Monday 4 July 2011

Fascism and Control

Fascism and Control

Fascism runs with control, it is about control, controlling everything about an person. Controlling ones life that which the person does and that which one can not do. Whom one can talk to, that which one can say. Controlling what one knows through this limits and control of information, that which is communicate to one. No real reason for that control but the control exist to preventing one from doing that which one would do from going to work, preventing one from going to college, from cutting the grass or writing from going to sleep.

It is control which is achieved by conspiracy, and by the use of the use of the implants, where one way or the other they will prevent one from living ones life, to controlling ones life hence preventing one from walking up the street, out of there own Fascism there intent to control everything that one does. Fascism would want control to be dominate, not allowing for anything but for its own domination or its own ways in life.

They would not approve of sex, photography or prostitution, and would regard any actives to be related to such as an offence, can relate any behaviour of humanity to culture and religion thus the violation of which is an offence, it is also control of people and the how we behave that which we should do or can do and can not it is Fascism made legit. Fascist regime, has the intentions to control and it can make all its acts of control legit, or reason for that control hence Fascism.

They are able to justify there action there control over one through reasoning or arguing on race issues on issues of culture to there want for marriage. Contending against any accusations of conspiracy or Fascism with claims of helping one or saving one or protection, all of which are just another means of saying the will interfere with ones life and control ones head and ones life. The organisation just covering up where it is difficult to prove that it is they whom have conspired to control ones every move.

This is about control, an conspiracy to control ones brain, ones head ones thoughts,  possible through this conspiracy which control all that exist in ones life and all that one does or is able to do, and controlled by the brain and implant or other wise. Controlling one for what purpose ? Implants are allowing them that controlling but controlling one into what ? There own image of perfection !? Alas Fascism.

Organisation has controlled one all my life and continue to do so without a trace using mind control, to that of brain washing. Having that control over ones brain, to interfering with the mind hence that which one does. Controlling one out of associating with people, from academic progress to that of ones career and employment. Specifically they have conspired against all events in ones life, controlled one out of doing things using both methods or means of exerting that fascist control hence that of conspiracy to that of implants.

The have much control over the brain which is used to go against that which one does as an individual whether that is to give up smoking or drinking or playing games, it is more or less going against anything that one does out of insanity, hence there intentions to drive one insane. Where conspiracy also conspires against everything that one does and goes against everything that one does until they learn to control one and cause one problems with the implants.

Controlling one out of an social life, or academic progress or anything that one does through conspiracy or implants. Conspiring against ones social life, hence isolated and have been isolated all my life, this control they have of whom one talks to that which one hears, making sure that one has no friends, visitors or phone calls. The mental torture not allowing one too communicate with others.

Controlling one out of employment, the conspiracy making sure that one is not hired by employers, or having the opportunities, or aware of the opportunities within employment or outside that of employment. Conspiracy, makes sure ones does not progress within employment and is forced out of that employment whilst the implants takes over to mentally torturing one to driving one mad out that job. Employers consider one to be insane thus would not consider one for promotion or further employment.

There intentions to control of ones life, ones head, is effecting everything else in ones life, damaging everything else that one does. Damaging ones academic progress, which effects ones career and employment, which effects money earned. Control, Money and power is related where power is related to Fascism. They are preventing one from earning money out of there intentions to control of ones life, and ones head ones mind, where one is not able to afford to do things.

Money also effects everything and there control over one another element where on it is own it is very powerful, where money rules, it runs it controls everything, society runs around it and it runs society, it has an very distinctive controlling power. Fascism will exploit the power that lies with money to those whom have an lack there of.

Controlling the Brain to control one as an person not allowing one do things that one would do normally, controlling one as an person where that which one does is made difficult the normal brain functions where one no longer does those things that of writing or complex mathematical calculations, to typing to that which one does no know about the brain or mind. Controlling ones Mind ones Brain, interfering with the Brain to what extent, what is interfered with. What are the preventing the Brain from doing.

Preventing the mind from functioning normally, blocking ones thoughts ones mind ones thinking, hindering the brain and all that one does. Learning to control ones brain ones thoughts, thoughts are just that which one thinks, or is thinking about as logic gates or an understanding of reality, something which they are able to interfere with, and with intent to control. This is about controlling ones brain about experiments on the brain and with ones mind.

Control effects everything that one does, one would not do things would not make mistakes in typing or that which one says or on dealing with this mess, whilst it is there intentions to effect ones identity, to compromise ones identity. Through control the are able to do so, to have one controlled into an different identity hence to behaviour insanely. To talk too ones self or to be mad, angry, to chain smoke to drink tea and to pace about. It is control which is effecting ones identity and Fascism they are fascist with every intentions of effecting ones identity.


One must get control of ones own life that which goes on in ones life, this control should not be allowed. They should not be allowed to interfere with ones life to effect ones life and ones head where it is as control. There intentions are to control hence they use the implants to interfering with ones mind and ones life. It would perhaps begin with issues regarding ones rights.

They may well be considered as those whom are intent on controlling ones experimenting for that control to conspiracy especially if they move to control one and interfere with ones life, if the insist one having to do as they want, to an defiance of logic or ones own wishes. Simply because they are behind the implants they can be deemed guilty of being intent on experimenting on the brain to conspiring against one. To being intent on controlling the brain.

They are not allowed to tell one what to do that is just control, it just means they are that fascist regime, where there is no point in the telling one what to do with the use the implants. Outside of the implants I feel that it all still applies not sure on in respect of employment issues or at work. It is fascism if they move to control one whilst they would use the implants to control one but once the implants are refrained from use they may well move in person to control one, especially if they are hostile in there intent to control one they must be deemed as conspiracy as fascist.

It seems that mental people are intent on controlling one, and race issues also to them all intent on forcing one into marriage, it is all repressing all the other issues of control. They will argue for control of one where they have always conspired for that control and intent on getting control of one , one way or the other as an race corner. They are an organisation, where they have just covered up in chaos or there own mix up.

They are just making sure that they get this control of one, where they are making sure that one has no choice that the damage is done and it is the same control or the lack of choice that has always been around, or the control they have always had over one. From not being able to prove there presence and interference in ones life to there mind games as to whom they are, to being with implants to them all being present and intent on using the implants on one.

The damage thereafter the mind games as to whom is to blame, the issues in being controlled by the implants thus the will argue against one, to ones mind being interfered with thus using that as an reason to dismiss ones own choices or decisions in life. To the implications of mind control and brainwashing hence again moving to dismiss ones own choices in life. As an organisation they are all intent on controlling one, one way or the other.

The fact that they move to control one and to dismiss ones own decisions and choices in life means that they are very much the same organisation, to enforcing there own racial angles in things means again they are conspiracy have always conspired for that purpose.

They are also responsible for the damage, and the issues raised by the implants, given by there presence, there use of the implants to being impossible and blocking any attempt that one makes to put an end to the conspiracy and this use of the implants. To blocking what ever one does.

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