Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Mental Torture

Fascism and Mental Torture

Mentally torturing one to weaken ones mind , not allowing one to do anything in ones life, not allowing one to live ones life. They are conspiring to mentally torture one, planing to argue against the mind, to cause one problems and posed to go against one every thought ones mentally. Planned in the sense they know everything I know to having this plan on what to say and do with the implants and doing so when the mind is weak or perhaps in relation to the brain and functions of the brain.

Mentally torturing with this idea of knowing how to cause harm how to use the implants in that fashion, to use it to cause one harm, using the variations of tools that the implants provides , from loudness to the regions of the brain the different people and issues that they raise and going against ones mentality ones mind against logic via mental torture thus intent on driving one insane. Driving one mad into there madness or insanity, and covered up from meaning one harm in things by going on about marriage end pretending to mean well .

As an organisation they are bound to go after one head they have always done so, but doing so without an trace. Organisation which has always conspired to drive one insane and continues to do so without an trace using marriage as an means of driving one mad and arguing against one, of going after one head. Mentally torturing everyday of ones life and in all that one does, cause one harm or damaging ones head in all that one does whether that is training or listening to the MP3 or going to work or working or coming home.

The organization always will cause one harm they have just found a means of doing so, and getting away with things or having an cover story or an counter arguments. They will impose that fascist control over ones life and over ones head , that is there conspiracy that is Fascism, and they have that control but without an trace. Fascist control over everything and everyone in one life, over ones head and ones thoughts, via conspiracy and mental torture they are controlling everything in ones life.

Using this pretence or an excuse of wanting marriage to controlling one in all that one does or experimenting to do so, to insane one. Causing one harm in all that one does, and more so with more damage and more violence or anger, hostilities given by the control imposed by the implants, and the mental torture. Controlling ones life and meaning to control one for the rest of ones life and mentality torturing one into that control, and there presence in ones life and accepting there presence in ones head.

Conspiracy, an organisation is bound to control one to wanting that control of all that one does for the next 50 years, hence not allowing me out of there sight or control or allowing for justice to be done, making sure of there cover up and conspiracy , conspiracy to do what ? What ever it is , it is forever, to damage one, to insane to conn one to kill one, to isolate one, to isolate one to know ones mind and what not.

Mentally torturing one into this idea of marriage, brain washing one into marriage where the do not want to explain as to what the are doing in ones head to using the implants all my life, to conspiring against one. Mentally torturing one into this idea of being ones friends, defying protocol and all logic that has been applied through out all of this. Driving one mad until the get things there own way from talking to one to knowing one mind to having something on one.

It is all conspiracy that they do not talk to one, that one has no friends, to there presence and control of ones life, making sure that one has no visitors or phone calls or anything or does anything in ones life. They are just mentally torturing on into an cover up.

That which one does in ones life is forced out of ones life via mental torture, I guess where all other things fail they resort to mentally torturing, driving one mad out of an social life, out of women in ones life, out of progress and learning and studying, out of living ones own life. Prevented from associating with others, from talking to other from socialising from writing , thinking and having thoughts. Forced into listening to them where they refuse to get out of ones head and driving one mad into marriage, where they are forcing about there presence in ons head one can not dismiss there use or presence so easily.

Driving one mad into error, getting control of one and forcing about errors into saying what they want to hear into war games and ill intentions driving one mad into such an character, thus covering up from there own Fascism there own ill intention to forcing about the attention to be on one the guilt to be on ones own fault. Mentally torturing one out of ones true identity ones true mentality, ones total innocence, mentally torturing one out of those arguments those thoughts which one has already documented or thought about, hence noted. Mentally torturing one out of ones true identity.

One hardly ever goes out drinking or socialising or training, tend not to train so much or practice Aikido due to the mental torture. One is prevented from living ones life due to the mental torture that includes working, employment wise and excelling at my career or at my place of work, isolated one, confined to four walls or implants. Alas Controlled by the implants, wasting a lot of time arguing against those behind the implants, dealing with the pressure the mental torture.

Conspiracy, the organisation going against one, and everything about one, going against ones mind ones thoughts, to them all playing the psychopathic games in going after ones head and against one mind, to resorting to mental torture and pressure, where ones mentality proves itself to be sane and intelligent, and independent of there madness. Using marriage and plans, too be ones friends, to talk to one, to listen to one to recognise hence to cover up as means or an reason to drive on mad. Whilst Dependent on blaming things into there race issues.

Pretending to be innocent in there claims of marriage and wanting to be ones friends, pretending to be reasonable to everyone else but one know they are that regime that organisation, those whom have caused one harm all my life. Having all sorts of angles in there stance there attack of ones mind and thoughts built via conspiracy and over the history of events. Standing on there own lies and cover story but intent on forcing one into that cover up story, where it is about experiments.

The organisation the fascist regime intent on arguing that one is copying, to one not having an mind of ones own or, clamming that ones thoughts are not ones own or that the know better than one or are better than one, to rasing race issues and thus managing to control everything in ones life and for the rest of ones life. The mental torture not allowing one to do anything but to just deal with there presence and use of the implants, and that is just arguing or doing ones head in and forcing into what ever they want, hence Fascism.

They effect and attack ones mind using human nature things to effect ones mind ones mentality, using things to effect ones confidence, having no friends or nobody talking to one or being ignored, natural things where they are driving one mad into there insanity or character where one should be afraid or worried or angry or full of hate and mad and mental or confused or mixed up. Using natural things to what ever would effect one, and it has always been used but they using things in conjunction with the implants this ability to drive one mad to making sure it all goes into ones head, thus forcing one to payee attention take note of things and to frame ones mind ones mentality accordingly.

Toy and play around in things looking to crack one up or to break one, making sure that events goes into one head and that one is moulded or thinks accordingly and probably in line with race things. One thinks nothing of it all, where the organization is just reacting and making sure that past events are used to damage one. It is all built on, the mental torture in events where ones refuses to acknowledge such events, alas they are intent on building on such artificial events, on reshaping ones logic gates ones mind into, mentally torturing one into, there own organisation. I guess away from conspiracy where it did lead one to conspiracy , and there presence in the first place.

The mental torture results in brainwashing, not allowing one to know anything but what the want, an issues because they are unable to control one always in to that which they want, they are unable prevent one from progressing, or doing what I want to do thus resorting to Mental Torture. In many issues one has no choice in respect of them all using the implants or knowing that which one knows or ones thoughts to everyone that one knows, but where one does have an choice they tend to resort to mental torture, driving one mad into there own ways.

Issues extended to all that one does in ones, the mental torture ones experiences on walking down the street, it all becomes an issues, to there arguments or that which they want, or the damage they cause the harm they cause, issues are drawn out into brainwashing one of issues regarding my rights. It is all Fascism where they are driving one mad, mentally torturing one to go against that which one does in ones life.

They have learnt to bash ones head ones mind, to do ones head in, and forcing ones thoughts to be repressed to be squashed, not allowing ones to express ones-self. With every intentions of repressing ones mind , pressuring one into marriage, raising issues regarding there future friendship. It is all just means of covering up from driving one insane.

There Fascism there conspiracy is being covered up everything is conspiracy and everything shows them to be conspiracy and guilty just that one is brainwashed or mentally tortured into thinking other wise. The mental torture, the implants effecting the mind and ones common sense, the insanity the pressure, forcing that reasoning out of ones head, damaging ones sanity. They are dependent on an mix up in things on mind games on arguing that is someone else whom is causing problems. How can it be some one else where it is they whom are behind the implants.

They are not allowing one to with intent resorting to mental torture which prevents one from being in the frame of mind to study to enjoy life to thinking to getting ones thoughts together , for this or there want for marriage, covering up from there conspiracy against one.

It is all Fascism but that Fascism is covered up or moving and exist without an trace, from knowing ones every thoughts to know everyone I know to there presence in ones head this control of ones head ones mind brain ones thoughts. Learning to control ones thoughts via the implants and mental torture and other wise. By the time I have proven the implants or conspiracy exist, the nation has moved into race things, into marriage, into an twisting around of issues and events. Arguing on protection or saving one or helping one to being ones friends, on being ones thoughts ones mind ones intelligence.

They are contending against being considered fascist, that
Organisation that conspiracy that regime which is intent on controlling ones head and ones life. Forcing one and driving one mad into there own way of life. The mental torture, making one deaf to ones own thoughts ones own mind, whilst the learn to tamper around in ones head, to interfere with ones mind and thoughts , where one is deaf to there presence also.

The violent use of the implants the mental torture forcing one to be considered insane, where they are using control to disturb one to force there point or madness into ones head, there own wants into ones head and life. Learning to hurt the mind of damaging the mind and hurting the brain, of bashing ones head and causing one harm or to impose extreme pressure onto brain.

Brainwashing one of the issue in respect of there use of the implants through this madness this mental torture, not allowing one to know anything else but the subject of there mental torture, it is an extreme ways of achieving there objectives, and bashing other issues and all other aspects of the case out of ones head and ones life. Reverting to other means of controlling one and challenging one where one is damage or forgotten about reality or normality.

Brainwashing one of issues of there intentions of controlling one and using the implants throughout my life they have done so, to experimenting to control one, ones life and ones head ones brain. Mentally torturing one into there own regime there own organisation and conspiracy I guess intent on raising issues as an race issue. Forcing one into an Black and white issue or into an coverup. I guess expected with an conspiracy and the involvement of human nature.

An issue of and within the public domain, involving human nature, it all seems to be resolved into three corners or races, into satisfying there madness into what ever they want or think is best, there own choices as to what one can and cannot do in ones life. They all want it all considered as an Democratic solution, where they care not for ones own choice or that which one thinks and intent on forcing one to think in accordance to there own choice. Thus driving one mad into that insane solution of marriage as the only recognition of justice and of one as an individual. Voicing there defence of it all as being everyone choice.

It is all still conspiracy still Fascism with the regime moving through society and getting every one to co-operate with them, working on the mind where the know everything I know to controlling, conspiring against that which ones knows, to force one into an Artificial Life. The organisation the nation, mentally torturing one until one is at fault, or has ill intentions to being mad an angry in things. Gearing to blaming me for everything this madness this insanity forcing one, moulding one into an specified character.

A character as specified by Fascism, poor, thick or dumb, forgetfulness to begin stupid or insane and mental, impossible, illogical and unreasonable. Un-original thus limited to that which they expect one to do with an situation, hence incompetent and incapable of doing things out of ones own abilities. From studying, to reading writing or joking about, an personality to relationships with women. Mentally tortured out of things and into being damaged and guilty.

Them all behaving as victims, being mental and shouting going on about being afraid or in shock or complaining to one about being in trouble, angry at one for not caring and doing as the want, and doing ones head in on marriage, and promising one to be ones friends playing with human nature and society where they are just covering up from causing one harm all my life.

Mental torture being employed to force about there approval of there presence and use the implants, where they are not allowing there presence and use of the implants to be challenged. The mental torture being just an other from of the insanity of the past, they are still driving one mad but without any guilt or being considered guilty of such. Fabricating an threat or trouble, a problem, out there own maddens or paranoia, to causing what ever problem they can, and using that to side track one.

Under this mental torture one has not been a problem or trouble, or done anything wrong, they have nothing on one and should not even have an single thought, it is the pressure the mental torture that bring about ones ill thoughts. They are conspiracy but driving ones mad into not being considered as an conspiracy. Used to things where one is forced to live with there presence in ones head. Using marriage to brainwash one of ones own life.

One has already reasoned on all that which is possible to that which is impossible. Thus, therefore hence the anger that hate, that act of madness or insanity is forced into one and through ones head. That anger is induced, and forced about via control, the violent use of the implants, to arguing against insane people, to reason with insane people, the mental torture bringing out this insanity this madness this anger and hate.

Mental torture until one does as they want, thus there intentions to run to control ones life, ones is forced to do as the want, where they are just mental, not allowing one to do anything in ones life without it all being channelled through this fascist regime.

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