Sunday, 17 March 2019


A Threat To One        SHORT CASE NOTES 
Saturday, 16 March 2019  1:03:30 PM updated
Saturday, 09 March 2019  8:47:48 PM
Their Presence
Helping one
Listening to one
Saving one
Protecting one
There cover up
Reading the Mind
Mind control

I want them considered a threat to one, they are a threat but want themselves considered to be right and to have rights over one to be helping one or saving one. They have many arguments and things go into race thing and in accordance to white this and white that they as blacks and Asians have arguments.   This is about their presence there use of implants, that it is they whom are also that organisation that conspiracy.  

Their Presence
They are a threat to one, watching one and knowing everything about one knowing everything that one does at any one time, they know everything about one, one’s mind ones thoughts to everyone I know.  They have known all my life , they have been ones case all my life and know what ever one knows  and is doing at any one time.  They are an conspiracy and covered up in their actions against one where they do not always want their presence to be known. 

They have been ones case all my life and in one’s head and messing about with one’s mind one head all my life, it is about proving it and proving their presence there conspiracy there actions against one where life goes against one and sometimes it is normal and that is life but at other times they have hand in things. 

Their presence is away of life and their actions against one is voiced often their stance against is voices often against one they are hostile and very much against one in all aspects of ones life in anything that would work in ones favour they know that I am getting on people or making friends or getting on in life and they are hostile and wanting life to be difficult for one and for one to fail in life .
They are able to move against anything and everything that one does, they know whom I will talk or listen to or get on with like or take a fancy too and are just poised to move against one mostly to keep one isolated and repressed not allowing one to have someone to work with. Alas now it is all about race arguments and women and sex, with them all not wanting one to mix with people of that race or women and so on and using that as reason to be ones case.

They all insist on being in one head and watching one and to keep one isolated and repressed to make sure that I do not build any relationships with anyone or build up anything that would go against them as an race corners as Asians or Blacks.  They all insist on staying in one’s head to torment one to do ones head in drive one mad into their arrange marriage.

They all insist this is about marriage and one must get married and all one must do is to get married they all insist on marriage demanding one gets married and will not allow for anything in one’s life they are very much against anything in one’s life and insist on marriage as being reason.  They to do know what ever one is doing at any one time and are very much a threat to one and warn one that I will be harmed or will have problems or the will act against one.

Implants are a threat to one, they use implants so they are a threat to one they are those behind the implants thus they are very much a threat one.  It is about implants and what implants does and can do and so on, what implants are being used for and whether I can prove it and whom is going to listen to one or believe one, and what to do about the use of implants and their presence.

I do describe them as an organisation the all want that shifted over to being an race things hence they will argue that they are not guilty as blacks or Asians and insist that just whites are to blame, a lot of this allows them in one’s head and to cause one issues with nobody being able to stand up against them. 

Implants are a threat to one and it is vast amount of things that the implants can do and can mess with one, it has its own section and essays but implants are threat to one and its use, and their presence. They all prefer a mix up in things where they are not approved of but argue as to why others are approved of and how one knows whom is guilty or not guilty, it is mind games which they are waiting to play, where I need witness and to prove things they will mingle with those witness and 5th corner to the extent that they want to be considered as 5th corner.  

To put themselves in charge of this and me also and implants and they argue and revert back to their stance and directions.  They all insist that they start with Marriage argue your marriage first.  Alas they are that organisation and through time they have made everything a way of life their presence and there use of implants.

 Implants are threat to one it does cause one problems all the time, it is again my word against them and what one can prove and whom too. Implants are used to argue against constantly over one thing or another to wind one up on one thing or another until one goes mad or gets angry. Implants are used to deprive one of sleep and other functions of the brain, the brain and mind is compromised and I push the brain to work so I know what they are doing with implants they are working against the brain where  I know what the brain can do I know what I can do.

They have been working against the mind and brain for 20 -30 years until it gets into ones head that one is not able to do things that one is inept in things. They are very hostile over ones thoughts ones genius in things where they intend to fight against one over such thoughts and ideas and to take things from one, where want to compete and fight and argue over things and refer to one as an retard. It is an battle that is been going on all my life and they all insist that one has lost. It is not really possible that one should lose but alas the want that to be ones head.
They are a threat to one.

Helping one
The organisation both Asians and Blacks insist on helping one after one gets married and argue on wanting to help one after one get married, they will and insist on help one but only if one gets married then they would help one.  Where one is in trouble with this in one’s head, perhaps that includes some race thing. They all insist on this idea of helping and may even argued to have helped one or present to help one.  Things are different now them before where it is human nature that present and all sorts including 5th corner and nations not just that hostile regime.  Hence it is like anyone and everyone and all sorts thus it difficult to point the blame and finger at someone where it is all mind game and they are going to argue and cover up into 5th corner or race arguments.

They may argue to be helping one is rejected implants are not be to be used for any reason other than bringing things trial which Is carried out by nations or 5th corner.  It is not to be used for anything else other then bringing evidence too all uses of implants. Implants are not be used for anything else where they as Asians & Blacks use implants callously, and insist on arguing in one’s head and doing my head in until agrees with their marriage.  They want to be considered as helping one and alas they are just driving one insane.

Listening to one
They want to know ones every thought and one’s mind yet they do not want to listen to one, and blacks and Asians just want to sit on one until one is bound to their marriage and there organisation.  They do not want to listen to one or for any one else to listen to one and to know the truth of events and the truth about ones situation.

They argue strongly that nobody is going to listen to one and they have no intentions of wanting to listen to one, it is a strong argument they have, and they tend to stand on this as one of their insane arguments which they persist with until one responds.  They just want one insane hence are not going to listen to one, and alas they are not able to explain why they will not listen to one but it is as evidence as and when one proves that what one says is important.

They are a threat to one and that is what one is complaining about, their presence and use of implants, they have seem to have countered with arguments and insisting that nobody shall listen to one.  It is something they would have to explain and is as evidence where they are in one head and know ones every thought yet they do care for ones protest.  They constantly argue to listen to one after and after some event of marriage. 

Saving one
They argue to have saved one and want that to be the truth creating a lie to accounting for their presence and role in this, alas they are very much a threat to one.  It is deemed that they arguing against others to enforce this lie where it is they whom are that organisation and one has to prove they are guilty, Guilty of being in ones head, Guilty of using implants of doing my head of driving me insane of doing experiments to controlling and interfering with ones head all other case aspects. 
They case is that they have always been in one head and always been using implants, and are just trying to lie there way out of case arguments insisting on being those who saved one.   They have not saved one from anything, implants are used all the time and all my life the threat is there use of implants their presence, they have made implants a way of life and all functions of implants possible.
They are a constant threat to one, that organisation which intends to lie about things forcing race arguments to be there defence. They make things up as to problems and ignoring the problems they are causing with their presence and implants.

Protecting one
They want their presence to be considered as protecting and argue to be protecting one where it is their presence in one’s head that is the problem and the threat issue they argue in an mix-up of their race scenario.   I guess mostly they just moving around there race things, and using that as a excuse and covering up there ill intentions towards one where they are very much intent on controlling ones head and one’s life, where they  have dominated ones head and one’s life. 

They know my thoughts my mind, and that is a threat to one the problem they argue in reverse in knowing my thoughts thus know ones is guilty or imply that one is guilty and wrong.  They drive one mad until they know one’s mind and thoughts and have been driving one sick until has ill thoughts.
 They have damaged one’s mind in things and are repressing one’s mind always doing ones head in so that one does not know one’s own mind or thoughts they always in ones and always looking to have one mixed up,  to be messed up in the head, where they do not want one to know my own mind or thoughts.   They are always whispering in one’s head to one being forced to live with them in one’s head.

They attempt to become my thoughts via whispering in ones head and able to force about errors forcing into making mistakes, including typing mistakes. Allowing themselves some control over one including getting one out to smoke all the time. They are very thick and always in ones head and always wanting to be dominate in ones head and over ones life.  They shout and scream over marriage and constantly want to argue in ones head which is suppressing ones own mind.

There cover up
It is they whom are a threat to me, and not me to them.  They have things twisted, in many events and things, from what they want and to what one wants and they are switching identities around and forcing me to be the insane git whilst they all want to be considered clever and bigger than one and knowing better than one, with one being considered insane, to not knowing what one is doing.  
All things are twisted so that one is of character using whatever they can to force one to be considered the insane git, whether I argue on implants and voices in one’s head to conspiracy or I just ignore thing and go about my own business. They also go mental in one’s head forcing one to behave insanely. 

They want to cover up everything as an organisation, I guess they have kept things covered up in ones sense whilst another sense everyone seems knows everything or something about this, could be a lie or a truth of events.  They want to cover up or prevent trial and argue that no trial or justice will be in effect.  They want to cover up from their use of implants and not wanting to be brought to trial over their presence and all events of conspiracy.  As an organisation they have made sure that interest are met in all things.  

From getting paid to being rich to being big to getting away with trial, and there use implants their experiments to being after ones head to driving one sick and getting way with being in one head to knowing my thoughts to doing my head in every day of one’s life to stealing my mind to using one’s mind and ones Intelligence and taking things as their own.  They have covered up from the issue as being there presence and implants. They all argue in one head constantly poised to do ones head and forcing their presence to be a way of life, always arguing and insisting on marriage.

Implants does violate all of one’s rights, one has no privacy no freedom no choice, hence one has no rights as given by implants; one has no rights the violation of one’s rights occurs when they use implants on one.  They and this is all a threat one, and they mean to be in one’s head and to use implants on one as they have done throughout one’s life. 

They all insist that I have no rights here and argue over their rights over one and their rights in this because one has implants they all think they have rights over one and within this as race corners.  They argue on SO and So as an when argues that they are in one’s head and this is about them all being one head.  

They dismiss ones rights and hence also then trial and justice and democracy they are thus a Fascist regime and tyranny , and one is up against tyrant and they are very much an hostile regime,  whom are rather happy once they all get things their own way or get what they want out of this, which is deemed money to be getting everyone to listen to them , to have one isolated and alienated and forced out of everything in life and to be put in charge of one,  in a position to be dominate over ones head and life without question, to be able run one life without challenge.

 Race arguments are allowing them this control over ones head and life they go unchallenged where it is me on me  on own and up against all three race corners ( or something) whom want to live in one’s head and use implants on me all my life.

To be able to torment one to do ones head in, to insane one to cost one to use implants without question to mess with one’s head and brain without question without one being able to do anything about it all, where they do not care for ones rights.  

Where they insist that nobody listens to one, that one is not to be liked and association is limited to those in one’s head, or place of work, but one is there to do a job. 

Reading the Mind
They do read the mind strongly knowing my mind and thoughts and showing off on this as one is reading a books, it is problem where they are able to control the speed of one’s reading and effect ones reading and understanding. They are reading the mind strongly, and in there own voices and intend to argue over whether ones thoughts are ones own.  It allows them to control ones thoughts to some extent, and intent on angering one and confusing one with them all wanting errors in that which one says.

They are dependent on the idea that nobody is going believe one or listen to one, that I cannot prove anything to them all being `listened to` as a race corner as Asians or blacks where whites will listen to them and follow them and one is excluded from everything unless I bend to them and their terms and conditions, as that organisation as Asians and Blacks. 

Reading the mind is a problem where they are able to effect the mind and thoughts to interfere with the mind they know one’s mind and thoughts and able to mimic my thoughts and mind. They want to become my mind and thoughts.  They have control and implants are set so that I do not know my own and thoughts to them all always doing ones head in via shouting and other things with implants,  to make sure I do not know my mind or aware of my own thoughts.

Brain Washing
Obvious aim of their experiments, they are bound to achieve this, it is about one proving it, and whether that is going to be recognised and whom is going to listen too one on such complaints, whom is going to believe one that they have kept one for experiments and have managed to find means of brainwashing. There are several ways of Brainwashing and it is all active and they are very much engaged in practicing such science. 

It is sick where they want one banned from everything I do in life and whatever I do in life they are just poised to bully one out of things and deemed me to be a threat and trouble to them all. The Truth is a Threat.

They say things in one’s head which I should not know and would not have ever known , ill thing and hostile things which are put into ones head including their insistent on wanting marriage they are brainwashing one into thinking that. I accuse them of experiments and implants to meaning one harm they all insist on just wanting one marriage, one considers them as an threat to one.

Brainwashing experiments are vast and very much there goal where they are stealing the mind steaming from reading ones mind and not allowing my thoughts to exist in ones own head, they insist on filling ones head up with there madness, and always very much against ones own sanity and logic. They as Blacks insist on forcing there lies upon me and others there twisted accusations in things where they deemed me to be at fault and not themselves in every event.

They are guilty and hostile, and especially if one moves out side of their control.  They are able to put things in one head that should not be there and that which I should not know,  and it is out of habit they argue on this and practice on this from saying they are crying or they are shocked or they are angry or they are mental and so on , it is all brainwashing one whilst in isolation. I do not know who or what they are doing including when they all wind one up on having sex with that person and the next and so on and abusing women. 

Stealing the mind to knowing ones thoughts and reading the mind they are able to steal ones thoughts accurately this subject is extensive and will also be evident once it is proven that they are stealing ones thoughts one’s mind, that the implants are used to steal ones thoughts.

Mind control
They are able to interfere with ones thoughts, ones head saying things in one’s head as one’s own thoughts and stuff that I would do in normal life, and getting some control over one to annoying one where it is about if one is using one’s own mind or not.  To them able to say things alien to one and other things to effect the mind saying to go mad or be embarrass or not to bother or go, or do not do that, they are able to control ones head where the mind the brain is the control centre and the mind  is thoughts and thoughts are voice control. They have learnt that ones thoughts is also a voice as such they have learnt also too interfere and control ones head. 
They do ones head in , they harm one and damage ones head with headaches or bashing ones head and brain and making sure that one’s own mind is silent and repressed and thus allowing them to control ones head lot easier, it being easier for them to interfere with one’s head.

Implant are about controlling the brain accessing one’s mind is just a bonus, implants can do what ever the brain can do and lots of problems exist  with control and pressure and so on.  The brain is also affected by anything they say and do in one’s head the brain learns and adapts and will become that which it is exposed too, they know and they are looking to damage one.  They have one exposed to madness and pressure.  The lack of sleep makes the brain weaker, whilst the control over the brain is also given by the lack of sleep or control over sleep.  Other controls over the brain is unknown, this control over one is a threat to one, and they are very much a threat to one.

Control over the brain is messing up ones speech that which one would say they are able to stop one from saying whatever I would have in mind or trying to say and often shown when one is having to explain what one is doing in ones task or at work, or what problem the users are facing.  The mind is not allowed to work properly or freely.  Control over ones hands and wrist and elbow and shoulders exist they toy with that control ever so often, just to scare one, to show one they can do so, and when they are angry and insisting one marriage they force  one into making the same gestures. 
Not sure about other controls and what else is inside one, they do mess with things and effect one as they want to add emphasis to their demands and show they are upset also or laughing when they laugh, hence able to move the chest around and the back of the spine and jaws and eyes.  

They mind is always compromised they able to read the mind and talk to the mind and to argue against one’s mind and thoughts, whether I know and like or not I would consider all things or the mind considers all things for example whether I should get out of bed that is chain of thoughts, which they know and can mimic, thoughts which they can use to control one.  Including whether I smoke, whether I want to do things or whether I should hurry, or should not bother, and so on thoughts and mind control, control over ones head.

Insanity and angry are both linked, and both are the same as, and they are very angry at one over nothing and get angry over one over marriage to being very hostile and angry at one over marriage n because they want one to get married one refuses. They enjoy shouting at one being angry in ones head to be hostile at one because one refuses to get married and to be dominated by them all. They accuse one of wanting war and insist one must get married,  to one mostly arguing against Asians an blacks whom refuse to  get out of one head whilst white are known to be swearing at one.

One is not mad or angry naturally, thus they are learning the mind and brain, moulding the mind and brain to get angry,   to respond with angry and to be angry and mental where I do not go mental or angry in things but they all insist one must get pissed. They have set things up so that I will be pissed at something or the other in the future.

They are angry at one for no reason other than them all wanting one to go mad, to be insane where they have conspired to drive one insane, it is a conspiracy to drive one insane, and everything is also about them all wanting one insane.  The problem is that I have to prove it and the extent of their ill intentions suffix to say one has live with them all in one’s head. To live with their thickness. 
They constantly angry at one over marriage, wanting to argue over marriage and demanding that one gets married into their family, and continuous argument and pressure until one agrees, they have no right to be angry at me, and not point to them all being angry at one via  implants other then to cause one harm and damage.  I should be angry at them for doing my head for shouting at me and being in ones head.

Everything  they do with implants allows them experimental data allows them that much closer to ones thoughts or one’s mind the ability to read the mind and to map ones brain. To gain that control over the brain where that region of the brain as highlighted.  This is about them all wanting to control ones head and ones mind, they are hell bent on control ones head, to learn the mind to read the mind to learn how the brain works and to control the brain to control me to be dominate over one where implants allows them to be dominate over one.  

They are able to watch one to know ones every thought to know what one is doing at any one time to be able to control everything and everyone in one’s life, they know everyone I know and everything that one is doing at anyone time and able to get to that person and so on and put themselves in vicinity of one also.  They control they have over one’s life is all conspiracy and very much possible they maybe here and there and knowing this and that and acting according given the environment that one is living in. 

Implants allows them control over ones brain ones thoughts ones mind, over ones memory and that which one recalls they know everything I know and able to probe the mind to distract one in things and doings when one needs to be pay attention to lectures or conversations.  They do experiments to interfere and control one’s mind. 

The use of implants again gives them more and more control over one, allowing them to dominate ones mind, ones head ones life.  Implants in the brain gives them control over ones brain, access to ones mind both of which give them control over ones head and life.  They keep doing ones head in all the time and throughout ones life, until I do not know my own mind, and do not know ones own thoughts hence it allows them control over`s ones head. 

They are constantly jamming into ones head over marriage, and intent on arguing over one thing or another it all suppress ones thoughts,  one is forced to payee attention to them and argue against them over such matters ones mind is shifted into dealing with them, and whatever was of thought or should be of thought is erased and suppressed. Whether that is money or job or work or task or football or a relationship, and everything else in ones life is all suppressed.

They are in one’s head because they are after one head, and mean to be dominate over ones head and thoughts. They are thick but intent on having me considered thick and inferior to them.
Control is given by their presence they know everything I know and able to act and move against anything that would work in ones favour,  they also know everyone I know and thus able move against anyone that would support one, and argue the same and very hostile, warning one that they will remove anyone that supports one. 

They are watching one and know everything about one implants allows them to know what one is doing at anyone time and they are able to move against one, to interfere to mess up or disturb one in whatever one Is doing. They are an threat to one and tend to disturbed one in  all that one does in life and in what ever the mind comes across  they are always present to mess with ones head.
Control is about their presence they know everything I know my thoughts and mind and know everything I know though out one’s life and able to interfere with the mind to probe the mind, to draw ones attention to talk the mind to distract one and stop one from payee attention to conversations or meetings or information and lectures. They learn one’s mind also, and able to block ones thoughts able to stop one from arguing the same, to remember things whether that is picking up my card or getting the keys and so on. 

Implants allows them control over ones brain and ones mind and they do tend to interfere with ones brain and ones mind they conspire to allow them to learn one mind to allow them to gain that control over ones head and brain. There presence allows them to conspire against one to know what ever one is doing and able to act against that which would work in ones favour. 

They are very hostile towards one and that is given via many things including their use of implants they use implants therefore they are hostile they use implants with violence and force. They found ways in which they can damage one and harm with implants with force full use of implants where they are very hostile and angry at one over nothing.

They shout and scream at one over marriage and other things and mean to be angry at one to be hostile towards one hence to have one subdued, where one is allowing the mind to recover, and thus one is not to get angry where the brain could bruised due to them all  being hostile from behind the implants. They have learnt to damage one to bash ones head in, not sure what they are doing in their use implants that way. They are very hostile over control over one and  in getting one to smoke, and mean to be dominate over one.

They are insane, and that is often said , that they are insane thus one should understand and listen to them and do as they want and help them, they insist that one can help them by getting married. They always argue over one thing or the other and leading one into their marriage and demands over marriage.  They argue they are insane and continue with things so that one has too payee attention to them all, and not allowed to get on with what one should be doing or wants to do and consider.
They are just constantly leading one into paying attention them all, and not allowing one to do that which I should be doing in life. Their presence there use of implants and because they use implants and are intent on staying in ones, they are insane.  They are insane because they have twisted arguments,  they have nonsense arguments they have no reason no logic, there is no point no end result or conclusion to anything they argue on it is just insane arguments they are just twisted and driving me insane but alas they are insane one is blamed for this.  They are driving me insane.
They will also accuse me of the same that one is accusing them all and winding one up on things. They are insane cause they are just dependent on lies on conspiracy of being hostile and angry on being violent to get things their own way,  to being dominate over one.  They are very much a threat to one where one is confined to their madness to them all as insane people and they keep one isolated with every intentions of driving one insane.

There defence is that one fine, that one is excellent in things one is brilliant in things one seems ok and healthy, doing fine in things. One has no choice but to recover to get on with things or to become sick. 

They are dominate over one, with implants allowing them to be dominate over ones head and ones life, they shout and scream that allows them to dominate in ones head, head aches also allows them to repress ones mind.  There presence allows them to know everything I know and thus to dominate ones life, to get to anyone to be where I am. To be able to control what ever one does at anyone time that control can be given by conspiracy by people doing wrong things, by things going wrong for one and by implants forcing the error whether that is with the brain and control or them all wanting to argue in one’s head  to one’s mind being compromised.

Domination given by their ability to know one’s mind to read the mind to know everything I know and able to erase things to take things out of ones head to remove that thought either by nattering in one head to arguing against that thought in ones head or being able to capture that thought or impulse via implants, that all erases such thoughts and evident as one forgets things.  It is problem where ones memory is one of my strongest points in the past but alas it seems it is now my weakest points.
 I often I get caught out not recalling information dates and time so on, organisation wants to effect ones credibility where some of my case notes will be based one what one recalls.

They do intend to interfere with all that goes in ones that is conspiracy, and that is also control and removing things from one’s life, but it all begins with interfering with ones life. They do interfere with ones and have made sure that I have nobody and nothing in ones life and that is ones history where I have always been on my own, and kept isolated \ alienated.  They all insist that one has nothing that one gains nothing out of life,  and are watching and one studying one and making sure that nothing works for one that no written work will make a difference, or studying or academic progress or anything that one does in life or work done or achieves in life. They will not give one any credit for things.  They prefer to discredit for anything and everything I have done in life and using that to be ones case.

They know what one is doing and where one is,  and are able to get things working against one, where they say things about one to accusing me of being trouble and setting one up for things to having it in for one and finding ways to make sure that things go wrong for,  evident in ones career ones jobs ones employment but also evident with ones academic progress and ones social life to that which one is recognised for.

They as an organisation or conspiracy have managed to get everyone to corporate with them,  where they as a race corners demand this and argue that it is only me whom is going to be trouble,  and it is only I whom is going to want war, where they as blacks and Asians get what they want out of this and one is to comply to their demands. 

They do interfere with one’s life, and expected from their presence, not sure what they are doing but the do wind one up in there actions, where one is lead to believe the are doing and saying something and not sure what but in ones head to pressure one to come up with something.
Not always able to hear conversations, not always able to payee attention to things said or conversations, or things going on around one, that is also because they are in ones head nattering and talking to them mind and wanting to argue against the mind to wind one up.
They are able to interfere with ones brain and mind to which extent I do not know. 


Written work is better for me and I tend to write things down for reasons as explained in an earlier essay.  Typing is a means of noting ones thoughts they are intent on messing with ones typing and not allowing one to write down that which of thought and one often struggles in writing down that which I need or want to say.  They are forcing the brain and me to struggle and forcing about the loss of thought where one stuck correcting the errors and the chain of thought is lost.  They are very hostile in messing up ones typing and to some extent they are able to control ones written work. It is of thought and that which is of thought is noted and typed, if they control and effect ones thoughts they also then effect ones typed notes.  Alas They all force one to come across as being thick.


They have kept one isolated \ alienated throughout one life and one is remains confined to those in ones head it is however a conspiracy and one has to prove it, where one is in one sense free to go into town and to do anything within town and in normal life but mostly on my own.  One is isolated with them all being ones head and the will jam into ones head to keep one isolated, and alienated.
They are using the fact that one is with implants to keep one isolated and to argue that one is race bound , that one must stick to ones race hence Asians whom want nothing to do with one unless one gets married. Same old mental blocks with them all finding reasons to keep one isolated. They alienate one and want one alienated not to be able to stand up against them with any degree of force. 
They use implants and force one to be race bound forcing about an race issues without anything being recognised  they just in ones head to make sure that one is kept isolated by one means or another that one is kept confined to those in ones head.  They are using marriage also as reason too keep one isolated and alienate and want nothing to do with one, and insist that I can forge a relationship with anyone, where they are inclined to break relationships, insisting on their arrange marriage and what is best for one. 

They have other arguments which are there to keep one alienated insisting that one is insane, and that one is thick, to accusing me of not knowing what one is doing or not point listening to one where they want to fight over everything including wanting people that would listen to them, alas lots of people have gone insane because of associating with them and they all twist it all around into being my fault and insist that everyone should listen to them.

There are lots of things being said or deemed to be said in conversations, again I am not sure what is being said but the organisation winds one over things said. They probe the mind and work on the mind on something that is deemed to have been said and build there up there arguments and pressure one on, and I am not sure as to what is being said or done what goes on one is not paying attention and even if one does it would be difficult for one to really register things.  

It is deemed that they are saying things which would cost one, that one loses something that ones work is claimed by them ones theories is claimed by them and they go unchallenged and even I am not challenging them and not saying anything or responding. Not responding to lies being said about one or actions taken against one, and again it is worked on in ones head as opposed to being sure of what is said or done. 

One gets wound up on things including with the pressure of marriage, where they hear and act up on the same event or issue and go mental and not allowing me to deal with thing as I see fit.  One is always deemed to be of character they are always pointing out traits to that character and I have to correct them often but it is all waste of time, where the real issues in life are not dealt with.  One is deemed to be of character and one has to correct that where one is innocent and legally bound to all principles of law, as given by ones association with nations.  The organisation is bound to there own fascism, tyranny corruption, conspiracy, insanity , madness, lies, etc etc etc  . 

Fascism is given by implants there presence there intentions to control ones head ones brain ones thoughts, given by there experiments , them all wanting to know ones mind ones thoughts to interfere with ones brain ones thoughts to mess with ones head ones brain. 

Fascism is given by there want to know of ones mind ones thoughts to know everything I know to know everyone I know to be able to control everything and everyone in ones life and to be able to control everything I know they know and I know,  and from that they are able to control what one does at any one time hence if one was to want bear or food or to sleep or one wants to watch tv or if they want to smoke or watch tv to prevent one from writing about them or working against them. 
They want to prevent the brain from working from ones mind or thoughts from getting out side of there control they are able to control the brain and the speed of ones mind and brain and making sure they are able to keep up with one. They use sleep also to stop ones mind and brain from working, and jam into one head with noise as they are putting one into deep sleep.

They do not want ones thoughts and one’s mind to go outside of their control hence have many years of practice at this, using all sorts of things including sleep and forcing typing errors and arguing ones head and jamming into ones head to being poised to just attack one’s mind as one’s mind wakes up and considers things. 

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