Fascism & Conspiracy of War
One is accused of wanting war and accused by all three races, the organisation accusing one of wanting war. It is all twisted where one is a Human Guinea Pig and one works to prove that is the case but they need to explain things away, to cover up and they I guess have always explained things away thus covering everything up as time goes on. They need to stay in control of one thus having one as an criminal or an dangerous person, and one would be dangerous where one is driven mad.
The organisation is guilty of conspiracy and conspiring for the purpose of experiments, with every intention of knowing one mind, knowing everyone that one knows, reading the mind to knowing ones thoughts. The organisation is guilty of controlling ones life, everything in ones life and everyone in ones life to control ones mind ones thoughts and ones brain and every intentions of controlling the brain. They do have some degree of control over one, including the mechanical control over one to that of the extent of there experiments.
It is all Fascism and it is an conspiracy to bring about such control, and any regime which is intent on doing as such must be considered fascist such an regime would be conspiring for war.
They are conspiring for war in all grounds, with there intentions to control ones brain or to know ones mind or to read ones mind, is an conspiracy of war. No doubt they will pose more of an threat to one and humanity on achieving such positive results to there experiment, no doubt they will progress more with there experiments into the control they have over ones head and ones mind that of mind control, to that of brainwashing. All of which is an threat to one and that of humanity. All of which is an conspiracy of war.
They are going to move on with there conspiracy and Fascism, no doubt carrying out that threat which they pose and that would be conspiracy of war whilst any attempts at putting an end to this would also would require an war of some sorts. There is no end to there conspiracy or there objectives, where if one is unable to prove anything or bring some sanity or justice to it all this, then conspiracy still exist the threat still exist.
Where they going with there experiments and what for, there is bound to be something else, where if they are able to get away with things then perhaps they will try something else, and if they are able to cover up from this then one would not know about any future conspiracy or events. It is all an threat to humanity it all exist and has to be dealt with, if it is ignored then the threat exist and everyone uses the implants and nobody cares. There carelessness will lead them into such experiments, such control and such crimes against humanity.
These crimes against humanity are going on as an way of life, for no just reason, they just find reasons to justify there actions and alas perhaps in future they will have an just cause thus justify there use of such technology, such as reading of the mind or knowing and the control of ones thoughts or mind . Using such things on insane people or criminals too reform them or on terrorism. At present one has the problems of proving the implants exist, that the experiments exist, to having such crimes against humanity recognised, to making sure that such an conspiracy is recognized.
It is an conspiracy of war, they are conspiring for war where there is no way of stopping them from using the implants from interfering with ones mind from controlling ones brain or attempting to control ones brain, there is no choice but war, it is not that one wants war, just that there is no choice. If one does nothing, they will just continue with more and more control over ones brain and more insanity, although they argue on marriage and just to get married, it solves nothing they are still an threat and must still be brought to justice. Although they argue they will leave one alone, it is not enough they should not have caused one problems, and they are still guilty to being very much an threat to humanity.
The conspiracy of war also includes the issue of ones rights and all issues which are not implants related but an aspect of conspiracy and attitude and there actions within reality. There actions of rape or isolation or threatening people to making sure that nobody associates with one or talks to ones or warns one of anything. It also includes race issues and there view and actions and role within all this, there intention hence this tick tack toe of conspiracy and politics. Perhaps they are watching each other and perhaps they are playing cat and mouse.
But the main issue here is that they are all on ones case and guilty as an organisation which wants to control one to disturb one thus they are in effect engaged in an war against one, and one has to do something about them the same as that of an organisation, they all make things impossible with all issues and the problems being the same. All arguments against them are the same they all pose the same threat to one and mean to use the implants for the same purpose, to steal ones mind ones thoughts, to claim ones intelligence as there own, to interfere with ones mind and ones life.
They are the same as an fascist regime which does not want to listen to any reason or logic, or any truths in matters. They all seem dead set on there own control of one, of this situation and of there own victory, that victory being racially motivated or as three corners whom have something to gain and win from or out of this. One is always abused in the manner or accusing one of losing but losing what.
They are an problem to one as an organisation, to one being lead into an cross fire or into being an pawn within there own problems with all this. One has always had problems with them as an organisation, but things have shifted into dealing with this mess, and the implants and conspiracy but only to the extent and in the interest of the three corners, the racial things the mind games. The different sides although one is mentioned to be an victim it is all an aspect of there mind games based on the grounds that they are different people, or one is just forced or drawn into there Conspiracy this War.
Ones is only mentioned as an victim as some sort of trump card or pawn or on passing where all the issues and the trouble already exist, they have all taken sides and made themselves corners within all this, with sides and numbers and tension. The situation exist with one being recognized as an victim on arguments. Details of the events and the nature of the problem, that of conspiracy or implants or experiments remain unknown. It seems that they have all just gone charged into some sort of Conspiracy of War. It is strange that I know nobody and nobody knows whom one is apart from through and via the implants.
An cover up of an conspiracy of war should not be ruled out, it is all conspiracy, and an conspiracy of experiments of humans, to control ones head ones mind, an threat to humanity, alas an threat to humanity should not be ruled out. It is about one and in respects of one nobody cares, they are all using the implants as they please, and for its very purpose. Prevention is an problem and perhaps would take an fight or an war to stop them from using the implants.
It is about the threat that is posed to one and there use of the implants, and the violence and anger that one feels towards them, they know they are able to control one and to cause one harm to madness one they just continue to do as such, they just continue to drive one mad until they have everything there own way. They are just arguing about and for what they want, to driving one mad into one thing after the other.
It all involves money or means they all profit from this or have there own race issues being met or there own trouble or ill intentions explained away, to this control of one, but none of the issues deal with the implants or conspiracy or ones rights. It is not about anything else, but they are just side tracking one into what everyone else thinks and wants to just arguing over things and against people, strangers and human nature, hence an cover up.
Protocol must make sure that one has control of ones own life, and the final choice as to what goes with the case, as trail issues or other wise. It is not about what everyone wants or thinks, it is about what I thinks is best and ones own choice in matters one could choose to make deals, or purse with justice and judicial proceedings as in normal criminal matters. In effect it is nobody business especially all that one does in ones life or has done, or means
to do.
It is nobody business unless they mean to bring evidence to things or are witness to things, or unless they are going to argue on it all being an race thing to that of an conspiracy of war. As an organisation, nation or an fascist regime they have never allowed one an choice in all that goes in ones life and in respect of this conspiracy, they are conspiracy they are that organisation and they are intent on keeping that control over one. It just that they all pretend to mean well.
Protocol is always defied by themselves cause protocol allows one to have an say in things, to have some degree of control over ones life, an choice in matters whilst removing any choices or control they have over ones life.
Everything is in error and protocol must assess that where ones life far from being normal, and normality can be used to assess that which is in error. They are in error, an insane error or insanity, where everything is insane, they are mental they would not allowed to speak to one in that manner in normal life or in the fashion of ordering one or attempting to run one life. They are in ones head and covering themselves up from driving on insane but mean to stay in control of one.
They would not be allowed to ask one what one thinks, it is not normal, and it is not as if they are seeking ones advice hence it is down to the ill intentions of them all blocking ones mind. They are as an organisation which is meaning one harm just covered up in an pretence of meaning well, or of knowing better than one to being in control of one and forcing one into there own conspiracy.
Protocol must deal with all things, where everything is in error they are all accused and it is not bias they are all behind the implants , even though they mean to play mind games they are guilty of all things as organisation they all want control of one they all want the problems to exist they all want one ousted and finished, to one clashing with them on all things. One has to prove that the are guilty, where they all behind the implants but made up of all different races.
They have always been causing one the errors and the problems, and it is just mind games as to whom, the problems exist to them all just intent on shifting all issues into marriage, them all not being worried about anything else and it is just insane or maddening. But everything is an problem there very presence, the fact they know everyone that one knows or everything that one does to being in ones head and all the problems thereafter It is all mind games thereafter but it is the same mind games that they have been playing all my life, as to whom they are.
Whilst one knows they are guilty of driving one mad or mentality torturing one to arguing against one and those arguments and that guilt must be brought to trial and also proven that it is they whom have always conspired against one and driven one mad, if they have all things there own way they will not argue, hence it would not be proven and there would be no case. I guess a bit like an coverup in things.
They are guilty as far as I am concerned but if one does not prove there guilt then they will just continue to argue for this control of one and there own wants in ones life, it is not that one has to prove anything one dismisses any choice they have but one has to prove to prevent them from being fascist to posing such an threat to one.
If they have things there own way they would not argue but are intent and fanatical over this marriage thing, but everything else is an argument thing are just repressed, one is forced into marriage ad int there on race things and angles and arguments. One argues that they should not be in ones head or know ones thoughts or defying protocol, they shift it over to blaming whites but as an organisation they are all guilty of all things which are a problem
until perhaps the prove there innocence.
One argues that they have done experiment on the brain and got control of the brain and just able to or are blaming things on whites , whites are also guilty but none of it makes my life any better. They have all done ones head in and gone after ones head and wanted one insane but just shifting it to race issues, as some sort of declaration of innocence, it is I whom is innocent, and alas it is they whom are guilty violating ones rights, to the total disregard for ones rights.
An organisation does mean to mean to control ones head, somebody does mean to control ones brain ones head but whom, the questions always goes down to whom, protocol tries to find those guilty but everyone just messes up protocol, in effect covers up that organization or those whom mean to cause one harm or mean to control one. They have all just forced everything to be about one, about that which one does or thinks or says or is guilty to ones intentions, it is about one mentality or mind or personality or character.
This marriage thing also means that the have things there own way where they have covered up from all there presence as being an issue or there use of the implants to what ever else the are doing or have done with the implants. It all means they have control of one and explained many aspects of this conspiracy away. This conspiracy being explained away as an want for marriage. It is about control keeping one repressed and isolated, and as Human Guinea Pig.
Protocol on this conspiracy of war to deal with an conspiracy of war, would perhaps begin with order, and order must be put back straighten out chaos or an mixup, order which is brought about through reason and logic, through trial and justice. A failure would mean that insanity still exist, that they conspiracy of war still exist. An order which is not so much as being selective but necessary, an code of conduct which governs the behaviors of individuals not just towards each other but as individuals.
The addressing of these issues should include the fact that these are all crimes against humanity. Whilst any order should makes ones rights paramount, the prevention of any use of the implants, ones right to choose and that of choice being again paramount, to dismissal of those whom use the implants as paramount, they do not and must not have an choice or an say in anything that one does for the rest of ones life and case issues they are subject to trial. It is all an violation after all one is just forced into doing what the want or living ones life as the have chosen, that conspiracy that Fascism is just covered.
Besides they have always made sure that one has no choice or a say in that which goes on in ones life, they have always had an say in that which goes on, an choice, and given an choice they all choose to do this hence to be fascist. They should not have an choice they should not have an say in that which goes on in ones life, it just insanity and conspiracy which has allowed them that choice that control over ones life. They are brushing things off as normality within race things but it is all conspiracy.
Things are not normal ones life is not normal due to conspiracy and implants but nothing is recognised, it all causes problems and one should not have to explain ones self in the things that one has done to anyone including family, they all know or may know and it is all mind games, and one does not want to start again with explanation and logic gates. Whilst it all goes down to ones memory in things how one recalls things, to the logic gates there after or rules as they would want to enforce.
One has applied logic gates and reason on things but I know they all reevaluate things, and to force about there own rules, bias and there own view points to all events. It is the same as an organisation, and includes an cover up and twist to things to race issues to there own trivial issues all of which are forced through onto one through mind games and messing about with the history of events as they recall things. There are a lot of problems pending,
where they are an organisation an conspiracy which is intent on continuing with its conspiracy.
One leaves things to trial the truth is dependent on trial issues, allowing the courts to decide on the truth of events, and it is more than an investigations where the investigation does not release any facts, but more like an inquest, where the facts and the truth can be decided upon in trial. It all prevents things from being made up and mind games to the facts being dependent on rumours or hearsay. It prevents them from fabricating any truths and all things can be looked into. For instance the facts in respect of isolation or repressed state or the controlled state, not necessary as to whom but the basics facts.
Judgment can be passed on actions or events which are actually wrong and not what they think is wrong where sound effects or insane sounds can be recognised as such or events in reality, to talking to people or associating with people or socialising or studying or passing exams or even just resting all of these things the would considered to be wrong or not the right the thing to do or acceptable. Because they all thing that such things are wrong the would act on things, not allow for such things for instance and private conversation to race issues where they would all consider ones association with the other race an threat.
It is all simple things but this is all insanity they have all lost there mind, the situation, is that of chaos where ones life is totally insane where it is all a cost to oneself for them to satisfy there madness, hence this living with there presence in ones head. They will force about there own views, opinions to there own interest in to costing one, issues over ones intelligence ones notes ones work ones thoughts as ones own, or ones ideas, to accusations of copying or the origins of ones notes. They are an conspiracy and an organisation which has arguing against one on all things and perhaps they mean to argue against one in reality or in court but as people or anyone and everyone or as race corners.
In respect of conspiracy of war, war was the only probably outcome of events, what were the hoping to achieve by there actions or what did the expect one to do. An intent to raise trouble should not be ruled out, there is no choice they had nothing else in mind, other than to raise trouble, to that of control hence to control all things, to control ones every thought. They argue that they have repressed ones trouble, but one did not mean trouble, they just will not allow for anything else and the want to control such events hence to twist things around. They mean to control all things and that control has always been there intentions. They also mean that one is trouble or has trouble in mind, one is not trouble but again one has no choice.
One is accused of wanting war to being considered insane or mental, mental because of the use of the implants where they refuse to get out of ones head and one has to deal with the pressure, and deemed insane on arguing back into thin air. On the accusations of wanting war they are just making sure that one is trouble, or that there is trouble, that one goes mad, one is not guilty but it is the whom are guilty. It is just that the will not stop messing with ones head until one argues back or references someone or something or know what one will do about this or them.
It all means they know everything that I know and know that I will write to nations or prove things in the fashion that one does, or deal with things they way I do but it all lead to war games and there intentions to drive one insane by some other method, where one does not go mad or mental or insane thus they have controlled one into being considered insane, and into war games and into being guilty.
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