Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fascism and Repression

Fascism and Repression

Fascist regime is bound to keep people repressed to prevent opposition to its Fascism, repression takes on many forms to many things about a person or humanity can be repressed. Fascism will repress things to stay in power the lack of an repressed element would mean freedom or democracy. To repress things is to be fascist to allow for Fascism, where Fascism would not exist if it was not the act of repression.

Inevitably the Truth is always repressed the main culprit the most costly victim of fascism, an act repression always involves the repressing of the Truth. A fabricated truth prevails and exist and channels through from the top to the bottom of the political structure, from those whom vote to those whom are voted for. People, society and the whole nation becomes repressed, some how leads to economic ruin.

Fascism is going to lead to money and power to have money thus repressing any financial gain that others may have. Ones own financial gain is repressed, to dismissing the value of ones intelligence, to forcing one out of work out of employment, not allowing one to progress within an career or within the place of employment. To repressing or preventing any form of academic progress. Doing so to stay in control of one in power or in this authoritative state over one.

Repressing any from of intelligence where that intelligence will always challenge them there power, there authority. Justice to judicial proceeding would always be repressed to an server lack of common sense would prevail where tyranny would never make sense. Logic to that of common sense would be repressed to the effects on the mentality of an individual, hence ones mind would be repressed, to compromising ones sanity with the injustice. It is of no wonder that madness or insanity always prevails.

A form of isolation would exist which is an act of repression where one has been isolated from the out side world one has thus been repressed, prevented from association without a trace with ones peers, thus one has no social life. Because they have intentions to repress one, they going to repress one in which ever fashion they can, and repressing what ever they are able to repress especially with the functions of the implants.

With intentions to repress they will repress ones mind ones thoughts, they will find an means of doing so it is all experiments, repressing any opposition to themselves knowing that one is against them or in opposition to them, knowing ones mind they are going to find a way of repressing ones mind. Alas they are more than able to repress ones mind. Working against the mind and ones thoughts doing ones head on every occurrence of thoughts thus forcing ones thoughts out in open, not allowing for anything to exist in ones head.

That which is impossible is also a form or repression with this conspiracy there fascism is making ones life impossible similar to mental blocks not allowing one mind to follow through with solving an problem or any problems they just counter ones progress or flow of thoughts with other problems hence blocks or mental blocks. They are making sure that things stay impossible in ones head and in ones life, on issues of say having an women in ones life.

They act of saying things into ones head of it being no use or there is no point to one, it is put into the head and perhaps one is too give up on all that one does, to be considering that as opposed to considering more forward thinking issues hence thinking there is an point to be eager to get on with the next subject or topic, and keen to learn and to progress in respect of studying and to get with subjects which are of more subjects. In stride froward and to be challenged intellectually.

They repress one in many ways and many aspects of ones mind is repressed, from talking to other to writing with ones typing being messed up hence the expression of ones thoughts that which is complaining about. To that ones sleep being hindered and blocked thus ones brain and mind functions are slowed down or kept tired, in effect ones mind is repressed. Mental torture does not allow the mind to experience anything thus the mind again is repressed from knowing anything of the experiences of life from having an shower to piece of mind.

They are intentionally keeping one repressed within the events that occurs in ones life, and in respect of the thoughts that one has where knowing ones mind they attack ones thoughts ones mind with pressure with the act of doing ones head in, bashing ones head to causing one harm with the implants. Repressing the issue of privacy by driving one mad whilst the in the shower, doing ones head in first thing in the morning as one wakes up thus repressing the mind preventing the mind from actually waking up or getting ones thoughts together or ones mind together.

Continuing to do ones head in until the inclination to study is forced out of one, to the thoughts of the subject at hand bashed out of ones head, from revising BIOS topics, where one has to forget about everything and deal with there presence there insane arguments. One would have progressed a lot faster and further within ones studies. The pressure the mental torture is applied to force one to drop learning from the MP3 - where the MP3 carries many lectures on CISCO, MCSE and other computer subjects. Memory and thoughts and memory are also worked again thus recall of information including that of topics learnt.

They would still drive one mad, just doing ones head to prevent me from knowing my own thoughts from getting my thoughts and mind together, in respect of this situation to that which one wants to do or intends to from cutting grass or selling things on e-bay, this repression of thoughts and ones mind. It would also figure as an loss of memory or forgetting things which is an act of repressing ones mind.

One is repressed from doing many things including women and sex which they are intent on twisting this into as an issue of sex and women. Race corners disagree with one having women in ones life, using there own racial attitude. It is still Fascism but an mockery of the whole conspiracy and situation where they are covering up this conspiracy to control ones life to making it an way of life or normality to interfere with ones life. They are intent on keeping one isolated, to repressing any thoughts of relationship with women.

It is just angle the have created in which they use women and sex, culture issues to keep one repressed, where they are continuing to keep everything about one repressed ones  academic progresses ones social life or which ever direction I go in to using there want for marriage as an reason or an motive.

Protocol -: I guess I would just need time and not be told to do things but use my own head to do as I want and to learn from my own mistakes, I do no want to be ordered about or controlled where it seems they are expecting one to do as they want as one is told. They are just acting as if they are not conspiracy or that organisation to pretending to know better than one, even acting as if the know better than one.

They have merit based on an successful life hence have managed there degrees or got an job or have high earning to being just older than one whilst it seems that only family are using that angle at present. The organisation, the conspiracy is just finding a means of taking on the mind, they have all covered up from making sure that one does not get anywhere in ones life and all seem intent on forcing one into an deal.

Rehabilitation protocol is again applied, implants will need to be disconnected, whilst I guess I would be the only one to know the effects of the implants or any removals of blocks or whether ones mind is still blocked thus it would be only suitable if I was to unblocked the mind or brain.

One should not be blocked from doing things in the future it would the same as preventing one from doing so at present, from studying or looking into the experiment or nature of this conspiracy. To the simple chatting to people or women. Those whom are and have prevented one from living ones life to doing things at present must not be allowed to interfere with ones life at all in the future.

On repressed states or issues in respect of isolation one should be allowed to associate with anyone that one chooses to associate with, with the organisation or race corners whom have every intentions of keeping one isolated to keeping one controlled. Whilst they have no right to know of anything of my financial status, where they may want control over ones finances, the conspiracy will allow things , they will just use things as another ploy.

That which I do in the future is none of there business whether one does research or exercises ones right to Rest and the freedom to Leisure. Whether one works on this conspiracy and trial issues to issues in regards to the implants. Time must be given to allow one to recover from this repressed state, to recover ones mind to explore all avenues to think about all things where one has to relearn things. Common sense issues to issues of association, the interaction with people, issues regarding ones rights and privacy.

It would just be to dangerous to have any association with those behind the implants,  they are already repressing ones mind to being able to do so other than by using the implants, other means can be found and will probably move to repress information that they know exist. How they will do so is another matter, they do know how. One is not bound to anything and should not be controlled by anything or anyone, where it is all conspiracy. They are just trying to make there control of one legit and sound reasonable. Using race angels, mind games where psychopaths will find a means of staying in control of one.

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