcing one into marriage and there mixup where one would be unable to accuse anyone or anything because of there madness or insane arguments.
Other issues on them all wanting to blame whites, which is an race view whilst it means that one then has to blame everyone, to blaming an nation, becoming involved in an race thing. It also means that none whites are blaming whites, to invading ones mind and being present behind the implants and using the implants to being poised to argue against ones mind or thoughts, as one figured they are but they do not want to be accused or blamed for anything.
There is no mixup as such, one just accuses those behind the implants it is not my fault that they all want to play mind games, with them selves arguing that others are to blame and blaming everyone else or whites or someone else and not wanting be considered guilty themselves. Them all wanting to coverup and covering up into an race things where they will all just blame the other race or each other .
They are all that conspiracy, and conspiring in this to bring about there own race arguments and racial interest and not allowing this to be considered as an conspiracy or an organisation but more of an race issue thus bringing about isolation and alienation. It also means that nobody gets blamed or is found guilty of anything, where they have all messed with ones head, to being all intent on controlling one, but the blame is put onto everyone to bringing about race arguments.
One knows them to be guilty by there use of the implants there presence, and there arguments, they are forcing one into an error and it is one error after the other and the same problems that one has had all my life, just that sooner or latter one will go into error or be forced or controlled into error. Protocol errors.
Perhaps they can be deemed guilty if they choose to stand as an race corner, guilty of causing one harm to driving one mad into there own racial interest. To being intent and present behind the implants to make sure of there own racial interest, thus very much fascist. Alas especially if they adamant on there own racism, and adamant on using the implants, to being hostile to that effect to having there intentions met.
Fascism is not limited to just attitude it is there intentions where they are intent on using the implants for its purpose, hence to control one to disturb one to drive one mad into there own way of life which is just an reflection of there own racial attitudes. They are intent on repressing the mind, on devolving the mind on having ones mind messed up on interfering with the mind, on stealing ones mind and thoughts on leaving one with nothing but insanity, an mixed up mind, alas even able to and intent on controlling the mind.
As an organisation they are intent on conspiring to control ones head ones brain, and will mess up anything that compromises this conspiracy. As an race corners they will do so out of being mad or mental, they will use the implants the will drive one mad, and repress one into there own angles, into what ever they think the problem is, hence ones refusal of marriage, or ones refusal of them and there presence. Into race issues to covering themselves up from there own insanity.
As an race corner they are intent on controlling, controlling one to mess on up and to force one into there own racism, into there own conspiracy and organisation. They are not allowing for there own rejection, and the rejection of anything they say or do in this or there interest in this. Where they will interfere in ones life and ones head for what they believe in, to disliking women in ones life or ones friends, to that which one is like as an individual.
It is not just limited to race, where the do not like anything about one, and have messed up everything that one does, including studying or typing to ones mind and mentality to ones thoughts, and over ruling case issues where they are intent on staying in control of one. They are still intent on leading one into there own mixup into there own madness, where they are conspiracy they are that organisation they have conspired against one all my life to messing with ones head and ones life.
There madness includes there refusal to handle the truth of conspiracy of implants of experiments, to being that organisation that conspiracy which is intent on controlling everything about one including ones head ones mind ones every thought, they have that control, and not allowing for anything but there control of one, and not allowing one to do anything but to be controlled, to doing ones head in every time one does something new, or uses ones head or considers matters.
They have no direction other than insanity, hence ones life is all insane, one has to live with there presence in ones head, there use of the implants the control they inflict over one to the violent use of the implants, the bashing of ones head. To communicating in this fashion and wanting it all as talking or conversing, but it is and always has been an invasion of ones mind ones sanity. To being intent distracting one on devolving one, on not allowing one to concentrate, or to use ones had or mind to know ones mind.
It is not just an organisation, they are all using the implants and are doing so for its purpose to driving one mad, to mess with ones head where that insanity is just normal an way of life, where ones sanity is alway compromised, where ones mind ones sanity is always invaded. They all want to justify it all with an want for marriage, into there own race angles and race issues to this idea of being better than one, and intent on inflicting Artificially induced control too mess one up in things.
They are only raising an race issues when they are accused as those behind the implants, thus doing so to cover themselves up from wanting one insane and dead, from all issues experiments, that of mind control, brainwashing.
The nation, the race corners have one stereotyped into an character where one is considered unable to do anything to being thick or dumb and insane, to being mental and perhaps in error or at fault, to having no direction or not even an clue of what to do in this. Considering one actions to be wrong or one to be mixed up, and unable to argue an point, to wanting war to ones notes and arguments being flawed. I guess what ever error or flaws they would do themselves, or limited to less then what ever they can do.
It is sufficed to say that they will not recognise anything about one, apart from one as an character, but alas it is they whom are of such an character. They are conspiring against one for there own race issues, to bring about an race thing, they all would want that and one as an pawn within it all, perhaps as an solution but it just an cover up. An coverup of conspiracy and the details of this conspiracy, the events of the conspiracy, the planning the psychopathic nature the planing, where in effect it has gone on without an trace.
An cover up of the experiments ones thoughts ones sanity ones mentality to ones attempts at solving matters. To all the finer details of events the events that occur on the daily basis and throughout all of this, the meaning and the purpose of such events. It is all brushed up into an race issues and into an issue of marriage and the control exist over one, and it is just one person or the other to the very top that is intent on controlling everything about one. The organisation just finding one way or the other to control one and sing one person or the other or race things or race corners to control one.
One is just controlled into the same outcome of events as would be conspired for by an organisation hence to stay confined to implants, to stay isolated to stay disturbed, to getting control of ones head to be wasted and repressed and controlled. To arguing as psychopaths in many aspects of things, arguing on wanting to listen to one after, to being ones friends to being nothing, to asking one about implants and other issues where they are those in ones head, and know everything that I know.
Those conspiring those responsible are of all three races, it is there conspiracy there use of the implants that is keeping one isolated, there intentions to isolate one and doing so by mentally torturing one, by keeping one disturbed. It is they themselves that is disturbing one with the pressure on marriage, just doing ones head with that, they are those whom are going after ones mind ones thoughts with pressure on marriage and in effect repressing ones mind they are those whom are behind the implants all the time. They are those whom have always and are intent on using the implants all the time, to getting the control over one to getting the use of the implants in the manner they are using the implants.
As an organisation they would have it in for one as an conspiracy they would have it in for one, they would make up things and they would just find reasons to have it in for one to cause one problems, but they would not want to be seen or considered as an conspiracy thus It all comes across as society and human nature. As race corners them all just finding some motive to have it in for one or fabricating motives to cause one problems, to being conspiracy and having this control over one thus able to force one into error.
They have it in for one and they have always caused one problems, they conspiracy has always done so the nation has always made ones life difficult and impossible but under what pretense. They are all able to cause one problems with the implants and have always done so, needing an reason, an pretext, to finding an reason and motive for doing so where it is an public thing, or as an nation or as everyone. They are just justifying there actions in public so to speak, through this all being broadcasted.
They are intent on make an example out of one where one is of character whilst they are all considered to be better than one or in charge or an race corner, with this mind games as to what the scenario is. Whether it is as everyone or an nation or as race corners whom are intent on having things there own way, and arguing against everyone or getting everyone on there side with one being isolated, alienated. They are the same as an organisation just that they have an identity of being an race corner.
As an organisation they will want one insane and dead, whilst as race corners they would also want one insane and dead it was to blame things on whites where one was dead anyways and it was impossible to do anything about that intentions to have one insane. Other issues would be out of money and fame and fortune the benefit from all of this as victims, they would all be considered as victims or benefit from this as an race thing. But if one was alive one would accused them all, whilst just benefiting myself, whilst no organisation would want one to profit or benefit from this.
They all will be able to make sure of an race things by having one killed, making sure of no solutions other than there race solution, or race thing, them all wanting an race thing and not allowing for anything to voice there own racism, to have there own anger in this like that, but it makes no sense in driving one mad unless it is because of protocol and logic gates which would just make sure of fifth corner rule, and an logical solution. Perhaps it is because of an cover-up perhaps they all agreed to an cover-up, but perhaps it has everything to do with an conspiracy of war.
It is more than an organisation where ones mind is being messed in respect of an race thing one is being forced into an race thing and an race corner, not really an solution where marriage does not solve anything, although they say they will stop bothering one as race corners. It does not solve anything in respect of experiments or control or conspiracy. Whilst they are just messing with ones head and driving one mad into there own running and control of the implants.
All three races are forcing one into an race corner and allowing the race corner the run of play in things, or control of the outcome of events or being in charge of this. They are just messing with ones head, and the past events, the details of this to have one lead into or forced into an race corner. It is all true, the events occurred the problems existed and one has dealt with things as one thought best, but the problem and the threat has always been the implants and the use of the implants the threat posed by the implants. The organisation itself , those behind the implants.
As race corners they are all having an dig at one, causing the same damage as that of conspiracy and that of an organisation the same errors and the problems the same actions as that of an organisation. They all argue in the same fashion as that organisation it just listed as an organisation where one is unsure as to there identity. They all argue that one is wasting ones time or that there is no point to one or there is no use to that which ones does or writing to nations or sending round the world.
They all argue against one notes, against having one recognised based on ones notes and intelligence ones thoughts which they all mean to contend against and even claim as there own. They all want one to prove that ones thoughts are ones own, ones intelligence is ones own where they are intent on washing one of things of messing up ones head of filling ones head with rubbish of blocking ones head of not allowing one to know anything but insanity, alas to having one considered insane. It seems to be all about control where everything compromises there control over one.
As an fascist regime they have extreme control over one, money or association to that of recognition or that of an social life or an career or what ever would mean they have no control over ones life or no means of controlling ones life, or an say in ones life or able to be dominate over one or in charge of one or this interference in ones life to be able to force there own way of life onto one. It all includes this control of ones every thought and ones Brain,
and control of the jaws, face and the violent control they have over one, to the mental torture and pressure.
They do not care about ones socialise life, ones career ones fiances or ones future they will just continue to cause one harm and damage, an organisation would not care about ones say ones interest in things that which ones wants to do or that which one likes, that which one considers or would like to consider that of music or Beethoven, to that of thoughts the feel good factor, they pleasure in just considering matters. They would not even want one to have thoughts, to consider that which one does with ones time. All three races are the same where they just want one insane, and controlled.
All three races care not for ones social life to ones career or finances, they will put an end to all things where they care not for ones possible investments or view on matters they are just intent on driving one mad, to what ever they want, mentally torturing one into marriage, they are the same people the same organisation. Whilst as an organisation they are wanting one to try for an race war, I guess one is considered guilty based on an character, whilst them all in this together on those grounds where one is considered trouble.
They nation has alienated one because one is an victim, and they are basing there defence on the fact that one is an victim thus one is trouble or guilty of ill intentions or wanting war, that one would want war which is just conspiracy. The problem is they are putting such war things into one head and making one angry until one starts to argue in accordance to that which they want to hear.
Whilst one is unsure as to how one would raise or give rise to an race war. Especially when one does not want to give rise to such an war, and is in fact trying to prove that such an conspiracy of war exist and one is an pawn in such an conspiracy. Annoyed with the tampering around and there ability to make one angry, thus one responds with war through China, but declaring that if one would want war then one would have move through China, not with an race war. One also knows that all three races have it in for one therefore for one to race an race war would not be possible.
Whilst having China on ones side would be useful where the issues always revert back to the implants and experiments forcing them all to consider there own actions as being an act of war to that of being inhumane. Whilst all three races are the same as that organisation they are all and have all caused one the same issues and problems as would be expected from an organisation, an fascist regime. One has to prove that it is all three races that is intent on controlling one or they will move to stay in control of one and ones head for what ever reason.
One is arguing and having to deal with all three races or anyone one of the races at any one time, whilst they would have to have an origin of race thus they would have to be either Whites, Blacks or Asians, and racial motivated thus binding others of there own race to themselves.
Them all wanting there race things as an solution using racism as an solution to things wanting to be racist or being racist to force one into an racial solution this tick tack toe in things, whilst one does not deny they are racist, just that they have all agreed on an racial solution. That they do not want one associating with whites, and they all agree to that to have always conspired accordingly. It is more to do with isolation and alienation, with the conspiracy just being covered up into an race thing.
It has also more to do with women where one adapts to isolation and proves that the nation is keeping one isolated and confined to the implants, whilst it was bound to turn into race things where they are all involved to needing an means of keeping one isolated. But it is all conspiracy, they have all conspired against one as an organisation, just that there happens to be an racial issues which divides them all. Organisation will move to control one in things and has done so all my life, they are just using race things where they have always been that conspiracy that organisation.
Other issues on the whites wanting one to stick or stay with ones own kind which is just racist of them, but it does seems as if the are coopering with the race corners, where they are race corners also want things that way and want one rejected by the whites, alienated from anyone that one associates with, forcing one to be isolated, and confined to implants and themselves, they are just having this considered as an race thing, but it is all conspiracy it is all Fascism. Them all not wanting one, or allowing one to associate with anyone.
It is all an side track into something else and one thing after the other, whilst they are all arguing as human nature as one person or the other one what ever they all think is right or wrong and one has to deal with there presence there, views or opinions, it is an clash in mentalities too individualities, they all clash and they all interfere and drive one mad they are and have always made one mad in all things. They are no different from being that conspiracy that organisation just that they have an identity, to just arguing against one on all things where this is forced into being an way of life.
One has to prove or show that it is them as an race corner and as everyone, and they are no different from that organisation, and perhaps guilty even though it is as society, guilty of experiments to driving one insane to conspiracy to being intent on controlling one head and ones life, suffix to say it would be as nation that is all conspiracy. Whilst all the issues and arguments are going on in ones head and that is an case issues, that is an problem, it may go into reality but they are still guilty and sick to argue in ones head.
They are driving one sick to be arguing in ones head, where there is an clash in all things, one just refrains from going mental.
It seems that one is up against everyone and always has been, where they have all surfaced as anyone and everyone as society into being anyone and everyone, they all act as if they have some right to do this to use the implants, to watch ones every move, to interfere with ones life to conspire against one. They are doing so and just able to blame it on an conspiracy or just playing stupid where they do not want anything to be dealt with or solved or recognised.
It is very much an nation and they are just forcing one into an race things into an mixup and an coverup of things, where they are just pretending on all sorts of angles but it just one angle there intention to control one, ones head and ones life. There intention to keep one as an Human guinea pig, and have done so, and messing with ones mind to mix things up to have things covered up, not allowing for any issues to be considered or to be brought to trial. An planned coverup where they have all planned on this mix up, as per conspiracy they would plan an coverup thus that coverup is there conspiracy to just to force about other issues, other variables to having all sides of the problem exist.
An nation is trying to coverup its conspiracy against one and creating an mixup with all things, as to whom is conspiring against one to what the problem is to just leading one into an insane solution, into being controlled one way or the other, where it is as human nature doing so or society and people whom just denying there actual motive or intentions, to denying all knowledge of all things. To race things where it is all split into race things but again denying there role in this, there purpose there intentions to conspire and to control everything about one.
As an nation they have always done so and have allowed everyone to do so, to invade ones life and ones mind ones thoughts to use the implants, to interfere in one life and one shed where one is forced to deal with the implants, and those behind the implants, the organisation which is intent on messing with ones head and that mess is even better if they are able too get everyone to mess with ones head and to use the implants. As everyone and race issues and corner, they would all do so.
They have done so and they do all have control of one, as an nation as race corners as one person or the other, they are all just trying to justify there actions or there control over one, to cover up this Fascism or any trace of conspiracy. They nation is forcing everything to be as normal or as an way of life, there presence there use of the implants there control over ones life this conspiracy being shifted into everyone choice to race issues.
They are forcing everything to be as normal, trying to argue and to be against all that one does, as if there presence or use of the implants is acceptable, as if I know whom they are or they have this right to invade ones mind, and to tell one what to do. As if they have an right to control one, to argue against that which one does, to questioning one in all that one does. They are forcing it to be as human nature, to be normal as if everyone has an view or an opinion which is all confined to ones head but not allowing there actions to be considered as an violation of ones rights or Fascism or conspiracy.
In race things in human nature they will always find some one or something which will go against one or have an view which just challenges ones own, and you always find that one person or the other goes against one and doing so for one reason or the other, as an nation where one just kept pressured one way or the other, even though one is right on all things they will always find someone whom thinks different or does not think so to just finding one
reason or the other to keep one in this mess.
As everyone an nation they will all want something out of this, they will all do something for something thus they are all wanting something out this, from money to causing one harm to experiments, to control to power to racism to covering up to that of there own Fascism, hence control to that of marriage. They all have conspired in all in this for some reason or the other, as nation or other wise. Them all wanting things to be all legit, to going on about race issues to allowing Blacks and Asians to have there own way in all things or deemed to be the flow of things, to an pretence of meaning well.
As nation they have all caused one what ever problems they can, to causing one what ever damage they can, and they have every intentions to do so, as in getting everyone to use the implants on one and not allowing one to know anything but the use of the implants, to knowing ones own mind or thoughts, to driving one insane in all that exist in ones life to all that one knows, there very presence. This thing of allowing none whites there own way means they have control over one and one is forced into there own race things.
As conspiracy and as people they will just be the same as whites in all this to causing problems and issues on money to ones intelligence to stealing ones thoughts to doing experiments and controlling one and messing up ones life one way or the other. They are all conspiracy but they all want this to be considered normal or legit perhaps because of an coverup because they all agreed to an cover or what ever reason but they are the same as that organisation which has conspired against one all my life. They all meant for this to happen, for one to be isolated to grow old to waste to have no friends to feel small to be small and inferior to be consider thick and dumb and to feel that way.
Them all wanting things to be legit, there presence there use of the implants there control over ones life, but in an way it has always been legit where one has always been unable to prove it, everything has always been brushed into normality to them all forcing things into and as an race thing where race corners have control over one and are running ones life or have an controlling say in all that goes in ones life. To them all playing into role of things in there pretense on not being that organisation but they are very much that regime.
Them all insisting on controlling ones life out of race things to the nation agreeing with them all and each other, going on about me having to seek there permission in all that one does, it is the same as an organisation but them all wanting me to go through them in all that one does, race corner forcing about this control because of an race thing but they are all that organisation that conspiracy they are those whom have always conspired against one and have brought about this race thing to wanting everything as an race thing, to the control of one.
As an organisation they warn one often that they will control one they will mould one, they will control, and are controlling one and are doing so within there own race arguments and within there own conspiracy there own games in this to that of isolation where they are isolating one and forcing one to know and believe that which they want one to know, and forcing one to believe that which they want one to know. That nobody will listen to one or likes one, or would believe or that everyone is on there side to one being an minnow. It all leading to and including there want for marriage, arguing that this would all over if ones was to get married.
It is all organisation at work but that organization is made up of all three races, and they all have the same objectives, they are all the same in things where they do not want to be found out, to getting away with all the problems they have all caused one. As an organisation the are messing with ones head and driving one mad into marriage an coverup where they have all just dealt with to bringing about there own race issues. The organisation wanting to coverup from all things, doing so through race thigns where they race are just arguing accordingly
On issues of saving or protecting one or wanting to talk to one or pretending to mean well, or wanting to help, as white it would not work, they would not get away with things but as race corners and those of an different race they are able to argue as such to mix things up as such. They are the same as an organisation however, in every sense, in all aspects of control to that of conspiracy to having conspired against one all my life, they are just able to get away with things by blaming whites arguing that it is whites whom have caused that problem, whilst being those whom refuse to get out ones head.
They are basing all things on marriage and using marriage to annoy one and to side track one into something else and into there control of the case, but in wanting marriage they are guilty of all the issues and problems that one has had with there want for marriage. Whilst most aspects of this conspiracy is done through this want for marriage where they have damage and messed up everything ab out one to driven one mad with the pressure and mental torture on marriage.
It is very much more than an organisation that is guilty of driving one insane, and very much whites to Asians and blacks whom have been doing so, a nation that has been intent on driving one mad into marriage and into some sort of coverup. Whilst they all that conspiracy that organisation those whom have always messed with one head, to driving one mad they are and have always driven one mad and continue to do so, where they are intent on justifying there actions to just pretending to be innocent. With every intentions of interfering and controlling ones life.
They are all the same as an that organisation, to just making things legit, finding reasons and excuses to be watching one and to be in one head, where they are just explaining things away but it is always and has always been because of an conspiracy, and because of there intention to interfere with ones head, ones mind to interfere and to control ones life. They are just explaining things away where one has prove it all to them all just playing mind games where they know ones mind ones arguments, as an nation they are just shadowing one and making sure that things are all mixed up.
They are just explaining away things but the motive is there intentions to use the implants and to control one through the implants, and conspiring to do so and they have done so as an nation as everyone as race issues as an conspiracy and as an fascist regime, and they are just bull-shitting there way through this, and have always done so, using what ever they can to control the idea that they are all watching ones or everyone is watching one or being embarrassed by one or afraid of one or what ever but shifting things into an way of life there presence there knowledge of ones every move or ones every thought to knowing one as an person.
Them all being embarrassed by one as the person or ones an character, but suffix to say it is as everyone it as an nation which is intent on controlling one and doing so, and seem intent on keeping this control over one thus arguing to know better than one to considering ones actions as being wrong, to expecting one to do as they want, giving rise to race issues and the issues of human nature where there will always be one person or the other whom will want to interfere in ones life to wanting control of one, same as that conspiracy that organisation which will find an way of staying in control of one.
It would suffix to say that they are all fascist people whom like using the implants on one, with intent on controlling ones life through the implants it is not just an fascist organisation but an regime, even an nation where they are guilty of all the elements of Fascism as listed with this. As an organisation they are all able to blame it on some one else but they have all as an society used the implants on one all my life and tend to use the implants as and when they please, the rest is just mind games.
One is an Human guinea pig one is going to have problems with all races, with them all wanting to interfere with one life to wanting this control over one life, but they have gone through the implants to control ones head and ones life to force things into there own racial
interest, to forcing one into there own ways, and it just means that they are an organisation and conspiracy. They insist that it is for protection, and they are in effect putting that into ones head into ones life, much of there arguments are like that unless ones responds.
Most of the time they are just driving one mad on marriage and being hostile on such matters, being angry over such matters, it would mean they are race corners, and using the implants to being experts with there use of implants, to causing one harm and meaning to do so, to doing one head and damaging all aspects of ones life. Whilst they mean one harm and having nothing on one, no excuse to cause one harm with, thus just using marriage or to argue that one is to be killed or dead, it is all insane reasoning. They do not care about the harm they cause one but are able to cover there ill intentions with this want for marriage.
But in doing so they are as anyone and everyone they are as society, and as race corners, to creating an race issues or playing there role within one, a race issues which they hae all chosen to bring about, where they do not care about ones sanity or the implants. As everyone as an nation they have conspired to control everything about one ones head ones life ones mind and all that is individual about one. Fascism, where they have controlled one all my life, and controlled all aspects of ones life and everyone in ones life.
They are all against all that one does and has done through out my life, as an organisation and as everyone also where they just say no to everything, and it all includes sending to nation or writing, or reading or studying, to that of chatting to women to associating or socializing to issues of discrimination and ones thoughts, and it is not just about money or recognition or sex or women in ones life but it is about all things individual. They are against all that is individual about one, it is not about one sending China or complaining to China.
They are all twisting around ones motives, and intentions as an organisation would, as they all would where they will just mess with ones head, they will just drive one mad until one says what they want to hear or one is as guilty as can be.
As an organisation they have conspired against one and ones mind ones every thought, they are that conspiracy and they have an means of messing on up and are bound to do so, bound to use the implants to mess one up in things, bound to mess up ones character as they have done so as all three races have done so and conspired to do so. They are building there own stance against one based on the damage to ones life the mess they have forced one into,
into having no life, no friends, no nothing.
They have all made sure of things as an nation also, and no doubt per conspiracy they are forcing one into an coverup, driving one insane into an coverup as a nation, and as an organisation, and as all three races which is driving one mad into marriage. Forcing about an cover up to an pretence, on being reasonable, fair and just. Alas they are covering up from conspiring against one all my life, and there ill intentions. There intentions to control ones life ones head ones mind ones every thought.
They are toying with human nature, playing there mind games within society and with human nature as an conspiracy and as an organisation, it is there own mess, it is there own insanity as an nation or other wise, they are all guilty as an race corners or an organisation, it is all conspiracy against one all the same and that conspiracy is more than evident given by there presence. One is not involved with anyone here or anything here, one is not wanting to be drawn into being involved with this madness.
It will suffix that they are conspiracy, they are an organisation which has and is keeping one as an human guinea pig, as an nation or otherwise also where it applicable where they have involved everyone and as an nation everything is against one, and everyone is deemed to be against one, to being involved in this to using the implants to being in one head and refusing to get out of ones head. They are involved via conspiracy via that organisation it is there own mixup there own mind games there own defiance of protocol. One does not want to be drawn into such mind games.
Them all having an habit of attacking ones mind, ones sanity, whilst pretending to be all innocent, to dismissing the fact that they are invading ones mind, as an organisation they are intent on having everything there own way and conspiracy which is intent on having and making sure that it has everything it is own , to finding an means of carrying out its intentions, using and working through society to people, to race corner, using Asians and blacks to whom ever and what ever to go against one finding a means of carrying out there objectives. An objectives of covering up into human nature, into having things mixed up and insane.
To getting everyone to co-operate with them, to conspire against one to act against one to violate ones rights to use the implants on one to bring about an grave injustice, to bringing about Fascism to give rise to Fascism one way or the other. To have one controlled to have one defied, one way or the other, to test ones sanity thus forced to deal with everything and everyone, to do everything, even Einstein could not do Everything.
The conspiracy has, they have all kept one confined to the implants, isolated repressed and controlled. Association is an problem with them all where they all defy protocol on using the implants on one and that is problem and has always been the problem, it is about stopping the use of the implants and regaining one rights these people just depend on using the implants. They are intent on forcing one into marriage with there conspiracy and use of the implants, but they are just covering up from being fascist, from controlling ones head.
They have as everyone, to that of an organisation always chosen to use the implants on one , and have never attempted to associate with one, or talk with one thus one refuses to associate with them in the future, where they are those behind the implants to those whom have always caused one harm with the implants, they are the same as organisation but as everyone and anyone. As an organisation they are forcing one to associate with themselves,
not allowing for any natural or normal association, this control over whom one talks to and when.
As an organisation they will use the implants to cause one harm, any and all use of the implants is intended to cause one harm, to make one sick to insane one, whilst the are all using the implants, and using the implants to do ones head in, they have always been intent on doing so and found ways of doing so, to going after ones mind one sanity in respect of the context of things or mentality knowing ones mind and just attacking ones mind or mentality. Just finding things to argue over to make an issue.
They are forcing about women in one life to be an issue, that of sex and marriage whilst dismissing everything else as an issue, whilst making everything an problems or using everything to bring about marriage and there own way of life. Making sure that one stays isolated to one staying repressed, and disturbed. One does not approve of anything about them because the are conspiracy, that organisation but it just happens to be that they are also race corners, to being anyone and everyone whom are just twisting things around, being against one for what ever insane reason.
It is all Fascism, It is all still conspiracy, but that which is Fascism is all washed into racism and race issues, blended into society into natural events, and mind games as to whether natural or normal events are conspiracy, where it is through normal and natural events they are able to cause one problems, it is through society and it is society, it is through racism and race issues that they are causing one issues and problems.
One is shadowed, thus they are able to move ahead of one, they know ones mind ones thoughts they know what one is thinking to telling one what to do, and testing ones sanity, where it is the same as that which one has mind they just want to move ahead of one and to control one to order one to argue to be better than one or knowing better than one, to pressure one to do things, and it is things that I am going to do anyways and does just go under pressure. It is people and family to things and pressure being blended into human nature, and explain as one being dumb or thick .
It is all Fascism, whilst Fascism also involves discrimination, and they are all discriminating against one, discriminating against one in the sense that they are against that which one can do and not allowing one to that which one is capable of doing, refusing to recognise anything about one, to making sure that others are recognised for the same things whilst one is just same as keeping one as an Human guinea Pig.
They all have that fascist mentality of trying to control everything about one not just hidden from behind the implants but as to how one should behave, as to whom one should talk too, to things on how one should read body language and people which is all conspiracy and tampering with ones mind , this moulding of ones mind it is all Fascism. Perhaps it is no so random where the organisation is able to control all that goes on around one that which one comes across, and they are able to place events and people and there behaviour to working on the mind.
It means that people are involved and that they are working on and using human nature or people to interfere with the mind this attempt to change sides where they all want to be in control of one for one to listen to them, or for them to be considered clever , where all angles are possible and they are that organisation and have every intentions of moving in what ever direction they can as insane people or mental people. It all means that it is more than an organisation and it is also race corners to people whom are intent on interfering with ones mind, to wanting things to be legit, to be considered normal or right for them to do so, where they argue to be better than one.
The conspiracy is still active without an trace, where it is the same as an organisation but it is as everyone where they are still moving without an trace, they are still conspiracy and without an trace still using the implants to being in ones head to not knowing whom they are or able to prove there guilt, where it is always going to be and is mind games as to there role in this, there motive for using the implants and there presence.
They are all trying to cover up from knowing ones mind ones thoughts from reading the mind, same as organisation where they are all intent on accusing one of copying to stealing ones notes and thoughts, to finding race reasons to do so and raising race issues, arguing that whites will kill them all or harm them all and they do not want to be discriminated against to accusing whites of helping one and by what ever means the nation the conspiracy is intent on stealing one thoughts ones mind on not allowing one to be recognise for anything apart from trouble.
This is all driving one insane, as an conspiracy, as an organisation, and they are all intent on driving one insane, this is all insane but it is an way of life, but it is still insane and insanity there use of the implants there presence there Fascism. There ill intentions which is all covered up into an pretense of meaning well to mentally torturing one into marriage. It is about insanity the control over ones head ones life ones thoughts, it is all about driving one insane. Them all wanting it as or to be considered as reasoning with one where they will cause one problems they will bother one they will control one if ones does not listen to them.
They are that organisation they are that conspiracy as an nation or other wise, they are bound to mess with ones head in all that one does to drive one insane in all events, to mess with the mind in all that the mind comes across, they have done so to switching to doing so by using marriage, and going after ones head with every thought that one has of getting on with ones life, of working or reading or studying, they use marriage to disturb one, to do ones head to drive one mad in every turn. It was always there intentions to have one mad just that the pressure of marriage allows them to cover up there ill intentions at the same time.
They organisation will not allow one out of there sight, will not allow for anything out of there control, will not allow for an single thought pass through them, and they are the same as everyone else the three races whom have no intentions of allowing me out there sight or allowing for anything outside of there control, not allowing for an single thought to pass through them, as control fanatics, as an racial organisation. There is no difference between the organisation and any of those behind the implants, as race corners or otherwise.
The organisation will find a way of staying in control of one, forcing about there presence in ones life, and controlling one for the rest of ones life, they have messed up ones life, so as to allow themselves to argue to do so, arguing to know better than one, to being an race corner and race issues, using race issues to stay in control of one, and mean to do so out of this feeling of power and dominance.
They are intent on forcing about there presence in ones head, and ones life, using the implants for its purpose, where I have always know of there presence and conspiracy but it has always been conspiracy and mind games, and it just continues as such where they will not allow for any truth to exist. The organisation just wants one to believe anything they say, same as race corner whom are intent on having one follow what every they do and say, they are forcing about hostile control over one and the implants, using marriage as means of forcing about this control over one.
They are an race corner which is driving one mad and race issues applicable, where they will not allow me out of there control, out of sight, to being against any association that one has with anyone else or that of the opposite race, same as that of conspiracy or organisation which has moved to block everything I ones life to prevent one from doing anything an everything to forcing one into an coverup . To going on about giving one things which are ones already, covering up from the damage there own conspiracy to cause that damage to being sick and pretending to mean well.
Them all driving one mad into marriage and going on about marriage, driving one insane one going on about having everything there own way, to standing on an race things, to complying with the nations policy of keeping one confined to the implants to using the implants and not allowing one to know anything else but the use of the implants and doing so all my life, they have forced one to be live ones life through and via the implants.
They are intent on forcing one into an cover up into marriage, into there own way of life, using race thing to coverup from the Fascism that is the implants that is the mind control that is the brainwashing, it is an conspiracy to drive one insane, and they will drive one insane one way or the other they are psychopaths whom have just covered up from there own insanity, there sick games, they are still driving one sick .
It all about ones rights which are dismissed by everyone, by them all where they always mean to use the implants on one, to drive one insane to mess with one head, to drive one insane and dead, just that they are covered up into an race solution, with race corners going on about wanting marriage and dismissing all issues of control and Fascism, conspiracy and thus an coverup and same as that of an organisation.
Them all driving one mad into marriage claiming that is the first thing they all want, not allowing one to deal with any issues or problems, them all wanting to deal with things there own way, to interfere to have things as an race thing. They are as race corners and as an organisation, where they are they are also the problem and causing all the same problems as that of an organisation, they have always done so therefor they are that organisation, and it is this nation which has it in for one.
They are not going to allow one to deal with any issues or have things solved, where one still has to deal with all the same problems of implants, experiments, there presence, there use of the implants, to isolation, repression to that of control. Race issues are the same where they are intent on changing sides after forcing one into an corner, where they have this control over the implants and ones life. Them all wanting one to believe that it is all racism and wanting one choose ones own race.
With an organisation it maybe, but with everyone all whites and all the whole nation one is not so sure, the conspiracy is and has alienated one and it is conspiracy and perhaps can be seen as an nation. Whilst being treated wrongly can be twisted into an race thing or considered as such, the conspiracy would have one treated wrongly. The organisation would be racist and they will gang together in this, but it is conspiracy it is Fascism it is about implants and that racism is just an trait of there character.
It is more of an conspiracy, but race corners want things as an race thing and are moving to make sure of there own racism, conspiring in all this accordingly, causing the same problems as that of an organisation, to being racist to being the cause of the problems and in effect making sure of an racial division and rise. The problem may already exist, where one is confined to race things and ones life is run by and within that race issue. Them all wanting one thing or the other, and suiting there own race things.
They are very much that regime that conspiracy but just arguing on race things and race issues, but it is not an race thing them all just using race but they do all have it in for one because of the implants the experiments there cover up, whilst it makes no difference as to what race they are they should not be in ones head, or using the implants, they are that conspiracy that organisation they are giving rise to an race thing.
Organisation to race corners always arguing that this is because of marriage, driving one mad and dismissing all issues of the case that one has, to being experts with the implants, and messing with ones head until they have things there own way where one has no choice in things one is say subjected to mental torture, this Fascism this control of ones life ones head where they will not allow a single thought outside of there control.
They will all carry out an grave injustice, as an nation and as race corners, they all want that injustice to occur whether that is an conne or for one to go insane or to be blamed for things, to them all using the implants on one to stealing ones mind to forcing one to waste to having one considered thick and insane. The damage already being done, where ones life is all messed up, and they are all responsible they have all played an role in things, that is injustice
but they must have justified such actions, to just continuing with that injustice into one thing after the other.
They are intent as race corners on justifying things as there want for marriage but it is an conspiracy of war, where they are guilty of experiments of driving one mad , wanting one insane to messing with one head, to controlling one head, to playing mind games on race issues. They are guilty of conspiring against one all my life, of driving one mad all my life to going on about marriage, forcing one to suffer until one gets married but it is not about marriage it is about there ill intentions.
As an nation they are intent on driving one mad into marriage, of conspiring against one along with race corners into an marriage, and driving one mad to causing one problem with the implants and all the same issues and problems that one has with conspiracy and that control over ones life. Controlling ones life through the implants through the mental torture, to controlling this society and ones environment through toying around with race issues to women in ones life to that of sex. Brushing away all aspects of ones rights into an issue of marriage.
Since they are race corners moving out of there own racial differences they are an fascist regime, the same as an fascist regime with intentions to control one to argue against one in respect of all that one does ones thoughts ones mentality ones own choices the are going against everything just out of being mental and thick but wanting to be consider clever. Just going against every direction that one goes in out the hell of it, to playing mind games into an race thing. They are all going to follow through and with the bait of race things or issues to that of marriage or money things that which can be used as bait.
They are question, prob the mind on that which one has done or one intends to do, or wants to do and would have done, leading one into and setting one up into ill intentions and war games, the conspiracy is bound to, but them all as race corner are also guilty of the same, them all wanting one wasted and finished, I guess forcing one into having no choice but to do as they want and to do things there way. Into marriage and some insane solution where they all need to coverup from conspiring against one and there own actions in all this.
Race corners wanting it as if one is showing off, but they should not be watching one, to having one looking small, thick or dumb not so clever, which is all conspiracy and organisation at work not human nature and society but they are covering up as such and wanting to be considered as someone else but that conspiracy. It is all conspiracy but them all not having it as conspiracy them all wanting as racism and protection, to an way of life to that of an cover up of conspiracy to this Fascism.
Issues of implants to that of conspiracy , and implants are just repressed to emerging as an race thing, into an race thing to that of an issue of marriage, they all seem intent on sitting on things until they all have everything there own way, to one being forced into an race issues. The organisation is making sure all the problems exist, where they have control over everything about one through insanity.
They are all conspiracy, that fascist regime, and will not allowed a single thought out of there control. Nothing goes on without there control, it is there conspiracy to create all issues and problems, there is no chaos or mixup it is all created it is all conspired to be achieved, it is an coverup, it is there own mind games there own mixup. As for race things it is an conspiracy by all the races them all wanting it as just whites, but then none whites should not be pissing me off or causing one problems or crossing one to supporting the whites to being the same as that organisation.
They are all forcing it into trouble cause they all want trouble as three races and have always caused that trouble, it is not just limited to that of the implants but one just knows of the implants, suffix to say they have and are conspiring to cause trouble and are causing one problems in all things. They are conspiracy given by there presence behind the implants, and the thing of issue is the insanity that one has been put through, they are and must be guilty of driving one insane alas they have covered up into this want for marriage.
Covering up further into stealing ones notes ones arguments to ones identity and intelligence where they are dead set on having one insane and repressed. The issues are the same as that of an organisation, where they are keeping one as an Human guinea pig, and covering up from driving one insane via calming one mind ones thoughts ones arguments and intelligence as there own. Same as that which an fascist regime would attempt to cover up into.
Them all putting race things into the mix, it is as an side track , where there enough issues and problems to get on with whilst they will all be able to play tick tack toe, doing so and happy with it all them all coming to some negotiations or truce where they all seem to agree with there own racism.
They have just added race issues into the mix, to everything surfacing as an race issues, one is just forced to deal with there madness, it has always been the case where one has always been aware of all three races, same as now but it is all mind games as to whom they are, or as to whether it is race corners or not. They are intent on forcing about there own race things into ones life, forcing one to consider it as an race thing and to have ones life and future, to follow through with it, to have one married and probably confined to this race corner.
Whilst they are they same as that organisation, and intent on arguing that one is washed to them forcing about what ever they want or how ever they want one to live ones life, to doing so already where they deemed ones natural abilities to be as an result of impants to moving agianst things including that of say typing or women in ones life and ones genius. As an organisation they are intent of forcing things to into Ai then arguing that such things are Ai thus preventing one from doing those things or taking on that identity.
They are obsessed with marriage as race corners and forcing everything to be the same as that organisation and conspiracy causing all the problems and mind games, messing with ones mind as to what, whom and why, to isolating one and working on the mind to forcing one into there race things and into there marriage. To them all arguing on marriage as an nation and as everyone, covering up into that marriage, going on about marriage and saying if you got married then everything would be fine. That they would be ones friends and they would talk to one and they would want to know what the trouble is or what problems that one has.
Them all being mental and using the implants as mental people, but experts where they know of the implants, and all the functions of the implants, they are organisation but also race corners, society people anyone and everyone. It is sick of them to argue on marriage, where they are not solving anything just forcing one into an cover up, into an defiance of protocol, to being bound to an fascist regime this coverup this conspiracy as is played by this nation. The organisation is intent on covering up as such, to not allowing me out of there own control.
This has been going on all my life and it has always been as mind games, one has always put things as an organisation although I was unsure as to whom why and what was going on but it would involve those around one, I thought it was them, those around one, it would have to be where one has problems and issues with them but it makes no sense and the issues where that of insanity, where they would all deny saying things or hearing things. I also of knew of the implants therefore put things down as an organisation, and the organisation was more dangerous. Was no worried about those around one just more concerned about the implants.
One was alienated and that isolation or alienated was not just limited to just whites this insanity was not limited to be carried out by just whites, whilst one has reasoned it all before and was more concerned about the implants and those in ones head, the problem has now come about where it seems or one is lead to believe that everyone is ones head, whilst race issues are used to forcing this to become normal.
It makes no difference where ones arguments are the same, but the arguments are not just against an organisation or psychopaths , one is forced into or lead into this hate for everyone or anger at everyone, or having an attitude against everyone. That is how it all comes across where one is against those behind the implants, that is how they all want to read things or to see things that one is as trouble or what ever where they have this insanity in store for one in all things.
The nation is just dealing with its own race issues, its own insane problem that of politics or otherwise, pretending to be dealing with this conspiracy but allowing fascist rule where one race corner or the other wishes control of one. Which just means that they will be allowed to use the implants and control one with the implants to it all becoming an way of life, ones life being all erased all aspects of ones life being replaced by this insanity this madness this mental torture there presence and there control.
Them all intent on forcing this to be about marriage, and driving one mad on that but they have extreme control over one head and extreme function of the implants, to the same insanity the same madness that is this conspiracy continues, that they have kept one disturbed all my life and they continue to do so one way or the other to this pressure on marriage. Annoyed with them all poised with there want for marriage, to them all wanting it all to sound as if they are helping one or doing on an favour, or meaning well, but alas it is insanity it is all brainwashing where they should not be in ones head, whilst they insist on being in ones head for protection it is more of an threat.
It is all very annoying where they are all as mental people whom refuse to get out of ones head and for one reason or the other, out of insanity, out of wanting to use the implants out of wanting one mad or mental and angry, to being mental and finding reasons, being impossible and wanting things there own way having there own motives from thinking they know better than one. Find an mean of staying in control of one, race issues mostly, but they also have one dumb thick, to raising illogical arguments against one for control of one.
As race corners they are dismissing ones arguments as being those of whites, to all the other insane games to stealing ones thoughts themselves, same as organisations, where they are against ones every thought ones mentality, ones views choices, were they are going against everything. They are as insane people, as an nation that just refuses to get out of ones head, it is normal for them to say the first thing that comes into there head into ones head, them all being spoilt and mental.
Fascist regime, race corners running around, driving one mad and making sure that one stays controlled and isolated, that one stays disturbed, and reasoning on marriage, to making ones life hell to forcing about there own running of ones life where they are not allowing one to do anything in one life and making sure that one is incapable or unable to do anything, from earning money to making friends, to that of intelligence and sanity, leading to there refusal to recognise anything about one.
It is an nation messing with ones mind as to whom is but, as race corners or organisation they are conspiring against one. That conspiracy is no longer evident other than there presence, and use of the of the implants but that conspiracy is all about getting there, being able to do so and meaning to do so everyday of ones life, to conspiring to keep on controlled, it is all Fascism but it is all mixed up into racism.
As an Human Guinea Pig all issues are expected, there is bound to be an race issue, to the races wanting that control of one, reverting to mind games within an race thing, where they are wanting control of all that one does but just able to blame things on an race thing or racism. They will cause one what ever harm nd problem the can it just covered up into normality or into being ones own fault , same as being an tramp, but that life is created by this society and conspiracy one is forced into wasting away.
They want too pass there presence off for protection or helping one or saving one, but that would have to be an issue or an problem an conspiracy or an threat, none of which they have brought evidence to there cover up into protection was always something I was aware of, and they would never bring any evidence to any issues or problem including the existence of the implants. They are raising the race issue themselves or declaring there is an race issue thus them all acting within this accordingly, as an organisation.
It is not just an organisation but all three races are guilty as an nation which has kept one as an Human guinea pig, where they are all wanting to pass things of as being normal or as one being trouble or something trivial, not wanting things to be seen as an conspiracy or Experiments on Humans.
It is as everyone for them to argue to be better than to using comm`s and talking to the rest of society, this scaled down version of fascist tannoys, it is how the are creating an moment against one to being about one there control of one, they are talking to everyone thus everyone must be involved, to it all being an nation an conspiracy. They are not just arguing against one but arguing tp have everyone persuade against one, arguing that there is no point to one, to wanting marriage to wanting to listen to one after.
Marriage is just used as an side track in things where they are just brushing away issues or them all being in ones head and annoying one with there presence to being sick`os in ones head, and those whom are refusing to get out of ones life. It is just used to side track one to keep one in this mess where they are still getting more control of one, to using the implants to cause one problems and issues. Hindering the brain the mind to blocking ones head and thoughts not allowing one to use ones head.
Again the would have to be as everyone and as three race corners whom are intent forcing one into marriage and into there own race corner and race issues them all dismissing all issues for marriage, but also wanting the case and arguments which they want to hold against whites, issues and arguments are against them also, as none whites. Where as an organisation they are guilty of the same things. Whilst they have this habit of making one mad and angry with there use of the implants, straining ones face and jaws, and not wanting any issues to be held against them.
They are the same as an organisation which is just intent on covering up in mind games and chaos, they would have to cause the chaos, they mix up and with in society they would have to cause insanity, these mind games but as an organisation they would be those behind the implants. I did not see that it was that easy, for them to cause that mixup or chaos but they have done is race issues, where it is just mind games as to whom is causing one the problem to the other race being intent on controlling one because of the problem.
It is just mind games where it is the same organisation which is causing one problems to being intent on controlling one, it is the same plan to cause an mixup an chaos. It is an organisation which is driving one mad into an coverup into marriage and into some insane deal, which all seems to be working under race things and race corners whom are intent on forcing one into that outcome of events where they are leading one into believing there gain out of this is money where they always argue that it is too much money for one person and want to share ones fortune.
They also imply that it is the best deal that they are able to come with, this isolation into trouble and hate to being alienated to racism.
They are that organisation, but it is also implied that they are as everyone, as three races, where the are slowly but surely surfacing as everyone as an nation which is intent on causing all the problems and damage as would be expected from an nation that means to do experiments, that means to keep one as an Human guinea pig. A nation which is dismissing all that one does in opposition, them all wanting one to be considered to be doing nothing, to there being no point to one.
Perhaps them al wanting to be included into ones path to change sides to covering up from there refusal to recognize, there dismissal of ones rights and it would be the same as conspiracy just that they are able to stand against one as anyone. They are the same as that organisation which is conspiring against one but standing against one as everyone thus making there stance against one as being legit, but also insane or as insanity where they all just find one angle or the other to go against one.
They are making things legit as race corners. As race issues, whom are using things to raise an action against one which is intent on going on against everything about one, sooner to later they will find an motive to go against one to stay against one to keep one in this mess, it is an conspiracy but it is also as everyone as race corners as them all wanting to control one via paranoia . Using what ever and whom ever the can find to go against one, to interfere in ones life, in ones head to control one to run ones life to force one into an coverup side tracking one into something.
Them all using all sort of things from studying or getting nowhere to nobody going to listen to one or nobody cares or nobody will help one, where they are intent on having it as everyone where they would not be approved of as an organisation, hence forcing themselves to be bound to everyone. The conspiracy making sure that there is no way out of this but to do as they want and to allow them control of the outcome of events, to cover up what ever they can coverup. To using the idea that it is all impossible that nobody would believe one, to always meaning for one to stay in this mess to having that stance until they all get what they want.
Using all sorts of things to keep one in this mess, this insanity, wanting to be legit about it, arguing that one should get married or stay in this mess, stay messed up or disturbed, and that is organisation at work where they argue other wise or are standing on there own mind games but they have always kept one in this and will do so one way or the other, and are doing so, insanely using marriage where they are guilty of everything else but all this is repressed. Issues of doing ones head or driving one mad or screaming in ones head or violence of the implants, to being in ones head.
They are meaning to come at one as everyone , as anyone and everyone, but they are as an organisation even though they may be more than just an organization, perhaps an movement or race corners or as anyone and everyone but they are still that organisation. They are making there actions legit, there conspiracy as being legit, this keeping of one as human guinea pig, where they are forcing it into being everyone whom is and has been using the implants, to using ones mind or thoughts or stealing ones mind.
This conspiracy to block all aspects of ones life to prevent one from doing anything in ones life, is being forced into this reasoning on marriage, into being legit or just being nice about it where they are intent on curbing ones progress not allowing one to bring the whole case to trail perhaps just one or two issues but not the whole conspiracy or all aspects of this conspiracy.
Organisation is bound to force one to stay isolated, forcing one to become trouble and that trouble was always going to be an race thing, that race things has come about through other means, where it there intentions to side track one to bring about an chaos an mixup.
Human nature is bound to give rise to an race thing they are bound to divide into an race thing and bring about an race issues which is that mixup that chaos, the chaos in which they are able to change sides to pretend to be someone else.
They are still that conspiracy but just declaring there innocence based on there race or colour, but they are all that conspiracy as three corners, three races, where they are and have been conspiring in this playing tick tack toe, they moved and shadowed one in this together they have surfaced together to having the same angles or arguments against one. They are against one they have always been against one and one always was wondering as to why no race issues has been raised or as to why there was no race issues or problems.
There never has been an race issue or problems in relation to this as such, one always thought there would be one or some trouble would come of this but nothing has, all three races seem to be getting along or seem to be agreeing to things, that is to keep one controlled to keep one isolated to use the implants to use one to conn one to keep one as an Human guinea pig. They are mostly against one with different angles but very much in this together, and being more organised in there stance against one, there insistence on forcing one into marriage.
Forcing one into an race thing into there own race angles, bringing about an race thing. They are an organisation an conspiracy which is changing sides in chaos, that chaos being this race thing and there race arguments where they are very much impossible, not wanting to be considered wrong or guilty of the things they do.
They are all dependent on an race things to force something else to be the issue and the problems not allowing ones rights to be considered as an issue or the implants, them all intent on just arguing there innocence by blaming someone else, that all being based on race things on blaming whites or blacks or Asians. The conspiracy is being trivialise into an race thing covered up into an race thing but it all may rise as another fascist thing. Fascism based on race issues and division.
It is already fascist in many ways in relation to the implants there use of the implants there intentions to control one head and ones life, and all the races are quite happy to interfere with ones life to watch ones ever move to know ones every thought and been doing so all my life, and continue to do so where they have power to interfere to have things there own ways, and this power of control with it all being legit within there own race arguments. It is Fascism.
As an fascist they will interfere with the mind, they will mess up any case that one present or any arguments that one raises against them, as race corners they will also do that, interfering with the mind interfering to mess up ones arguments ones thoughts one mind ones case against them ones intelligence, where it is ones intelligence that takes on there insanity, or shows them to be insane, alas they are bound to mess up ones intelligence hence mind where they are intent on having one considered insane and not themselves.
As an race corners they always want things there own way, there own racial thing, but with implants it all is that much more easier from the to attain there own race things. It is just Fascism. They are mental with there use of the implants, cause they know they are able to control one, to force about everything there own ways.
All issues remain pending, from what is inside ones head ? To whom they are to the nature of experiments and this conspiracy there role and guilt within this conspiracy. It is all repressed, one is driven mad into something else as an issue, from there want for marriage to there race issues to ones own actions or role within this ones own ill intentions things are just twisted without them all being questioned or considered as being guilty of anything.
They are have argued against one in all things from the existence of conspiracy, to that of implants to experiments one has to prove it all to them all being against ones every thought one again has to prove it all, to them all just continuing to move against one, one way or the other. Shadowing one to playing mind games within an race thing, they are all intent on forcing one into marriage and into an conn of giving one an million pounds as an favour rather than compensation. To the madness of ones being in- debt to them.
Perhaps they want the case as there own, but they case has always been there they just dumb people whom are intent on interfering in things cause they all think they know better, to being an organisation where they are able to make sure they have things there own ways to block any other outcomes of events to making sure they are able to have control of the case. Perhaps they just want to raise an race thing, and using the implants but the implants have always been there also, but they are then that organisation. Fascist regime.
It is all Fascism but the nation has shifted things into an race things into tick tack tow and into an cover up, there maybe an race thing but they are all as one against one. They all want to use the implants they are all wanting one insane to wanting one dead to have always conspired against one all my life. They have all messed up ones life to messing up ones work ones progress ones dreams, not an race thing in that just that they have all made ones life hell.
It just an race things to force one in to an coverup into there mixup and mind games, into there own way of life there own plans for one, where everything is blocked via an race thing.
Everything is created and covered up via and into race thing, the mental torture the mind games the use of the implants this isolation, this repressed state to being controlled, to this whole conspiracy where one was not supposed to make sense of it what is that conspiracy other than madness there intentions to mess with ones head where anything and everything is the problem and can be made into the problem via them all doing ones head in. To them all doing ones head in to force one into marriage, and into there own plans and out of ones own plans, to ones own life.
One is kept isolated to them all forcing that to become ones own fault ones own choice due to protocol, where one refuses to have anything to do with those behind the implants, that organisation , but them all making sure that everything goes on and through the implants that everyone is behind the implants and that everyone uses the implants, as an fascist regime they will not allow anything to pass through them not an single thought.
The organisation is not approved but they will not allow for anything else or anyone else to be approved of, to wanting to argue over the merits of ones decisions, to there objectives of forcing about there own approval, it all is an issue and works and is very functional with in an race thing they are all arguing and standing accordingly, intent on being approved of. They would not be where they are those behind the implants, but it is themselves which is raising an race issues and showing themselves to be of different races to bringing about such race issues and arguments.
As an organisation they would not be approved of as race corners they are insisting on using the implants on one, on being behind the implants to being present in ones head to scrutinizing ones mind and ones thoughts and all aspects of this fascism to going on about talking to one, to being ones friends but insisting on marriage first but as an organisation they would be considered sick, but they are forcing themselves to be considered as race corners, hence approved of to thus arguing on talking to one after one gets married. But again they are not then considered guilty as that of an regime or organisation and they all should be.
They do not seem to care about ones life or ones sanity or ones head or mentality or mental health, as an organisation the would not, as race corners they do not they all are and have cased one harm to learning and finding new ways to cause one harm. To damage ones mind to insane to have one disturbed. They are intent on driving one mad on arguing against one until they are considered right or one considered them to be clever or right. they are just attacking what ever the are able to attack in this attempt to be considered right and not as an conspiracy.
Attacking ones sanity the fact that one is sane or clever, or considered insane, or not so clever, to them always asking why in attempt to be seen to be clever, asking one what thinks to having no friends to ones studying or having no money or getting no where. To the point in one asking what it the point in one, this change and side track from issues where they are that conspiracy they are that organisation which is conspiring against one, with no intentions of allowing conspiracy to be brought to trial hence an coverup.
Them all wanting this all as copying, ones notes or ones intelligence a proven, to being intent on mixing things up accordingly or covering up accordingly, reading the mind to stealing ones thoughts as an organisation that is there conspiracy there intentions, to know ones mind or to steal ones thoughts as race corners the issues are no different. They have all kept one as an Human guinea pig and they have all conspired against one and are intent on covering up all the same, as race corners, as that organisation and nation.
As an race corners they all would want things there own way, and they all manage to get things there own way, they are not even victims and should not have an say in anything, but they insist on having an say on things and some how or the other they have managed to get what ever they want out of this, or to have things there own way, to having an say in what goes on, it is all still conspiracy, with them all being against one but they are just in effect explaining things away into an race things to getting things there own. They are still an fascist regime, which is intent on interfering with the mind and controlling one with the implants, or controlling mind.
As an organisation they are intent on forcing about there own control over all the most natural of all things, ones thoughts to ones individuality, it all goes on but it is all covered up with mental torture and madness, by doing ones head in, and they all do as everyone, to mental people just jamming into one head, but it is Fascism and it is intentional. An intent to control ones head to repress ones thoughts ones mind to control ones mind.
The nation is erasing the conspiracy for an coverup, into an mixup, an race thing, into insanity or madness and trouble, where they just side tracking one into trouble where trouble is bound to come about, or race things and race issues , to the issues being twisted and erased into something else hence it all become an issue of race and race arguments, where they all just want to argue over race things and because of there racial differences, nothing to do implants or conspiracy or the rights or the violation of ones rights. They are all quite happy to violate ones rights.
Using ones sending to China as being the cause of the problem, but it is because the organisation is intent on driving one insane that one sends to China and ask for advice. The organisation is in an habit of scrutinizing ones mind, scrutinizing ones thoughts, out of experiments, wanting to know ones mind ones thoughts. Questioning ones thoughts ones mind always asking one what one thinks, to being moulded into responding this insane control they have over ones brain.
They all argue and insisting that this is about marriage , shouting that into ones head, to meaning to put it in ones head, to do ones head in, they are mental, hostile, insane also going on about being ones friends after. One argues that it is about experiments to there presence in one head to ones intentions to kill them at all cost, and they want one to have that ill intention that guilt of meaning them harm or trouble which is twisted it is they whom mean one harm and mean to kill one. They are just covered up into this marriage .
They all want one in error thus probing the mind to finding something they can use on one and driving one mad until one does something or says something they can use against one, used to control one, to argue to be better than one or to know better than one. To have an say in that which one does in one life or that which goes in ones life, to argue against one over things in ones life, that which one does or that which they all think I would do. To interfering with case issues , and arguing there own angles for there own bias.
All there angles and views and opinions are defeated as an organisation, they are just forcing about there own ways into ones life and future, into there own say into forcing ones case revert into what ever they all see it as, perhaps into an coverup or race things or there own profit from this. They are just using things conspiring, to pretending to be finding angles, through ones character or personality to conspiring against things to that effect.
They are conspiracy, covered up as everyone, whom is using the implants on one as mental people, forcing one to become mad, mental and angry thus blamed me for everything or having one considered guilty. There objectives are still achieved where one is kept isolated repressed and controlled, to things being all twisted around into what one does or ones ill intentions or guilt. The conspiracy sets one up into being considered insane or guilty or what ever, bound to set one up, and one does not know what the objectives are until it is to late. To setting one up into wanting war or being trouble where that is what the want hence the pressure.
Ones trouble is just based on China and through China that is just bait where one knows they all want ones head messed up and are intent on twisting things around to forcing one to become trouble or mental or insane. They will not stop driving one mad until one does something or becomes trouble, and one has to prove it all this conspiracy to drive one insane. The organisation itself is covering up into all sorts of things from without an trace to denying any knowledge of anything to claiming to be saving one or helping one, where they are switching identities to stealing ones progresses and directions.
They are forcing one to become trouble to being insane and mental whilst they all want to be considered as being reasonable or fair and just. They are British to being as race corners to them all just being able to get away with things in there own mix up or coverups in things, it is an coverup from things where they are covering up from one thing after the other to the implants and experiments, as time goes on there are more issues and problems from which they are all covering up from and leading into covering up from experiments and implants.
It all works within an race things there mixups, there mind games there savaging of everything about one to stealing things to this sharing of or spreading out of ones fame and fortune to ones thoughts this sharing out of ones fortune to ones thoughts ones mind, ons ideas them all wanting to use such things. To the tick tack toe arguments that one ends up in, the insanity and arguments against everyone over all things, the organisation wanting to argue and fight over ones every thought.
It all leads to and is this conning of one, an false resolution of race issues to which there is no race issues, just fascism where they all want to control one or to interfere with ones life, to know ones mind or thoughts, It is just that everyone is intent on using the implants on one, to bring about some sort of false solution, a cover up into marriage. Where no aspects of this conspiracy the details of this conspiracy is recognised let alone resolved, suffix to say they have all used one and kept one as an Human guinea pig.
All details of the conspiracy, remain unknown, as to whom they are and what they doing and what they know about one it is all an subject of mind games, and very selective, they tend to use things that one does, to argue against one to prove that they are better than one or to have themselves considered better than one. It is all insanity and an aspect of this conspiracy to drive one insane, where one is arguing over ones every thought to the recognition of ones thoughts as ones own, or intelligence as ones own.
It all becomes an aspect of proof where one has to prove that one thoughts are as such or ones mind or mentality is as such hence innocent, or genius like. The details of the implants the conspiracy to that of the nature of the experiments remains all unknown as an cover up. To then what is the issue, alas it is just mind games and organisation an conspiracy shadowing one and moving against ones every thought. They are out to take on the mind and ones every thought, what ever one does hence what ever direction that one goes in.
They wrapped up in this pretence of dealing with this conspiracy the implants but are an organisation which is just conspiring against one to the outcome of an coverup. That which known is that which one has proven and argued to have existed hence conspiracy or implants or an organisation. The organisation just toying around with everything to coverup itself up from being considered that organisation hence this chaos or mind games.
They have learnt to mess one up in all that one does, through reading the mind to using the implants, they are that fascist regime but covered up into being everyone or anyone, into being society or as an nation and moving within the natural blend of society, as an fascist regime or conspiracy they are just covered up within all the chaos or mind games, the madness to the paranoia that existed. They are very much the cause of this madness.
Through mental torture, doing ones head in they manage to prevent one from doing anything about everything that is wrong in ones life, to making sure that the problems mount up, to one being cornered or trapped into marriage and into there own way of life. Where one own life is considered to be wasted or going no where or finished. Fascism exist without an trace, there presence in ones head this control of ones head alas by the time I have proven the implants, the use of the implants has moved into an way of life to case being twisted into being about marriage and race things.
The organisation has control over one, using that control to force one into an cover up into being guilty of wanting war, or being as trouble or mental, and blamed for everything. They do not want to be seen to be trouble or as an organisation or as an conspiracy or as an fascist regime or as an threat thus twisting everything around into one as being trouble to that of China being an threat.
They have just twisted everything around into everything else as being trouble, as an conspiracy creating it, the problems or the issues thus side tracked into dealing with everyone and everything, where trouble is bound to exist, to the conspiracy just covering up into that trouble or using that trouble as means of sidetracking one into that issue of race to that of racial tension, to the paranoia, and problems that everyone comes out with.
One remains isolated, yet to have issues recognised thus all other or issues are just an distraction from ones own case. They are covered up within all the chaos that exist, it makes no difference as to whom they are, if they use the implants they are that conspiracy that organisation, if they move to control one they are that organisation. Because they mean to control, they will attack ones mind ones sanity, and use the implants to cause one harm.
The organisation is bound to make sure all the problems exist and stays, that of being repressed, isolated to having no friends, visitors or phone calls, it is conspiracy which is played in an race thing where all the same problems are achievable through an race thing whilst one is aware of this race issues and that of isolation from the start. The conspiracy will not allow for things to change, and it all works within an race thing or as everyone whom will not allow things to change.
That one stays controlled, isolated, to being kept disturbed, repressed poor, not able to get anywhere in ones life, wasted, and driven insane out of things from training to having shower. It seems that one is arguing against everyone as an organisation against society as an regime or that organisation which does not want to be deemed or considered as an conspiracy,
but they are very much so an conspiracy and very much run by an nation that is conspiring against one.
One is driven mad into there own interest whether that is an cover up or isolation, or there own thickness, to twisting around of things where one is deemed responsible for ones own misfortune, things are twisted around into one being racist or angry or mental to hating everyone and everything, to money issues or race things and war games, and finally into marriage. It is Fascism from start to finish where they have not dealt with anything, they all just want everything there own way that will always continue to be as such.
The organisation as race corners mean to cover up itself up by changing sides within this insanity or conspiracy into an race things playing mind games to that effect. Covering up the same as that of an organisation, hence all the issues and problems exist as would be in effect by that organisation. The control of ones head to the messing up ones mind the interference with ones thoughts ones typing, the blokes the repressed states, to stealing ones mind.
Them all want to cover up from being considered thick, to being considered guilty, to driving one mad to messing with ones head, thus stealing ones identity. It is all still fascism and still the works of an organisation but works with in an race thing as society where they all want to be consider clever or want to cover up from the dumb things they have done or considered. Dumb would be keeping one isolated, or not talking to one, to using the implants to all other things thereafter.
They are making sure the damage is done, given by ones lack of wealth, but that is evidence, they all have it in for one and want one mad and mental to wanting one mixed up, proven by being confined to the implants. The damage that comes about from the implants and the use of the implants. Forced to communicate through the implants to them all forcing it all to be an way of life, forced to answer questions, to ones thoughts being repressed, to mind control and brainwashing. To many functions of the implants to all the damage and issues that concern ones individuality and ones mind.
They are against everything about one but shifted into being as everyone and as human nature, it is all on normal things ones character ones personality where they have nothing on one to being about marriage, where ones life is messed or going nowhere, them all making sure of it and just intent on forcing one into there marriage and an cover up or something else. They are an conspiracy but are voicing there control to everyone hence getting everyone against one, thus it is more like human nature and society and everyone.
Them all going on about being ones friends after, or talking to one after which steams from having that fascist control over everything and everyone, to making sure that one has nothing in ones life to controlling all that exist in ones life, everyone seems to follow through with this fascist rule and conspiracy. They mess with ones mind over issues of everyone wanting to talk to one to nobody wanting to talk to one, insisting marriage first to just finding something to argue over or finding angles on one.
The organisation toying around with society, people and human nature, in effect controlling it all, it is all insanity, playing there mind games, with an result of insanity. It is all an conspiracy to drive one insane anyways, it all exist but is repressed, ones head ones mind, and repressed via mental torture. People know what the want to know to hearing what they want to hear and conspiracy just plays with it all, it is all just madness.
One was supposed to go insane but know ones I forced to deal with it all, to straighten things out but it is an side track, where this is an conspiracy to drive one insane. The madness or dealing with one person or the other and society to human nature, to being forced into race arguments and there own views or opinions in all this.
There is no point to dealing with anything that anyone has to say or to waste time with things, but the are intent on forcing about there own control over one to force one into there own angles and conspiracy there own organisation. That is all expected but it is all surfacing as human nature, but it is all as race corners and conspiracy. The mind games being extensive also and it is all just mind games, as to whom they are as to what is in my head as to what the implants are doing or has done or can do or will do.
It is all mind gams and it is all confined to ones head to the organisation just intent on playing those games with ones mind on all issues, as to what they think and what they say and in respect of all that one does or one as an person, and wanting one run ones life to control one as an person. One has to explain ones self ones thoughts ones mind ones behaviour ones actions ones choices, it all an habit of probing ones mind of questioning one of knowing what one thinks to interrogating the mind on all aspects of ones thoughts. Cause they want to know what one is thinking.
It is just simple things and it is all three cornered, as mental people whom are just used to knowing ones mind and thoughts, to not wanting anything out of there control, to one not being able to do things or to consider things without there control whilst they are intent on knowing what one is thinking thus interrogating one or pressuring one into letting them know what one is thinking.
As an organisation they not allowing things out of there control, and working to force one into error, into insanity or there insane games where that which one thinks or concludes has already been listed, that which one sees things as or considers things to be as, as to the reality of all this has already been listed. One is not involved in insane games or the madness or paranoia view of things to the insane views or twisted view of reality, but one is being forced into things or toyed with and worked on things until one sees things as the want things seen. Hence always asking one what one thinks to the insane sound that continue, until that insanity is reality.
Other mind games include one being accused of discriminatory or racist and one being tested and toyed with accordingly, they play those games all the time and it is daft of them. One does not know there identity as such, ones arguments are the same , but they all want one to be bias, and they want to prove that one is bias to them all just changing there identity and race to colour or sex and trying to argue or posed to argue that one is racist or discriminatory, to blaming that on whites to moving I guess to have some sort of rights over one.
One rejects them based on what ever one has rejected them but them all wanting things shifted into race things and also standing on this idea of being better than one or bigger the one. It is an traces but it is all there they are just finding angles against one to stay in control of one.
Other issues on being small and big, that one is considered small and thus one is not allows to argue against them cause they are deemed to be bigger than one, to going on about teaching one an lesson and dependent on that angle at time, society tends to follow suite. Where one is deemed to be spoilt or trouble or what ever, to being consider inferior and kept inferior, to being wasted and one would not have an life or an future, if it was not for ones want for progress ones studying ones notes or writing of Human Nature.
Other issues on them all considering one as being incapable of doing anything including dealing with implants. To making sure things, they are as race corners to being as an organisation which is making sure that one is incapable of doing anything that requires intelligence or even social things. It all includes law to maths or writing or anything intellectual. As an organisation they would dismiss all that one does or has an say in, to coverup the implants and experiments to gain control over the implants and the outcome of events.
As race corners they all want to have an controlling say in the outcome of events, and perhaps the implants also, even dismissing ones input on disconnecting the implants and unblocking the brain, the mind, where only I would know of such things to the organisation that is blocking the mind to doing such experiments. Whilst many arguments and events are leading one being angry, and incensed. One has dealt with everything already and one has already reasoned on all things. Considered all things thus the anger is all Artificially Induced, especially if the same issues are experienced.
It is an organisation at work, that is standing against one but they are also as race corners, they are standing as race corners, with such arguments to being guilty of all the damage and the problems that one has but are covered up of all such issues or accusations that one has or holds against them based on the fact that they are of an different race or as race corner`s.
They are always arguing on wanting marriage, to wanting that first , one being very angry with that use of the implants and there presence, this is about implants and experiments and there guilty in causing one harm, and it is given by the pressure they induce with this want for marriage to the shouting in ones head to the mental torture. It is an very poor reason to cause one harm or to conspire against one, just an excuse where they have always caused one harm it all makes one angry where they are guilty or everything under the sun, but just repressing things and making one sick by forcing one into marriage, forcing one into an coverup .
They make one mad where they are just arguing and reasoning on marriage, on all issues and problems that exist and arise, they imply that is an solution as some sort of religions things or that one has to comply with there terms and conditions or deal with the problems that one has with whites on my own, hence suffer where they are all making sure that one has problems and is forced to comply with this cover story. Where one has the rest of the world to deal with things , and as such it is also none whites which is causing one problems and always getting away with things perhaps just satisfying there own racism.
They argue on there wants and it is an show of innocence, this want for marriage to want to talk to one to want to be ones friends, but they are very much an organisation, an conspiracy which has conspired against one all my life and made sure that one has nothing in ones life, to just offering one that which would already have or has by way of naturaility, or normality. It is sick of them, they are psychopaths, whom are intent on staying in control of ones life. It is also an cheap way out for them, the cost to them is then that they would have to be nice one, which just sick.
This was always about trial, about proving things, about brining them all to trial and court cases to bringing this conspiracy to trial , to finding out what is what and how and when and putting things straight, but being an conspiracy being an organisation they will move to bind together, they will move as expected to giving rise to an race thing or race issues and tick tack tow to an mixup an cover up of this conspiracy. The conspiracy is still there one is still controlled to being forced to meet the objectives of that conspiracy hence to be inferior to be angry to waste to being guilty and discredited but the conspiracy is just covered up into human nature.
It was always about justice but the organization is forcing one to be guilty of wanting war to being trouble to being considered mental or insanity, and that insanity is always something that they are dependent on, it is through driving one mad that one becomes guilty to wasting and becoming controlled. It is all mind games an matter of torment where they have always tormented one, to being dependent on there mind games, from the start where there presence was an matter of mind games, to the end where they are intent on messing with ones head playing mind games, as to what this is all about there guilt there role, to race issues.
They are messing with ones head as to whether they are guilty or not, and they all started with mind games, and the mean to continue with there mind games until they manage to get away with things to having things there own way, they are an conspiracy, they are an fascist regime which is just conspiring to have things its own way and they must have been prepared for all possible outcomes, to knowing what one is doing and able to move against things. There actions are just mind games to getting things there own way.
They play games as to whom is conspiring against as an test of ones sanity these mind games that is this conspiracy. That is they way they have always conspired against one, to test ones sanity but one knows and it all goes down to proving it all to them all just arguing other wise, more mind games to cover up from there own role or guilt within this. One knows even though one can not prove it and it is all just insanity or madness arguing against those whom have always been behind the implants, but one just has to prove it.
They go against one as conspiracy is going to do, but now it is on ones direction, as to one does in this and about this conspiracy. One has already done things, and it all stands, on hindsight they argue that one should do this and that, but that is organisation just arguing and wanting things mixup or covered up where one has to go through all the events that lead to ones reasoning and decision and has to prove the event and issues itself. Arguments and annoyance with such things.
Maybe they are just forcing one to go round circles, to mess up ones own direction in this to forcing one into what they think is best but the are conspiracy the are themselves guilty which one has to prove, but one has to prove the event exist or the crime exist first. They are messing up ones own direction in this for there own conspiracy to force one into there own organisation, as an race corner or otherwise. Forcing one into what ever path they have but there path goes round in circles, they have always done so.
As an organisation they are not prepared to explain themselves, they have kept one as an human guinea pig to being in one head, none of which the are able to explain away so easily although they are reverting to arguing on protection to dependent on all the mind games that exist the insanity that one has been confined too. One is forced to deal with or to argue against insane people, an organisation which is driving one mad into marriage and using that as an motive, an excuse to repressing all issues that exist against them .
Issues regarding there presence and use of the implants, as an organisation they have managed to stay in control of one, to using experiments to control ones brain ones head, things are just covered up in there mind games involving race issues on blaming whites for all things. As an organisation they have conspired against one and caused one damage and problems with the control, forcing one to be at fault, to be wrong or thick, that is always pending where they have always pressured one, and conspired against one for that purpose. Alas they are just using that which one does to deal with there presence and the pressure, what ever one does to using ones writing China.
Organisation, the conspiracy the Fascism is same as race corners there is no difference they will use the implants on one and will do so for the rest of ones life, and when ever the feel like things and to control ones head to dominate ones head, to repress ones mind, for fascist motives. They have done so all my life just that they have done so without an trace, same as nation and organisation. The conspiracy is the same as the organisation will keep one isolated, repressed and confined to the implants.
They will control ones head and into one thing after the other, for one reason or the other and into there race things or discriminatory things. They all have one considered dumb or thick or inferior in things, to making sure of things, messing one up in all things to keeping one mind repressed, to messing with ones mind hence not allowing one mind to develop. Devolving one into that character where one is not recognised for anything and making sure that nothing exist to be recognised. Like ones intelligence and making sure that one intelligence is messed up.
The problems and the arguments are the same as , whether one is arguing against an organisation or everyone, nobody would be allowed to use the implants, to invade ones mind and hence one would not have to deal with there views. The damage is the same if the organisation or anyone and everyone uses the implants it is all rubbish in ones head and pointless things, an waste of time where arguments are the same, the case is the same and it all stands.
It is all rubbish that they all argue on, as dumb people one would not bother in reality but in ones head one has to deal with it, they are just the same problem as an organisation, just as annoying, to being just as guilty, things are just repressed into some other issues or view or opinion. Into some other rubbish that one is forced to hear and deal with. They are just people whom come at one different angles where they just pretend on not knowing everything that one knows, to seeing things differently to having there own views and plans, they are as everyone also and there views are supported by everyone playing into the game and forcing there own views to be the case.
Views on say nobody wanting to talk to one or wanting to listen to one or nobody will believe one this movement they have created against one this isolation also. Other issues and problems are played into everyone where they need to be as everyone against one, there own angles are not enough. One is just driven mad into things into there own solution or wants or race things, into there own mixups and mind games and alas an cover up, where they are as an organisation but just covered up into being everyone and an nation. One is just forced to deal with human nature in respect to there views of one as an person, and ones character.
A character which is specified by themselves as an stereotyped dumb individual but alas it is they whom are of such character.
They are and always have been intent on controlling all aspects of one life, they argue that it is for protection, to the control over ones head ones brain one mind where they argue or justify that by arguing that one is dumb or thick or mean to argue as such too arguing on being better than one hence intent on having this control over ones life and ones head, ones brain,
it is Fascism.
Everything including marriage is just an temporary brush off until they are able to argue against one or find something they able to use against one. Most of it is on sex where they have nothing on one to shifting things into marriage as means of interfering with ones life or continuing with there control of ones life. To forced into there thickness in things, it is all conspiracy, but them all wanting it as this and that as being a problem there own paranoia. Conspiracy to them all messing with ones head makes everything an problem.
Obviously human nature to race corners will just see things as and force things into an race thing into an black and white thing. That is something they are all want things as, to forcing one into an solution of the problem which they have conjured up. Nobody wants to be considered guilty of anything and nothing is recognise it is all mind games thereafter, thereafter, they are playing the game carefully but still messing with one head one is just used to things.
All the issues exist those which were of concern 10 years ago to that which is an issue now but it is an way of life, the use the implants, to be in ones head, I guess they have got away with things, with driving one mad all my life, conspiracy and using the implants. To just continuing with there control of ones life, with the aid of the implants and experiments, to argue against one to brainwash one into something else, this is about there presence there use of the implants, the control they have over ones life. Again them all wanting it as protection.
Ones is blamed for things it is all psychological, where it is about one as an person ones character or things that one does wrong or deemed to be doing wrong, it is all mind games, to being driven mad into doing something wrong, and controlled into that character.
Implants will control one into that error, from spelling mistakes, to typing errors to errors in personality, where there is not much else they are able to work on. Bringing about some form of social justice, to money issues accordingly.
Ones is blamed to being accused of wanting war, deemed guilty of things but what they know not they are pressuring one driving one mad until one is in error, until they have something on one, to bringing about war games thus having one accused of wanting war.
They are conspiracy and want one blames or deemed to be at fault for things and just forcing that to be assumed, where they are unable to prove anything.
It all works where people just take there word for things, they do not have too prove anything and it is all just something like feeding the rumours about one but this is conspiracy, thus there is more of an movement in the rumors then just an rumour. It all works cause they all have it in for one as nation as race corners, thus it is easy for them to just find an excuse or to explain things away, to believe things and to mix things up where the are in this together as an society or as everyone, and more or less dealing with there own racial issues.
One is considered wrong to be at fault, considered thick and dumb to being treated that way, isolated to that where one turns into that character, where there is not much else to do in ones life but to go dossing, where they are against everything that one does from reading to sleeping to having an shower and what not. Them all also tampering with one head and ones mind, not sure what they are doing but able to control ones mind to interfere with ones mind and perhaps are forcing one to think of ones self as being wrong or guilty or something.
They do consider one to be wrong and guilty even if one is just watching tv, or writing or studying or reading or fancying women. Not sure but the impression of one being guilty and wrong is there and there act to have one wasted is always voiced. It is more to do with Fascism where they just want everything there own way, to just considering that everything that one does is wrong, to messing one up, to repressing ones head.
It is they whom are wrong, with all issues for trial, criminal things being repressed . Things are shifted into personality to ones character, and ones life that which they consider to be wrong, to just continuing with there interference in ones life and one head, it is Fascism, where they mean to control all things about one including one mind ones thoughts. They are controlling all things and controlling one into that which they all think is best, into marriage or what ever too all issues of conspiracy to that which is criminal is just repressed.
They are very fascist, and will not allow a single thought to go passed them unnoticed or unchecked, to not allowing one to do anything without there approval, and not wanting one to do anything without there approval, they are implying that and working on being legit about it, and meaning to move against one in that fashion, using angles or cover story which is allowing them to do so. Them all being as family or Asian or race corners, whom want rights over one, to argue to be better than one or knowing better than one, to having one considered guilty of something or wrong.
Either way they are insist and are inclined too force one to do as they want and wanting everything that one does to be passed through them, annoyed where they are just covered up from being wrong from doing ones head, from causing one harm. They are all coming across as being anyone and everyone. To arguing on being ones betters.
They are an organisation and this is about experiments about keeping one as an Human guinea a pig, they have all covered things up with mental torture, covering up there own act of doing so, of driving one mad, by using phases of issues and no issues or mental torture, too covering up the fact that this is about experiments and knowing ones mind and thoughts to keeping one as an Human guinea pig.
They are brainwashing and mental torturing one into marriage, erasing the fact that this is about implants and there presence in ones head, to the idea of it all being for ones protection and there intentions on being ones friends and forgiving me. They are psychopaths and also race corner which are intent on forcing one into there own story, and very much fascist and mean, they have always been that way to learning to use the implants with violence and causing one harm. They are intent on forcing about there story into ones life, of saving one, of helping one of protecting one.
They are the same as that organisation, there motives are the same as and an few more the have more reasons to conspire to control one to keep one isolated and repressed. They would do so out there intentions to cover up experiments to doing so out of race issues or money or cause one is trouble or deemed trouble or is deemed to have done something wrong. They are doing so out of there own wants for things, I think it is just side tracking one and just excuses and cover ups where they are just making everything an problem and everyone, to sidetracking one into something else.
They all want to cover up this conspiracy and there experiments there own role with in this conspiracy to just driving one mad, and leading one into something else or the other. They will not allow one out of there sight because they still intent on covering up there experiments, to just finding a means of staying in control of one and the implants hence going on about marriage and to wanting to talk to one and to be ones friends, to driving one mad where they are as psychopaths. It is just an means of forcing about there presence in ones life hence control where they will have control of ones life the already have control and they do know everything about one and ones future, and no doubt they have planned accordingly.
The are already inclined to argue on one having to do as the want to having rights over one to insisting that everything that one does be passed through them they are however covered up by being someone, they are very much that organisation. It is an way of life that the know whom one is, to knowing one thoughts one mind , to knowing everything about one and everyone in on ones life, and they all twist things around, insaning things into forcing this all to be legit, implying that one is under investigation, or they are investigating this conspiracy.
One is kept isolated and confined to the implants, and managing to do so cause nobody agrees to anything, there will always be someone whom disapproves of that which one does in ones life or that which occurs in ones life whether that is reading or studying or dossing, or what ever, and there will always be someone whom is against something that one does, including recognition or being recognised for things, to being rich or considered clever or intelligent. But it is conspiracy also and although it is all shifted into human nature it is all conspiracy, one is still conspired against.
It not just trivial arguments against people over issues in ones life or personality or about ones character or individuality it is about Fascism about an conspiracy against one in the order of Fascism. These arguments all exist as means of just repressing issues of experiments and implants to that conspiracy, to all aspects of the implants is inhuman but it is all just forced into being an way of life.
One has always been scrutinized, ones intentions, ones mind ones behaviour has always been question one has always had to explain as to what one is dong or does or as to why one does what one does to ones every thought, one is forced to explain ones thoughts ones thinking ones reasoning, that which one thinks. Them all looking for flaws to have one considered insane. As such one is always engaged in an physiological warfare against one.
The games continues into an issue of race and there identities as to whom they are and what they want , to there guilty, with them all brainwashing one into a want for marriage, not allowing for anything else to be considered as an issue, Fascism. My arguments are the same no matter whom it is, it makes no difference ones arguments are still applicable, but them all wanting things as race issues hence not applicable to themselves.
They have always used things to mess with one head to control one and found things in this marriage thing and any flaws that one has in individuality, in respect of ones intelligence they consider one to be thick, and incapable of things or not as good as them or able as them thus they demand that one listens to them or does as they want, to wanting respect from one. But these are people whom have been conspiring against one all my life to driving one insane, they just covered up to twisting things around into something else as being an issue or and problem.
Using marriage to defying logic and protocol, right accorss the board they have alway done so and bound to do so where those whom want to control ones head ones life ones mind, to having that fascist intentions are bound to do so, those whom are meaning to force one into there own way of life.
They all mean to use the implants on one, to control one to control ones head to force one into there own race thing, there own conspiracy, there is no other reason for them to use the implants on one, logic gates can easily be followed or common sense can easily be followed or should be adhered to.
Forcing one into marriage as an cover up of things, arguing to be better than one, to covering up from the fact that they have kept one mentally disturbed, covering up into an race thing, using implants to have one considered insane and thick and dumb. Covering up from conspiring against one all my life, as an nation or as those behind the implants, or as one person or another or as race issues and race things.
As an race issues they have rights over one and hence this control of all aspects of ones life, I am sure the must have played it all within society as opposed to just arguing against one over whom has rights over one. With every intention of controlling all aspects of ones life and one head, and they have done so all my life, as an nation and other wise. Controlling one out of there own Fascism to there intentions to control one head ones mind.
They have always had control of ones life, but what for ? Experiments which all just shifts into race issues and everyone using the implants, to an insane conspiracy. Issues are kept repressed, with them all wanting there own thing out of this, they all want everything there own way or they want there own interest met as an nation or as everyone. It all includes race things, to marriage to wanting talk to one, it all seems rather innocent, but they already have got what they wanted from this, they are just continuing with there Wants.
They are very much an organisation but managing to continue with this madness this conspiracy via an race things, and perhaps siting on things until they all get things there own way, Fascism, which includes there own angles, there own conspiracy there own control or say in things, to using marriage to force one into things where one does not have an choice in any issues or matters that exist. One never has and one is not involved in there insane games or madness, it is just an conspiracy by them all against one, Fascism. This marriage thing is just making sure that one never does have an say in anything.
One does not know that which goes on and the insanity it is all mind games and insanity and subject of much torment, one is unable to say anything for certain, since it all goes on in ones head, therefore they will just dictate things to just messing about with the bare facts until one is moulded or tricked into there own view or angles in things. They are an organisation, and will cover themselves up from things, but it is about implants and not about real events outside ones head, it not about there insane games but there insanity.
As an organisation they are bound to make sure that all the problems exist, that all the problems stay to causing one more problems, in this conspiracy to drive one insane to make one flip or break. Things will get to one and they are obsessed with there objectives. As race corners they are no different, to them all having implants at disposable and used to go after one head, to the mental torture and bashing ones head. As race corners they all make sure that the problems stays that one stays isolated, confined to the implants that one is not recognised,
that one does not progress, to experiments and getting more control over ones head.
They are fascist conspiracy and will not allow for anything out of there control, not an single thought. Nothing or goes on is possible without them knowing hence there control, and have no intension of allowing me out of there control, to using marriage to justify this Fascism this control they have over ones life, them all want it as an solution but it just means of staying in control of one for the rest of ones life. Nothing goes on without there control hence the chaos or the mix ups the trouble all the madness that is all conspiracy it is all planed it is all controlled.
The organisation has conspired to mix up ones head, to cover up and everyone would follow into the key of that to play mind games, to cover themselves up, but it all means that they must have done something wrong, and are very much conspiracy, they need to cover up from there own ill intentions, hence from driving one insane or messing with ones head or other events of conspiracy, they all wanted one mad and trouble.
They are guilty because of there presence behind the implants, there use of the implants, to knowing ones thoughts ones mind the mind to being ones head, and because the argue against one or go against ones mind and one as an person. Guilty of using ones thoughts hence of stealing ones thoughts of keeping one as an human guinea pig. They are guilty of messing with one head of driving one insane that is where it all starts to them all intent on covering up and having one considered inferior and insane thus stealing any sanity or intelligence that exist with one.
They are in ones head to domination of ones mind, where they are all in the phase of doing so where they just refuse to get out of ones head, refuse to allow one to consider things or to know or hear my own thoughts or mind, forcing about there own presence in ones head and there own arguments or defence or wants or what ever angle they able to raise. It is intentional where it all aids this repression of ones mind or thoughts, and allows there own thickness to prevail. One is forced to argue against insane people and insanity is the only conclusion.
They are mental and repressing one into error one no longer does things or is to lazy to do things as in stretching, or forgets to do things as in training and is reluctant to do so where they will just mess with one head and drive one mad, the will just attack ones mind where they are not allowing one to do things until latter, after marriage. One rejects marriage where this is not about marriage although they all insist that this is about marriage with there own insane argument and logic or twisted minds.
This is about implants, experiments about them all conspiring against one all my life and against all that exist in ones life and ones mind and thoughts ones mentality, there intentions to insane one which is all brushed over into there want for marriage. Alas it is not for them to want. They are in one head and able to cause all sorts of errors, and doing so out of insanity or there intentions to mess one up that which one says or writes and does.
They are an fascist regime, which is intent on controlling one for there own interest, to using race arguments and race issues as an reason to do so, to arguing that one does not know what one is doing or ones own mind or is thick or dumb hence these mind games where they are all making sure the problems exist that one is damaged accordingly, where they know that one will never agree to them or have anything to do with them without trail and protocol being adhered too.
Being an Human guinea pig they are bound to force one into race things and into there own racism, or trouble or what ever but the would never be approved off there presence behind the implants or in ones head or use of the implants, one would never allow them this ability to interfere in ones life or head, they are guilty as an organisation whilst one would never approve of there views and angles, whether that is in reality or from behind the implants. Perhaps they know that one will never approve hence hell bent on using the implants on one, and would know ones views on matters since they have always been behind the implants hence they are very much that regime.
Human nature is forcing the issues to be about everything and about everyone, there own views and opinions, to the interference and control of ones life, to there own problems and paranoia within all this, but they are very much that conspiracy and the cause of that paranoia, to within all this insanity they all deem an problem exist and soon enough the problem is created. That nobody wants to talk to one or nobody likes one or everyone hates one or has it in for one, it is all conspiracy created and via insanity.
They all make sure the problem exist thus there arguments or stance, in many instances on issues of fear or anger or trouble, to race issues and madness or insanity where they argue and make sure that nobody helps one or talks to one or likes one or recognising anything about one. It is not just limited to the implants.
The issues is twisted into what they all think the problems is and will be, where they are just mental, refusing to recognise anything including implants or experiments and conspiracy, to ones rights and what not. They are just looking for and creating other issues and problems in ones life and forcing that to be an issue, and for one to deal with that, to argue against one in things, and to force one into there own ways of doing things which is and always have been in error. They are and have been looking for one thing or the other to use that thing to force one into error, into being controlled or ones life being run.
They are as mental people whom are intent on staying in control of ones life refusing to get out of one head and ones life, to being forced into or lead into there own race arguments where one rejects everyone behind the implants, but them all wanting it all racial based and insist on being present in ones head, arguing on protecting one or saving one or helping one. It seems they are intent on covering up from driving one mad all my life too there actual role in controlling one.
They are intent on finding things or having something the are able to use as an argument against one, nothing criminal so using ones character or personality or aspects of ones individuality to argue against one. To argue against one, to force one to agree with them in all things one does not and one never has, but they are intent on having there own stance, even in respect of there presence. They argue against one on all sorts of things and they have always done so, but they have never been right. Perhaps they are intent on covering up from always being wrong.
They are conspiracy, an organisation and if they manage to find one thing or use one thing or the be right on one thing, they will use to force about an assumption that the are always right, or into accepting all there other errors or wrongness, perhaps not allowing themselves to be contended or questioned. They are using marriage and the idea of being better than one or insisting that one is not clever to force one into there errors and conspiracy or cover up plans.
They use the implants when ever they want and however the want and in any manner they want it is all insanity. I prefer too blame the nation or all those behind the implants, especially those whom choose too question ones rights. It seems as if they all want an race solution, and to have thing as an race thing. They all want to talk to one and question on all things to get one to agree, where they are all conspiracy but are wanting things twisted into being ones own fault.
It is annoying where they are insisting on marriage to going on about talking to one and being ones friends, to being nice to one, which is all an perversion of justice. They have no intentions of allowing justice to be done, or for there to be an trial on issues. They are conspiracy they are that organisation that has caused one harm all my life, and it seems that one has to prove it where they all are intent on messing ones mind into considering them as being anyone and everyone.
They are effecting the mind in respect of reality basing there stance on race things and wanting one to see things accordingly, they are an race corner an regime that wants its own race arguments, thus are conspiring in all this and against ones mentality forcing one into that race thing and outcome of events. They want things as an race thing as whites this and that as opposed to an organisation, which would include themselves as none whites.
They are an organisation which is against ones mind and mentality, not wanting one to stand as one does or has done so, with the rest of the world or with logic. They are forcing one into character and marriage, too using marriage as justice as an solution, to evidence of there innocence or an coverup fo there ill intentions, or murder. Fascism plays its role where one has no choice, the organisation is conspiracy and making sure everything about one is conspired against.
One is innocent, and ones own arguments are ok ones own case notes are ok, it all deals with this conspiracy and Fascism, and all the problems and issues that one has, but them all wanting there own race things involved in ones path or route. Whilst also wanting to coverup from being that organisation hence arguing to know better than one or to better than one, and wanting control of the case and outcome of events or progress of the case. They are covering up from insanity, from messing with ones head, and not allowing for anything but insanity.
They are wanting to argue one the same angles as one does but with there own racism to themselves recognize for ones work, ones intelligence, to themselves profiting from ones intelligence or work done. As nation they claim to paying one as by paying the ones race, with them all wanting an share in things, to buy everyone out, to them all wanting to be brought out. Not sure on the truth of things but money is mentioned and an share is always mentioned whilst
just an million pound is offered for ones troubles, to ones notes and intelligence being stolen and deemed be claimed them all, this sharing of ones fame and fortune.
As race corners they are no different from any other organisation which has conspired against one, or is conspiring against one. They all use the implants they mean to read ones mind, to repress ones mind to accuse one of all things that one is accused of, hence accused of copying or lying or being thick or dumb or at fault. They are fascist given by there dependence on the implants and sole use of the implants for all intents and purposes.
Implants allow them to and it is use to interfere with the mind to know ones mind to steal ones thoughts, to repress ones mind. To watch ones every move, to control all that one does ones mind ones brain and all that exist in ones life, it is all Fascism. They have that control and using the implants to change ones mind to argue against one on case issues and against all issues that one wants to bring to trial.
That pressure not allowing one to work and to deal with this mess to finding ways out of this mess. To them all keeping one disturbed everyday of ones life, keeping one tormented and pressured.
One is forced to become bound to the limits of there own lack of intelligence, with them all forcing one to become trouble, it is all impossible problems, and they themselves are making sure that things stay impossible, from sleeping to working or associating with people to dealing with implants or conspiracy, and organisation. They are intent on forcing themselves to be considered better than one, thus insisting on having some sort of authority
over one ones that which one does.
Insisting that one does as they want with one being blocked into an corner and forced into marriage and there own race corner. It is all Fascism but all three corners are fascist and conspiracy and all arguments are the same as against any regime or organisation and issues are the same as those that would exist as if an fascist regime exist. Issues of ones rights, to ones freedom and that of ones choice, too all issues of individuality.
Although they are using race issue or problem they are using that and raising that too keep one controlled, isolated and repressed. Where it is race corners which are also doing so, because they want one bound to there race and way of life. It is an all conspiring nation, which has brought about this race issue on its own accord and everyone is willing too play into that race thing, but it is all done to cover up experiments, conspiracy and issues of implants, issues are side tracked into issues of race.
Logic can not differ in accordance to race, rules and case issues, things have to be the same other wise there is no order or law. It not just race issues that is the problem here it is all aspects of the law and ones rights. Any law or decision to deal with these issues of conspiracy, implants to Fascism can not be bias in accordance to race. It would just allow race corners to use the implants, there arguments or justification would be based on race but it is not much of an argument sine it does one no good.
The lack of justice would not deter them from such violation of human rights or crimes against humanity, it would just encourage them. Even though this is an race issue, and they are all arguing on race ground to being inclined to argue or act out of tick tack toe method, it is irreverlant , there is still no order, any law or protocol can not be bias it just means that things would scale up to governments and democracy. Which is what Fascism is about to that of history of racism.
Any law or protocol must be applicable to all races, since they are all using the implants, they are all guilty and they will continue to do so until one is mental. The are as everyone, an organisation, which has just shifted or split into race corners to just using racial ground as an motive as an reason or explanation. They argue that whites also do so and therefore they feel discriminated against if they are accused and not whites.
One is accusing them and accusing them all one does not know whom they are, they are those behind the implants and things just drag on into there own race things. Race things are just used, race issues are always there and used in all events from problems that arise there is always this question as to whether things racial motivated, to race corners just tend to conclude into racism as the motive. Things are just considered as an race thing to the conspiracy being trivialised into an race issue involving everyone whom in effect are brushing all issues of as an race thing.
As an race corners they just play tick tack toe within events, and it all becomes an race thing to matter of race issues, and the problems becomes twisted into selecting those of an different race to then creating problem. That is an race issue, which is what one is being lead into logic or protocol or the law is forced to be bias accordingly. The issues of conspiracy, implants to that of experiments are all buried. They are mostly using race issues to prevent one from accusing them, forcing issues to be blamed on whites hence and race things and race issues.
Protocol is indifferent, one does not approve of there presence or use of the implants, it makes no difference as to whom they are, the arguments again them are the same as that as any other race or person, hence they should be considered as an organisation. They are as an organisation, no matter what there race where there actions are the same they justify there actions as being because of whites.
To having the same Fascism as an other person or race where they are intent on using the implants for its purpose and they all have the same excuses of considering one to be thick or insane or of not knowing that one is doing. They are same as an organisation but just blaming things into an race thing to carrying on with there conspiracy there own action of interfering with the mind, to stealing ones thoughts to keeping one as an Human guinea pig.
They are the same but are make things trivial or as an game or making things sound reasonable or fair, to brushing thing off as an race thing in respect of accusations regrading there presence and use of the implants to there wants in ones life, or wants from one. To wanting match ones thoughts, to challenge one in things, too all things organisation. They are no different from whites or an fascist regime just that the are considered to meaning well because they argue accordingly, and are of an different race to blaming things onto whites or reverting to race things.
Protocol is the same, but they just continue to defy logic and reason and continue with there use of the implants and experiments, to this control of ones life. Even though they are an race corner they are still an organisation and arguments are applicable to the, logic and protocol is applicable. One does not have to talk to them or associate with them but they argue that one is then not allowed to talk to whites or associate with whites.
Arguments are applicable, protocol is applicable to all race corners, they are the same as that organisation and all arguments are applicable as would when confronting that organisation. They are covering up there conspiracy with this pressure on marriage and disturbing one to driving one mad into marriage, and they are operating as an nation, where they are not allowing for anything to be solved, to co-operating within all this to saying fuck all in response to my rejects on marriage.
I guess they are just forcing about an solution to there own problems, problems that they have all caused that of race issues to that of issues and problems that one has with anyone and everyone here or the problems that they all have with the truth. Forcing one to blamed to that of china also being used to race issues and forced into an cover up, to the twisting around of all this conspiracy it is there conspiracy of war which they are all covering up.
They are forcing one into what one gets out of this but this is about what going on, none of that has ever been recognized or addressed, they are just continuing into money issues and side tracks and deals and shares but nothing about what is going on or any truth has been allowed to exist. It is all insanity and it is an insane regime which is just continuing with its madness in all things, driving one insane into an coverup.
Protocol should focus on the truth and not on deals but one is forced into deals where one is deprived of all things to being kept poor hence forced into deals, it is all to do with there plans of keeping one repressed and forcing one into an deal. Protocol is also applicable to all of them and not just race issues, they may come across as being thick and dumb but that is because they are wrong and guilty, in all instances and issues of conspiracy, they have all conspired to cause one all issues and problems without an trace.
They are unable to explain themselves, or are unwilling to admit to there guilt and ill intentions, thus they would come across as being dumb and thick or insane. Protocol should deal with the fact they are just covering up with there lies and dumbness. Perhaps deemed guilty where the are just side tracking the issues onto something else and myself, to obviously lying and making up things, that is all conspiracy.
Protocol should deal with the fact that they are Asians whites and blacks whom are guilty and very much apart of an regime or an organisation. They are all guilty of the same issues and the problems as caused by the organisation, of experiments to causing one harm to controlling one head to doing ones head in, to defying protocol and logic. They all mean to defy one out of attitude, and doing so and even attacking ones every thought, to there very presence and use of the implants they are and must be judged to be guilty based on there presence alone.
They know they are able to play mind games and playing those games as to whom they are and there role within all this, and arguing over things. They are already judged to be guilty given by there presence to actions with in all though out the years events which one has to prove or prove that it is they whom are guilty, but they mean to argue against there guilt, they are guilty but arguing against things not allowing case issues to exist to repressing things.
They must be put through trial and quarantine to establish the truth in respect of there role and purpose within ones head and this conspiracy.
One has always been confined to themselves as an regime, they must be considered as such, guilty of using the implants all my life, perhaps it is they whom must prove other wise. The arguments are applicable to everyone where one is kept isolated and confined to the implants, where everyone is deemed to be using the implants, they are all in effect covering up the regime the conspiracy and those whom have conspired.
Protocol must ensure that one is not interrogated or questioned and forced into saying what they all want to hear but that problem also occurs through the implants and they all act on that which they want one to say, applicable in war games and ones ill intentions to questions asked about China. Protocol must ensure that one does not have to talk to them and one does not want to. As an organisation they are insisting on talking to one, which is just insanity where they know everything I know to making sure that one is angry and mental in things, and will say what the want to hear.
They are psychopaths and the will entice one and insistent on there own views where it is very much like arguing against insane people, they all defy logic as it is, and defy things with the same madness and insanity and bound to do so on all issues and matters of thought. They have always been after one head, they have always clashed on purpose with ones mentality, and they are dangerous where they raise issues of wanting to talk one. They are after ones sanity ones mind ones head. All issues are clashed on from simple issues of there presence to the extreme issues of control.
They are bound to clash with one on all things they fascist and want everything there on way there own way of life, if they get things there own way they will not clash so much, including forcing one to accept there presence, or use of the implants none of which is for the propose of protection or justice. It also includes money issues to that of wasting one or not allowing one to stand ones own intelligence or work or genius, that which they have stolen, hence they are intent on having one considered dumb or thick. It is the same as that of an organisation and its conspiracy against one.
Perhaps they will clash with one until they are able to coverup from all things that includes driving one mad into marriage hence covering up from messing with ones head there intentions to mess with ones head as an nation they have always done so. Protocol should concentrate on there actions and there use of the implants, preventing there use of the implants as opposed to allowing them all to interfere with ones head and ones life.
Protocol is all applicable, re-hab is necessary one still need to get ones thoughts together, one still has to get an life which they do not know about, including memories, and time. They should not be allowed to interfere or control ones life in the future, they mean to stay in control of one life, to interfere with ones life for the rest of ones life they have planed accordingly in respect of there arguments and mentality. They have changed there conspiracy into controlling that which exist in the future.
As race corners they want the implants and one controlled and bound to race, to making sure that experiments and implants are covered up.
Protocol on issues of writing still exist, conversations should take place in writing where ones mind is blocked and hindered, to one needing evidence of any conversation or of all that is said if or as an statement, and to prevent them from going on back on that which is said, it is the same protocol. Organisation is forcing one to be bound to one things or the other or one person or the other, from which one is forced to agree to things.
One is isolated and conspired against but they have all moved to have one bound to race things and race corners where race corners have done things in error, that is intentional and they are all intent on having one bound to things to be apart of things. What one writes is that which is an indication of that which one says or thinks and that is ones stance in things hence any binding one to trouble or race corners is just conspiracy and setups.
Race corners are intent on having one bound to themselves, using the existence of conspiracy, to that of implants to have one bound to themselves forcing the blame to be placed with whites to them all arguing over rights over one. Mainly Zim whom are arguing over rights over one and intent on forcing one into there nation and into an arrange marriage. They are all very much mixed up in things, they know everyone I know and have perhaps bound themselves to them, they are very much as an organisation.
They are just recognising the implants to have that control over one, it is argued they have always know of the implants and always been involved as an organisation. This is about getting out of this control over ones life, and protocol must make sure of that, to the issues of one rights it is about ones rights, and they do not have an right to dismiss ones rights. Whilst there is no point in them having rights over one of control over one, besides they are just this control in respect of race issues, and as an organisation hence making sure that one gets no where in ones life. They are just able to blame whites though.
Whites are guilty but both of them, and all them are just making sure the problems exist, causing more problems to deal with there own problems, there own paranoia to organisations things hence cover up things to mind games. They have not put an end to the use of the implants or conspiracy or achieved any sanity, it can tested and one argues that they have all conspired with in all this as an organisation.
They will not allow for any sanity and one is arguing against insane people in respect of all things the have nothing to stand on, but are mental and tend to just argue on anything to just disturbing one, to using marriage to do ones head in. Protocol must make sure that one can not be argued against and in respect of all things right across the board.
They all mean to argue against one, over one thing or the other from that of conspiracy and criminal issues to aspects of ones life and ones personality. They are arguing against one or mean to argue against one and just picking on things to just driving one mad. They all think they have an right to argue against one and to interfere in ones life, insisting on being bigger than one. They know things about one watching ones every move to being in ones head and knowing things from ones bank details to issues of discrimination to ones thoughts, and ones mind to that of women related issues to that of ones individuality.
They all want to argue against on to cause this anger in one to interfere in ones life, and perhaps argue to be better than one, and to argue until one does as they want to have ones life run by themselves. They are conspiracy and interfering in things but they nothing to work with so they interfere with all other aspects of ones life pressuring one to stirrup trouble. On simple things if one was to play games or to do something unethical, like throwing food away or just doing something which would get someone on my case they would shit stir.
Them all wanting to argue over things from one things to the other including ones notes asking one if one wrote such notes, it is annoying and they want to interfere in all things to force about there thickness into ones life, and leading one into one trouble or the other. One does not have to answer to them or explain oneself to them including that of family, one wants to make it protocol and law, that one does not have to answer to anyone over any issues of ones life or the case.
Family to Asians and Blacks to zim are edging towards have one answer to them in all things, to them all insisting on wanting to talk to one and it all leads into this trouble that also includes whites and this nation they are leading into this thing of having an go at one or attempting to prove to be better than one, to having one answer to them on all issues of case to that of ones life. I doubt it will be never ending where it is fascist things, they do not approve of many aspects of ones life, to being fanatical with power and control to this idea of being bigger than one.
As for case issues they are not interested anything but that which will prove one wrong or guilty, just making it an habit of questioning one on all things, to wanting to know what one things to asking about China but have moulded one into responding to any questions asked. To other issues on them all having it in for one from the start, to wanting to argue over things, to nail for things or something or the other. To change ones mind and they mean to argue against one over nothing, that is just pressure and insanity.
Other issues on being driven mad, to ones head being messed with, to conspiracy to mind games, to brainwashing and blocks it all means that one should not and must not be
be questioned. One does not have to answer to them, in respect of any issues especially in respect of ones life, ones choices or ones mind, mentality and thoughts. It is all conspiracy where they all have it in for one and mean to make ones life hell hence pressuring one on all sorts of things whilst refusing to recognise anything in respect of conspiracy or implants.
It is the same conspiracy and the pressure was there to prevent one from doing things to to force errors to make one mad, whilst that has all changed into them all arguing to be better than one or knowing better than one and having a go at one in respect of things that one does, where what ever one does is not perfect, or perhaps not good enough but that all comes from being disturbed in all that one does and just finding shortcuts in all that one does.
One still gets things done, but perhaps not as they would do things or not as well or as good as one can do, just that one has to deal with the mental torture and the pressure thus one just adapts to doing various things to deal with the various issues and problems that one has. Sleep is messing up the day and ones night to one revision thus one does not sleep during the day time but then one can not rest or work or read where the will put one to sleep, hence I find things to do as in DIY things round the house.
Most ones life is an adaptation process, where one has to deal with the implants and there presence, adapting to isolation to there presence and use of the implants, to all this control and Fascism. This is about there presence and use of the implants and not about that which one does in ones life. Many aspects of ones life are bound to be ruined and it is about there actions or conspiracy to mess up ones life not about that which wrong with one. It is they whom must explain themselves, it is the whom must be questioned. It is the whom must be found to be guilty.
They are finding things on one in respect of ones individuality, that which has gone wrong in ones life or that which is wrong in the things that one does, from working or painting or decorating too studying, there are always two sides to the coin, there are always two arguments in all that one does always that which is right or wrong depends. But many aspects of ones life is as an result of an adaptation process, one has adapted to living this insane life it is not of choice.
The lack of friends or phone calls, to things being argued over but the arguments are just insanity one is just arguing against insane people and conspiracy those whom are conspiring against ones sanity or mind. In many instances if not all it holds true, where they are just argue over that which they want to force into one head, and dismissing many aspects of the truths that one has proven. All of which raises further arguments, where one has to repeat ones self until one is in error, it all just makes ones mad.
They argue all the time and always in ones head, looking for flaws and wanting to argue over things, as to why one studies or writes to nations, to the standards of the things that one does this intentions of there`s to prove that they are better than one. They will argue in reality also until the get there own ways in things, but arguing in ones head and it is just a means of driving one mad where it is none of there business as to what one does in ones life or how ones lives ones life.
They should not know what one is doing, and it is about there presence in ones head and the fact that the know everything that one knows and about that which one does. Besides they are driving one mad and messing up all that one does to interfering with ones mind. It is strange that one has changed from being good at everything to being incapable or rubbish in the things that ones, for instances writing and typing.
Arguments involving how long one paints or how one paints or spending time with the kids or family or earning money or jobs or as to why one studies, various things which are all explained, too proving this conspiracy against all that one does, to there ill intentions. They are still those whom have driven one insane but covered up into this pretence of being reasonable, whilst leading to the same outcomes of events of them all having control of one to running ones life. It is insanity or insane people where they dismissing issues regarding the implants and there conspiracy, there guilt the are just side tracking one into something else.
Protocol should protect ones rights. Rights which are dismissed until ones proves , and until they have things there own ways, but it is about ones rights and they are still guilty, and it is about all aspects of ones rights, and individuality none of which are selective or an matter of choice. Race issues and race corners are dismissing issues of ones rights for an race thing, and for there own control of one, they are washing all issues of ones rights from one into an race thing, all issues are still very much applicable, especially matters of ones own choices or freedom.
Protocol should not and does not make decision based on race, the progress of any reasoning or trial cannot be racial bias or motivated, one is unable to judged someone to be guilty based on race, that is how it has been for an long time but race corners are messing with things to have things based on race, blaming whites. To wanting control of one to force one into there own way of life, to being very much the problem, causing one harm and posing a very real threat to one.
One argues against them on things, where one accuses them and refutes there presence in ones head and ones life to it all shifting into race things, to them all wanting me to do things there way to wanting one married and to answer to them on things.
Protocol is strict and held by myself, it is important even the simple things are imperative, although they are all dismissed or washed or ignored it is all very important. It is supposed to prevent the mind from being interfered with, from being poisoned, moulded or washed or controlled. To prevent the implants from being used whilst everything about the implants interferes with the brain and the mind, it all compromises ones individuality.
Every use of the implants has some effect on the mind and brain, some impression onto the mind and ones mentality that of insanity is very dangerous, whilst any use anything put into ones head is an violation of that which is human, or that what it is to be individual. Although the implants are used as an way of life, it all starts with things being impossible to experiments and trial and error use of the implants to the present functionality, hence it just does not work on its own accord, there are many steps involved in the use of the implants.
Protocol, reason and logic is all important in establishing the truth, trial must also be used to establish the truth of events where it is all mind games. Even if I know it is all still mind games, whilst any form of truth must be established in trial where no truth is allowed to exist, the truth itself is conspired against. The truth of an event or an fact that an conspiracy exist or implants exist even if those guilty of such crimes are not found. All aspects of the truth is are all subject to torment and still conspired against to being an matter of mind games rumors or hearsay.
Organisation or race corners are intent on dictating that truth same as conspiracy they are intent on telling one what is I what and what is not, it is an cause of much concern where they are intent on having there own trouble there own views there own bias there own way of seeing things forced into being the truth. Perhaps also an coverup of events and there role within events, in respect of isolation or that of say alienation, which is just brushed of into race issues. Them all wanting to toy with events and ones head, to argue or mould one into race things.
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