Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and ones Choice

Fascism and ones Choice

One has no choice in all that one does in ones life, choices comes from opportunities and chance events as to whether one would choose to do that, to change direction or view or opinions to decide, to make decision on an random basis to act on an random basis. That freedom does not exist, that choice has been controlled or taken away from one where all that exist does exist under fascist rule under the control of an conspiracy or conspired against.

With ones head or thoughts or mind being repressed or mentality torture one is not allowed to even consider the choices and opportunities that exist or the lack of choices or freedom in ones life, this insane life that one is forced to live. Choices in respect of whom one talks to or where one goes or what one says or reading or knows. Or that which one does where one does not have an choice one has to deal with this problem or situation regarding implants conspiracy and there presence.

One has too live with it and there use of the implants, there presence, whilst one has to drop everything else in ones life to dealing with there presence. To the freedom of the mind, and ones thoughts that which one would have known and experienced but is unable to due to being isolated and confined to the implants. One is unable to really know anything of ones environment or that which one does due to the implants being used all the time. They are not allowing the mind to perceive any information, to know anything different. There intentions to drive one insane.

Ones choices are not restricted just by the conspiracy or implants or an organisation, but has extended to people, society and human nature where they all think the know better than one, forcing about there views and there own choices into ones head and ones life. It all resolves into race issues with the races arguing for rights over one and for an rule or control and to make choices and decisions on ones behalf, they even want to argue to be thinking on my behalf.

This conspiracy just seems to have blended into human nature where they all just pretend that the are not conspiracy or with ill intentions. They have all made sure that the damage is done that ones brain is handicapped that one is isolated and that one has no rights or choices in ones life. They are all just an party to it all but just pretending to mean well whilst wanting to be one mind ones thoughts, to run ones life too control ones life, to make choices ones behalf, to over rule ones own choices, doings so in an political correct manner, debating there final decision to over rule as if to show some democracy to coverup from being an conspiracy.

Ones freedom ones own life is resolved into three corners or races, where they all have some sort of choice as to what one does in ones life, as to what goes in ones life, and it is all bound to just follow through with there own interest racial or other wise. To this control this conspiracy against one this Fascism just manifesting itself. They are just satisfying there madness, there paranoia brining in more problems and solving none.

They are all interfering in ones life, head and mind out of there own personal dislikes, and in respect of there own personal opinions, to there own wants dismissing ones rights and compromising ones individuality. It has nothing to do with justice or helping one or getting one out of this mess or insanity just an continuation of this conspiracy against one, an conspiracy against ones rights, against all that is individual about one about fascist rule .

They all act as if they are Democratic, and fair, but are all conspiracy and very much that organisation, where they do not care of any rights that one may have as an individual, any choices that one has or any, decisions that one makes or would perhaps decide on. They do no care for that which one thinks, ones thoughts, to dismissing what ever I would say or feel or think for what they want.

Always wanting and wanting one thing or the other from wanting to know ones thoughts to know what I would say or have said to watching ones every move to knowing everyone I know or would like to know. To just wanting, and wanting, and wanting I guess that is just control this running or control of ones life. It will never end, where there wants will never be the same as mine and one has to revert back to my own life and mentality and choices in life. Thus they will always stay in control to wanting that control of ones life and ones life.

Mentally torturing one to washing out ones own choices conspiring against ones own choices to working o the mind and intent on moulding one into there own choice or angles in this conspiracy there angles of marriage that of race issues to that money and there coverup story that of protection to saving one or helping one to this conn that they are bound to present as an deal or an compromise perhaps considering one or forcing one to be considered guilty of something. Thus driving one mad into that insane solution of marriage as the only recognition of justice and ones individuality. Voicing there defense of it all being everyone choice.

One is kept isolated to them all twisting it all around to become as ones own choice, where they know I will ever approve of there presence or use of the implants, and will not have anything to do with those whom use the implants on one. They will not allow for anything but there presence and themselves not allowing one to associate with anyone else. Or to associate with anyone without it all passing through themselves, and through the implants.

Organisation insisting on marriage first, on talking to one, on being ones friends, acting as an race corners and various other people, thus covering themselves up from being considered that organization, but not allowing for anything else other themselves, keeping ones isolated, disturbed and confined to themselves hence those behind implants.

They are making sure that everything is AI, that everything that one does is controlled or artificial, too argue that one does not know what one is doing, thus removing ones choice in the future not allowing one to live ones life in the future. Not allowing one an choice in what one does now and in the future. There being no point to there presence other than to go against ones choices, ones mentality ones individuality, to control one.

One has no choice in ones life to being kept isolated and moulded into there own way of life. Brainwashed into marriage and into considering them as being ones friends. It seems that everyone is allowed to use the implants, for it is very purpose playing mind games and toying around with ones head and society. They are all conspiracy and playing those conspiracy games, conspiracy which is bond to lead to madness and mind as to whom is at fault, or guilty or to blame.

Interfering with ones life and ones head out of there own conspiracy or conclusions as to the nature of the problem, finding reasons to control one too force one into there own understand of reality. But why force one into there disillusioned world ? Maybe covering up some other hidden motive, ill intention or crime which they have been an party to. That of conning one or causing harm to others and oneself.

What ever one does it would be deemed wrong or criminal, pressuring one, driving one mad into being an criminal, to steal thing to be violent to be mad, to be wrong with no intentions of allowing me to get anywhere in ones life, to keep one repressed isolated and controlled but doing so with and via justice. They have no intentions of recognising anything that one does, conspiring against one and intent on covering up there conspiracy.

They are psychopathic in there ambitions to control one, there insanity to conspire against one to mess with ones head and to cover up the nature of there conspiracy, they are conspiracy and they have conspired against everything about one, against ones every thought.
Just finding reasons to keep one in this mess, to insane one to drive one mad basing things on the idea that one does nothing about there presence. Arguing that, that which one does is flawed where there is no point or no use, they will prevent ones progress, they will conspire they will mess on up. Reasoning one should go mad, to get angry to become violent and full of hate and anger.

They all act and think they have an point , to being clever or better than one or knowing better than one. Working on changing sides and using that angle as means of being angry and mental at other using ones as an victim to themselves as ones savers, or protecting or helping where they have themselves conspired so as to blame others, using race issues also. Psychopaths are intent on staying in control of one and for what ever reason.

One no choice, in life, or in thought, where they invade ones mind, challenging ones every thought going against ones mind and thoughts, to repress ones mind. Driving ones mad into this arranged marriage which they are all obsessed with, hiding there obsession with watching ones every move to knowing ones every thoughts, to controlling ones head ones thoughts too not allowing one an choice in life.

It is they whom choose not to talk to one to have anything to do with one, I guess expecting one to go insane, making sure that one does not associate or talk to anyone else, and now arguing over wanting to talk to one and to be ones friends. Psychopathically making sure that one does not have an choice in the matter, making sure that one is confined to those behind the implants. Whilst why do they want to talk to one now after 25 years of isolation ?
Of note should be that I have written everything down.

Organisation is intent on keeping one controlled and repressed, on keeping the truth repressed whilst forcing about there on marriage and one into there own deals in things and perhaps or more likely and brush over of all this conspiracy and Fascism. A distinct perversion of justice, forcing one into an deal and to be living with there presence in the future, not allowed out of there sight. They are intent on making sure that times spent on writing, and complain, and working on proving the case is wasted.

Reverting back to talking and moving round in circles where they are just moving against one thing or the other shadowing one and moving against any direction that one takes, for another which has or is all conspired against already. I guess they will just continue along that path until one is all mixed up and case issues are just covered up in an vicious circle of madness.

The conspiracy is bound to conspire against ones own choice in life, and doing so through the implants from knowing ones mind and thoughts, just another means of conspiring against everything in ones life, of controlling everything ones life and that which one does and into there own organisation. Able to effect ones very behaviour, to control all that one does what one says, hears , knows or sees and smells.

There is an mentality clash, with them all refusing to get out of ones head, forcing about there own bias, making sure that one has no choice in respect of what one does in life or that which goes on in ones life, in respect of this conspiracy.

They have moved on in things in making sure they have control of one in the future, that one has no choice in that which one does in the future, it is not just limited to present but includes the past, present and the future. All issues are an continuation of conspiracy of this insanity into running and controlling ones life in the future. Able to control one by knowing everything I know and that is bound to continue with there presence being forced about in the future of ones life.

Bashing , mentally torturing one out of ones life, making sure that one has no choice in one life, and no future also where they conspiring against all things , all aspects of one life and any progress that one makes, to keep one repressed, controlled and disturbed. Moving against any form of progress, which will achieve some recognition or financial gain. Conspiring against everything in ones life not allowing one an choice in life, thus moving against any spending power that one attains.

They are conspiring to force one into an character so as to argue against one in respect of being such an character, thus challenging any choices or decisions that one makes, challenging one as an person to ones direction. Challenging everything about one and doing so already and I guess will continue to do so in future, they are that organisation. Just finding something to argue on and against one, to going against everything perhaps to show or to prove the know better than one or are better than one to wanting this control of one this obedience of one.

Able to do so out of this game or toying around with the situation where the problem is implants and there presence, causing one problems for going to work , then not working or studying or reading and then not reading or studying, for talking to people to not talking to anyone to listening or not listening the just able to taken up the other side of the coin. There is always another view point on all issues and aspects of life to that on dealing with an issue or an problem, and alas randomly raising angles forcing that as an solution, but it is they whom are causing the problem to being the problem the organisation those conspiring against one.

One is brainwashed into the elements of all this, with them all just toying around with it all, I guess to counter the sum of it all as an conspiracy and themselves as the organisation. Not wanting one to have an say in that which goes on in ones life, hence making sure that things stay that way, making sure they all stay in control of ones life and everyone and everything in one life.

They are intent on having one considered insane, same as always but able to do so know, able to mess on up, to mess up ones head ones life ones progress, doing so with control of one and controlling one into that insane behaviour to be insane to be mental and to be deemed or considered insane. They never gave one an choice but to go insane to making sure that one is considered insane, conspiring to drive one insane. Not allowing for anything but there own way of life there own cover up. They conspired to have one insane and dead, where if one does not die they will stay in control one. Driving one mad into marriage and covering up from there intentions to have one insane and dead.

They rely on dismissing ones arguments, and mentality ones views and choices, as given by there refusal to recognise anything about one including ones intelligence. It is all bound to race issues where arguments, this conspiracy against one is revolving around racism and black and white things.

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