Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Insanity

Fascism and Insanity

They are wanting to knows ones mind to learn ones mind to lean to control all that one does, thus able to force one into error, using that control, to control one into there that conspiracy, into not doing things. Driving one mad, where they are mental behind the implants and thus controlling one into that insanity into error into that character, into saying what they want to hear, and that is what they recognise there own madness, there own paranoia.

To watch ones every move to know ones every thought is all insane, to control everything about one is insanity. It is also fascism to bring about this interrogation of ones mind is insanity, where I do not want them in ones head, or for them to know ones mind or thoughts. Why would they want to know ones mind or thoughts other than to insane one, to mess with the mind where I have no intentions of allowing them to use the implants.

They are in ones head and messing with the mind but messing with that which the mind comes across that which one knows, and one knows that which exist in reality. Alas they are messing with reality to twist things into insanity driving one into there madness. Where ones mind, ones reality shifts into dealing with there presence, they are then messing with that which one thinks of them, and that which one does to deal with there presence where one is deemed a threat, alas conspiring against that which one does.

They are against ones sanity with reality shifted into dealing with the presence, an organisation forcing about there presence in ones head, to the control of ones life, ones head. Fascism, and only able to act as such be as such through insanity or madness. They have  brought this control of ones life through madness through driving one insane. There use of the implants is unnecessary other than to mess with ones head.

There intentions are to drive one insane, to mess with ones head thus they have learnt to interfere with the mind, to match ones thoughts, to control ones mind. Where they are still intent on driving one insane. Using ones own thoughts, ones own voice to interfere with everything about one, the mind.

Insanity is always used, they are used to driving one mad if they are unable to control one. Driving one insane with intent, but that insanity has some context to it, some meaning or existence, a form of order, insanity is different understanding of reality an version of reality a state of the mind. Organisation uses what ever they can too effect the mind to damage ones sanity, ones understand of reality, ones state of mind. They know ones mind, isolating one,
confined to insanity, to that which the want one, toying around with ones mind to raising arguments until one thinks as they do or concludes differently in respect of reality.

Apart from there intentions being to obvious, using the implants to do ones head, to disturb one where that is what there presence and implant are always bound to do. They resort to mental torture to attacking ones sanity, hostile and violent use of the implants, learning to bother one, to disturb one, causing one harm, it was only an matter of time before one goes insane, before one cracks. There conspiracy to drive one mad to make one angry, to disturb one.

Experiments blocking the brain, they know which regions of the brain are active, and dealing with there presence, dealing with torment or mental blocks. They know how to disturb an individual, thus isolating one into that. Control allowing the to shake ones head, to finding ways of making one uncomfortable with function of implants and the brain, to the lack of sleep. To simply not allowing one to do anything, frustrating one, to live or function in life,
and in respect of brain functions. It is and always has been conspiracy to drive one insane.

Implants allowing them to make one uncomfortable, the head the blocks the strain on the head and neck, shaking of the head. The violent control over ones face and jaws, challenging ones own normal behaviour. It is insane of them to control one, to use that control to mean to cause one harm, to control the jaws the mouth, to force one into making insane sounds. It is very much forced control and very much disturbing.

It is all insane this is all insanity there presence there use of the implants, this way of life, there use of the implants, and what ever the implants does, insanity has become a way of life, it is not reason that they use where insanity is the basis of there stance, there presence there role within this conspiracy. They are not dependent on reason but insanity to make a point where this life is as such and brought about via insanity, they will not allow for anything to be address apart from there own wants. Disturbing one with intent but covering up in there ill intentions with issues of marriage.

Mentally torturing one into marriage, into there want for marriage, but it is just an continuation of the conspiracy, going after one head and disturbing one in all that one does. Driving one mad first thing in the morning to being after ones head, ones thoughts. Repressing ones thoughts, ones mind, not allowing one to think to use ones own mind ones own head. Messing up state of mind in what ever one does, using an pretense of wanting one married, actually justifying there action in there want married.

They seem obsessed, fanatical in there want for marriage but it is just an means of causing one problems of side tracking, of dismissing ones rights and issues regarding there presence, of using the implants to mess one up hence this mess of ones typing. It is the same conspiracy, the same organisation the same ill intentions of wanting to cause one harm to have one broken.

Disturbing one in all that one does, and without an trace, causing the damage or moulding one into that character without an trace, hence to be considered insane. Forcing one to go mad to be mad and angry, to forcing to want war to being angry, mental or mad and worried. To have one shouting and ranting, raving about, arguing, to being damaged where one is not allow one to know anything else.

Isolating one to there presence and use of the implants, experiments allowing them to find ways of hurting the mind the brain, to bashing the brain, to doing ones head in. Perhaps they are doing things to the brain that is causing one harm, that which is also disturbing one and making one uncomfortable.

It is all Fascism where they are intent on controlling one and causing one harm, to driving one mad, there ill intentions allowing them to control one. The insanity controls one the act of driving one mad controls one, prevents one from doing things, causes that physiological damage in the things that one does. It is there intentions to know ones thoughts to pressure one, where pressure is also that insanity, there insane games.

Conspiring to drive one insane, thus toying with all things that exist in ones life ones environment, and ones mind, interfering with ones mind to control and to effect ones mind ones mentality to insane one, that conspiracy exists with them all pressuring one into that insane reasoning or insane world. Interfering with ones reading ones voice ones mind ones thoughts to insane one, ones understanding of reality.

Toying around with ones head, that which is said, that which is heard to moulding one into there own reasoning, own racism, where they are an organisation which is and has always been toying around with ones mind. Shifting into an pretence of dealing with issues raised. Using the issues as an means to continue with there insanity, there conspiracy, toying around with ones mind and reality. They are an Organisation which is pretending to be dealing with this conspiracy, and the problems that exist but it is they whom have conspired to create the problems.

They are just messing with ones mind , in respect of that which they know, that which I know, this shadowing, just toying around with all that is true, and untrue. Driving one insane into being controlled by themselves. Into there own way of life, own plans, into an cover up story. It is all Fascism, and insanity, where they are dependent on messing with one head that which one knows to manipulate everything into there own madness. They are not able to do so other than by playing mind games within the history of events, there arguments are not valid as an organisation just forcing themselves to be considered as guardians or other wise.

They are an clash of mentalities, bound to be where they are conspiring against ones mind, besides I would never agree to there presence and anything else thereafter, where they just want one insane. They are just pretending to know better than one to acting as if they know what is best, this changing of sides but staying in control of one, where they are just dependent on everything about one does for all things, all solutions, intelligence and sanity, and ones notes to work done.

I guess obsessed with getting what ever they want, where they have always managed that in respect of knowing ones thoughts to conspiring in all this the power to getting away with things. It is all Fascism covered up, insanity covering up the conspiracy. Conspiring to break one, forcing one to give or to murder one. Finding reasons and ways of making one mad from marriage to being mental and angry behind the implants thus effecting one also into angry, controlling one into that madness.

Protocol - They are after ones head and that needs to be protected, they spent ones life conspiring against one mind, messing with ones head, as psychopaths. This insanity is an way of life one is forced to live an insane life and that is where they feel in control, to be power full to be better than one. To disturb one to keep one in control, they will always be after ones head, to always wanting that control to knowing nothing else other than to mess with ones head toy with ones mind.

It is an way of life, where they do not think that there is anything wrong with there actions, in using the implants there presence, knowledge of ones every thought and all that one does, fabricating things to using things to go after one head where they all consider such things as just. Even though there may be some truths in what they use they are still going after ones head, they are still driving one mad, to insane one where there presence is psychopathic there knowledge of ones thoughts is psychopathic. They should not know anything about one.

It is just one thing or the other where they will find things to go after ones head and using what ever is in there power to go after ones head ones mind. They will use things given the choice, ones thoughts ones actions that which occurs in one life or does not occur to using the implants, and alas are bound to conspire to go after ones head. They are already doing so they are psychopaths they will always do so.

There insanity is allowed to continue thus they will continues to forcing about there presence in ones life, there Fascism is allowed to rule thus they will continue with there rule of Fascism, and without an trace with an pretence of meaning well or pretending to be ones friends. To be innocent, but with every intentions of going after ones head. They are in effect acting without an trace where nobody knows whom they are, and are bound to continue to do so.

Nobody should be allowed to force about there presence in ones life, one can not be forced to talk or be questions or interrogated where one is innocent. I should not have to talk to anyone that I do not wish to talk too, they will go after ones head, to raising an angle of wanting to talk to one, disturb one but they have already had every opportunity to talk to one. They know ones mind hence what do they want to talk about, on this issue conversations and talk will go on forever, and most of it would be rubbish I have already thought about everything and thus if there is anything of any importance then it should be put into writing.

Perhaps they are just being sick where in reality the do no want to talk to one, whilst in order to prove they are after ones head, to wanting one insane, that which they say or would say must be writing in the event that one has prove that the are intent on driving one mad. Whilst ones own innocence and sanity is protected already by putting that which I would say writing, other wise they would have mixed everything up into there own insanity. They are still intent on doing so hence moving to dismiss that which one has written to that which one has said or will say, and it shall be said as it is written.

Protocol does not violate ones own rights or choices if one choses to speak to people, then fine but if one feels that there is ill intentions then one can follow through with protocol, whilst protocols is important where it seems that human nature will drive one mad or savage one or want to talk to one and force one into an mess where the conspiracy is still active and functions through society. Ones needs to rest ones mind need that peace and quite and will not always be in the mood to talk to people. Important where people are just mental.

They have countered logic and protocol by forcing everything to become applicable to everyone and anyone, they know as an organisation that they would never be approve of or always found out this has bound in together as an nation or everyone.

The threat to ones sanity is real where the know ones mind, the experiments to control ones mind to compromise ones sanity, and they have the ability to do so and other means that I may not know, perhaps it is because one is used to things, it would not be acceptable in normal life, but it is an way of life from them and they would just revert to that out of there nature. On knowing things that I only I should know, it is an means of using things to go after ones head. If they know anything I know then perhaps it can be used as evidence that they are those whom have conspired against one and intent on driving one mad.

On sanity issues, rehabilitation is again applied where the have gone after ones head, the damage to ones sanity needs to be found out, the after effects to the recover from this insanity. Association should also follow through with protocol where they must prove that they do not mean to cause one harm to proving that they are innocent. That they are not allowed to raise issues regarding Implants, Experiments and Conspiracy, where may just make one uncomfortable and lead to mind games and arguments. They may just argue to force about there own thickness, there own interest, race things or financial gain, or information regarding experiments that dangerous science.

They must agree not to compromise ones sanity, to clash with ones thoughts, to clash with ones mentality, where they are in an habit of doing so, and agree not to lead one into trouble where that trouble is around with those whom have trouble in mind. Not just in the future, but there presence to ones route or ones direction in dealing with this conspiracy is governed by protocol.

Ones sanity can not to be questioned, whilst papers on Human Nature goes towards to proving ones sanity. One can not be judged to be insane based on complaints of such of conspiracy or use of the implants, or judged to be insane whilst the conspiracy and implants are active, especially with them all in ones head although they refuse to recognise the implants or conspiracy to have one considered insane. Implants will have the effect of making one insane but can not be judged to be insane where it is the implants and those behind the implants whom are insane whilst it can not be inferred or judgement can not be inferred as to the nature of ones state of mind.

No such judgment can be processed, ones mind has not been allowed to express it is self, perhaps ones notes should be taken into account if such judgement is to be made, there is no point where ones mind has been messed with, until the damage is done, that is still true state of mind, one could say that one is molded into that insanity, or driven insane but one can not be judged to be insane. Especially if ones sanity has yet to express itself, or has yet to be recognized.

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