Fascism and Marriage
There is an human nature side of things, an reality side of things besides this conspiracy in which Asian women are forced into an arrange marriage. Many women are forced into an marriage and new laws are made against such things to protect women and there rights. It is deemed that many women suffer much cruelty at the hands these type of people whom are fanatics and very much fascist. It is not just an isolated case but common amongst Asians, and can be considered very much typical of an Asian family.
It is typical that such women would be isolated from society, repressed from and not allowed to discover there own abilities, and in many cases they are very much brainwashed into this married life and there own interest being second place to that of there husband. That is the basis of all arrange marriages. My case is no different, although I am Male, but it is all the same and has to do with power and control, if they have that power then they will use it to exert that control over one. Fascism
The organisation is intent on using the implants on one, on knowing ones mind ones thoughts on reading ones mind and on using ones thoughts against one. To confined one to ones own thoughts where one has no choice but to go mad to be angry to have ill intentions. To control ones mind ones thoughts, to repress ones mind, not allowing for anything but anger to forcing one into marriage.
This is going on because of everything else and not because of marriage but they are using marriage as an reason to continue with such actions of controlling ones head, ones thoughts. It has always been there intentions to go after one head and ones thoughts, to have one mindless they just doing so with there want for marriage where that use of the implants attacks ones mind and thoughts. As an organisation , they are carrying out experiments they are very accurate and targeting ones mind an thoughts.
As an organisation they are not wanting one to use ones own mind or ones own head not wanting to recognise anything about one they are all about this conspiracy, they are that conspiracy those whom have always used the implants on one and those whom refuse to get out of ones head, to targeting ones head to have one mind repressed ones thoughts repressed. Doing so with this want marriage too wanting to be come ones mind and thoughts with an excuse of wanting marriage thus the will go against everything about one and will argue and challenge everything about including ones ever thought.
As an organisation they are fascist they are also Asians to being none white and Whites. As an organisation the case exist as race issues one would have to prove it all. Whilst they will all be able to pretend to be innocent, to argue on there innocence and there rights too to interfere in ones life basing things on there racial views. That is what they are built on and continue with a want for marriage, with an intentions to interfere with ones life, with plans to run ones life to control ones life for the rest of ones life.
They are doing one head in and have always been doing so for an number or years with this want for marriage, but it is Fascism where they are doing ones head in also to prevent one from doing anything ones life, damaging ones mind with intentions, they do not care they just seem to be relying on there want for marriage which is dumb of them but it is not dumbness it is there intentions to do ones head to prevent one from doing anything in ones life from using one head. It is Fascism where they do not want one own identity to exist, ones own mentality to exist or to express it self.
As an organisation they are built to control one, they have control of one and everything and everyone in ones life preventing any association with women by claiming to want marriage and just messing things up in ones life. Association is prevented whilst one is isolated already that isolation stays, where nobody wants to associate with one. The organisation has conspired against one to that effect. They refuse to associate with one or allow for association with one until one gets married.
They have that control of one and mean to keep that control of one, they are built that way, the purpose of the conspiracy is that of fascism and the same as that of an organisation hence are intent on controlling one for the rest of ones life without seeming to do so. That is the same conspiracy where there is hardly any evidence, just the effects, just the damage. They are in effect dealing with effects or the cracks and attempting to coverup that which brings evidence to this conspiracy.
That one is say isolated or one has no friends or visitors, that nobody listens to one or nobody likes or knows one, yet everyone knows one via implants. Refusing to recognise anything about one, nobody wanting to talk to one or has talked to one. As an organisation they mean to control one without an trace, where one side tracked into an issue of marriage they are driving one mad to washing one into that marriage, forcing one to consider this as an issue of marriage as opposed to using the implants one or invading ones mind or thoughts.
They are dead set on dominating ones mind to effect of forcing one into marriage, they are using the implants of that purpose and causing one all sorts of problems and damage, regardless of the damage they cause they are intent forcing about there want for marriage. They make one sick with there insistence on marriage, and passing everything off as being because of there want for marriage.
It is about damage they cause there intentions to have one insane, to prevent one from using one head from getting anywhere in ones life from getting out of there control. As an organisation they are in control of one, and intent on staying in control of one whilst guilty of using the implants for its purpose. That is what it is about but they all play mind games, as to whom to blame and whom is responsible for things but they all know they able to control ones brain to interfere with the mind and are doing so to force about there thickness / insanity into ones life and one into there thickness or insanity.
They mean to use the implants for its very purpose hence to keep one as an Human Guinea Pig, learning to control ones head and to interfere with ones mind, whilst hiding behind this want for marriage. As an organisation they are mean to stay in control of one and are built that way, the mean to interfere with ones life, where one does not know whom they are and there mind games as to whom is causing one problems or whom is guilty of causing one harm.
They know everything about one they know me and everyone in ones life or those whom would have been in ones life or should have been in ones life or will be in ones life, this control of events in ones life in the future, and those whom are supposed to be apart of ones life in the future. Alas it is all very much artificial life, ones past ones present and ones future. They all insist on talking to one on being ones friends, and acting they are doing one an favour, they mean to force about there presence in ones life but insisting on marriage.
They are built by designed to interfere with ones life in the future and for the rest ones life where they are making sure that one does not go out of there control or compromise there own racial stance, by insisting on marriage. Alas they are therefore intent on having an stance be it an racial stance thus intent on getting the implants from one to involving one or using one in there own arguments or racial stances. Interfering with ones life where one will be dealing with the implants and case issues amongst other things. I guess running and controlling one life for the rest of one life.
This is not about marriage, it is about implants and there interest in all this, which has nothing to do with marriage or ones welfare, but there want for implants and there own racial stance, to there own racial interest, or perhaps to cover up from all of this.
They argue to want marriage because they do not want to explain as tow hat the are doing in one head to answer to the fact that they are and have been messing with ones head, they do not want to be know to be wanting to know ones every thought to knowing ones every move, to controlling everything about one. To issues of conspiracy and there actions to the nature of experiments. All of which is actions of an fascist regime whilst the only evidence of this Fascism is there want for marriage.
Whilst being fascist they are bound to control one and force one into there own way of life they are bound to where they have done that much to control one to learn ones mind to control ones life and everything in ones life they might as well continue with there control, and controlling one into an cover up. To messing up everything about one, where they are intent on interfering with the mind and claiming ones thoughts as there own, and making sure the damage is done to that effect. To controlling one and claiming to be better than one to clamming ones note ones intelligence, to clamming to be innocent whilst one is considered guilty of wanting war and writing to China.
They promise to be nice one to be ones friends to buy one anything that one wants but one has to get marriage but alas that is just and perverting of justice and cover up where they are intent on not allowing justice to be done, there presence there use of the implants there conspiracy and actions against one must all be brought to trial there arguments against one must be brought to trial, there reasoning in things where they refuse to accept anything apart from there own views or wants. Simple issues on studying to women in ones life too issues of implants and conspiracy.
As Fascism one is unable to do anything without there control, and I guess they want to keep things that way hence not allowing one to do anything without there permission under this pretence of protecting or knowing better than one, whilst also making sure that one has no choice in the matter that organisation is staying in control of one and brushing things into an issue of marriage and toying with ones as there motives and this control of one.
They have an fascist mentality an fascist element to them, which is blended into society into an natural cause of events, but is all conspiracy but they erasing all aspects of conspiracy into this natural reasons for things hence that naturalality being an issue of marriage. Naturally attempting to bring about there presence into ones life, to the running of ones life out of reason or motive arguing to be wanting to talk to one or knowing better than one or wanting to be ones friends, natural covering up all aspects of this conspiracy and there actions with in all this.
The strange things is that they are just as guilty as the organisation, and have been conspiring in all this but able to blame things on someone else, where they are all just driving one mad into marriage, to causing one harm with the implants. They invade the mind to control ones mind to portraying this false sense of innocence where they insist on marriage but are driving one mad into marriage, using that as means of controlling one head where they refuse to get out of ones head, or allow one to know anything else or anyone else. It is all just an cover up of there intentions to control ones head.
They are driving one mad into this marriage, using this control to force one forcing one to become guilty of something, to set one up and trap one into there marriage, into having no choice other than that which they have chosen for one. They have to counter all that would compromise there control of one and there plans including anyone and everyone to ones thoughts ones mind to ones intelligence.
Controlling one into war games into being insane , to being considered insane, thus guilty, alas reasoning with one to get marriage, and then they would forgive one or be nice to one or be ones friends, to talking to one, promising to help one deal with the issues and problem caused by the implants. Forced into an perversion of justice where perhaps justice would be done but one feels it would be just formalities or an deal which involves them all, more of an cover up.
Implants is used to dominate ones mind to pressuring one into this marriage and this idea of being ones friends, repressing ones thoughts ones mind which is all Fascism. They are mental torturing one into marriage, bashing ones thoughts out of ones head with intent, not allowing ones own mind to express itself not allowing me to know my own mind hence there constant use of the implants, and there pressure on marriage which is all brainwashing one from issues regarding my rights.
The conspiracy is using marriage and this idea of being ones friends to force one into an cover up, this pretence on being reasonable, where they are just driving one mad into an coverup, into this control of ones life. They are intent on staying in control of ones life, brainwashing one of themselves as being conspiracy or fascist. They are psychopaths whom are dead set on using marriage to stay in control of one and to force one into there madness.
Madness has always allowed them to have everything there own way there presence to there control of ones life and ones head.
They are ruling ones life through madness, and driving one mad into one thing after the other, alas into forgetting about my own life my own mind, my own thoughts and mentality. Going on about being ones friends, they are forcing one to forget that they should not be in ones head and they should not be using the implants to forcing about there own wants upon one. They are psychopaths whom have messed with one head and ones life to working on the mind and are and have worked on the mind, for the purpose of there own Fascism.
They are wanting to know ones every thought, to watch ones every move to know everyone that one knows and to consider there actions as being just or to ones protection. They are wanting to dismiss ones thoughts, that which the do not approve of , to dismiss events in ones life that which they do not approve of. Same as dismissing everything that exist in ones life and ones head just pretending to be reasonable. Dismissing ones social life, dismissing any association with one or any academic progress. To arguing that there is no point to one.
They want to use the implants when eve they want, to wanting to be considered clever to forcing about there own way of life into ones future, to forcing about there own thickness or illogical ness into ones head life they intent on forcing about there own presence into ones head and ones life there own thickness into ones head. They argue to just want marriage alas the are fascist.
As an fascist regime they have control of ones life to having that control of one head ones mind ones brain, using the race card to control one, and to control all aspects of ones life, thus making sure that nobody talks to one, that nobody will listen to one, that nobody will help one, to insisting on marriage. Confining one to the use of the implants, driving one mad into this cover up this shift into an way of life, a cover up of all this Fascism.
Using marriage as an reason, to drive one mad, a motive to cause one problems to do ones head in and an excuse in things where there is an race issues, and in effect playing the race card. This choice of things where one does not have an choice, they are tyrants, they are psychopaths whom do not care they are just intent on having things there own way and just have that control of ones life and one head and using that. Whilst driving mad into there own way of life and dismissing all other things as an issue.
Dismissing ones rights ones own interest, ones own choices one own sanity ones life ones mind ones thoughts ones mentality, dismissing there wrongness, there sickness there madness, there insanity as being the issue to forcing the issue to be about marriage, they are an Fascist regime.
They are intent on moulding one into there own way of life into that marriage not allowing for anything or anyone, it is all Fascism where they have every intention of controlling everything and everyone in ones life for the rest of ones life. All things are used out of conspiracy to control one and to mould one , where they are interfering with all aspects fo ones life ones environment, and ones mind. Moulding one in the sense they also have control fo ones head and ones thoughts.
There reasoning is insane it is flawed where they argue to have everything there own way and just pretending to be reasonable one stuck arguing against insane people, they refuse to get out of ones head and everything there after, they are as an organisation which refuses to get out of ones head and ones life, driving one mad as one person or the other, or race corners whom are intent on arguing against one over everything, against ones every thought they have always done so, to driving one mad into this cover up. Driving one mad into marriage.
They are an organisation where they are just built on this conspiracy against one, issues and problems which existed all my life they are standing on the damage thereafter to arguing in the same fashion but having an identity. To just shifting into marriage where they know the are unable to coverup or win any arguments against one. It is also about insanity about messing with ones head and conspiracy where the are all just covering up, and brainwashing one into marriage. And with ill intent where they are not allowing one to know ones mind to use ones head too know ones thoughts.
One has no intentions of approving of them as an organisation, they are an conspiracy they are psychopaths whom are causing one problems it makes no difference as to there race but they are intent on using race things or race issues, thus having some sort of license to cause one problem to control one, to interfering in ones life to force about there own way of life to that of marriage. One does not want anything to do with them as an organisation or those behind the implants and as an race corners, where they are intent on interfering with the mind and ones life.
They are an fascist regime an conspiracy they are and have always been running ones life and one has to put an end to things. They are an fascist regime which has control fo ones life ons head everything in ones life and one head, and controlling one into there own way of life there own coverup there own conspiracy there own plans, there own deals. Forcing one into marriage an into associating with them into there own deals and into an perversion of justice. They are making sure that there is no justice within this to being all intent on staying in control of one for the rest of ones life to covering up from this control they have of one head or brain and mind.
Covering up any notion of ill intentions on there part whilst doing ones head in every day into there notion of marriage, claiming to want marriage as some form of claim of innocence where there no different from that organisation, where I do not know whom they are where there is no way they should know of the implants let alone be using the implants, whilst there is no way they would know of any problem that exist unless they are going to admit to the conspiracy to drive one insane.
Using marriage as means of covering up there conspiracy against one they have conspired against one all my life against, against all that one does until one is say disturbed or trouble and ones life is all messed up to ones future or what ever one can do about this, where one is only dealing with there presence and conspiracy that is what they are messing up, and forcing one into marriage.
They are driving one mad into marriage and into this idea of being ones friends but they are still driving one mad and doing ones head, where the risk is that of insanity, the damage to the mind they are an fascist regime an conspiracy whom do not want to be considered as such, alas they refuse to recognise there actions as being fascist or conspiracy or that of an threat to one or inhuman, but they recognise China and the very thought of China bothers them.
It is about experiments not about marriage they are brainwashing one into marriage, and they are guilty of experiments where they should not be able to communicate with the mind at all. One is confined to those behind the implants, a fascist regime which is forcing one into marriage an into an cover up story. They insist on marriage on being ones friends on talking to one, alas the are psychopaths, whom are intent on playing mind games on all this where they are accused based on there presence behind the implants.
They are brainwashing one of the issue at hand, hence there intentions to keep one as an Human Guinea Pig and everything else thereafter, with no intentions of allowing one to know anything apart from there use of implants, the harm they cause one, to go against ones thoughts ones mentality, that is there conspiracy that is there Fascism. As they are against one now they will always be against one where they are accused and it is there intentions to cover up from messing with ones head, they are not considered as an organisation, but an race corner.
Strangely the nation tends to blame me for everything, but one is conspired against by themselves, controlled via the implants into that character into that error. Into being considered insane or guilty of wanting war or thick or dumb to this race issues and the demands on making sure that everyone has there interest met. They are mental, just satisfying there own madness in things there own paranoia or racism, where one is just deemed to be of the same character hence guilty.
They are just dismissing the truth about one for there own coverup, it is an cover up in which society is used, one is just blended into society, and judged to guilty where one is bound to be trouble and driven mad until one is trouble. It is conspiracy but the conspiracy is done by more than an organization, it is carried out by everyone by all three races, where they are driving one mad into marriage but also into suicide.
It is not for them to want where they all argue to want marriage, it steams from the conspiracy that they are able to interfere in ones life, that they have no respect for ones life or ones own choices, to them all just thinking they are able to make demands on one from this tyranny and being mean where one has to do what they want or the expect one to do as they want and thus argue to want marriage, making sure that one has no choice in ones life.
It is not for them to want where they do not know whom I am but the all argue to want marriage but dismissing all issues of ethics or moral issues to that of say justice and human rights they just forcing about this want for marriage in there pretence on meaning well. It is all Fascism where they have all made sure that one is controlled all my life to ones head ones mind ones thoughts all aspects of ones life, to just pretending other wise.
They argue to want marriage as if the are innocent of all other crimes against one, of driving one insane, to driving one mad into there marriage and into this idea of being ones friends and forgiving me. It is not for them to want as it is not for them to want to use the implants on one, to invade ones mind to know ones thoughts to know whom one talks to or anyone and everyone in ones life. It is not for them to want ones money or ones time ones job or want to follow or to watch ones every move, or all aspects of human nature . Where ones does not want them in ones life and ones head. They are an fascist regime that is why the want or they think they can have what they want.
As an fascist regime they are in trouble and going on about being in trouble and expecting one to help them to do as the want hence to follow through with marriage and there conspiracy within all this, but they are an conspiracy against one but just shifting one into there own race things. It is Fascism where they are conspiring to control everything about that is what this is about, but they are just mixing things about with in race things or as something else being the trouble or problems to having this control over one head, a form of brainwashing where they are driving one mad into marriage one way or the other.
They are an conspiracy and the problem and it is not as if there is something else which is the problem where they are causing one problem and doing ones head in everyday of ones life, just using marriage to cause one problem to do ones head in, and all aspects of fascism exist within.
It is the same as people being paranoid where race corners are basing there own stance out of there own paranoia or race issues, blaming everything on race things and that of racism, to just assuming the problems exist adding there own paranoia too all this as race things. The case exist against Whites as well as Blacks and Asians but they are all dependent on there own race issues and race things as the problem. It all leads to Fascism where they are intent on using that an reason or an excuse, blaming someone else whilst causing problems.
They are insisting on wanting marriage first and demanding that as if they have an right to do so, shouting ones head it invade ones mind ones life to make demands on one, steaming from this control they have over ones life and not allowing for anything in ones life or anyone. Not allowing one to use one head, or for an single thought exist in ones head, not allowing for any sanity where they are insisting on marriage first, pretending on being innocent, alas they are very much fascist.
They are pretending on being innocent where they are basing there defence on mind games but they are very much that organisation that has always messed with ones head, they have always driven one mad to being all intent on using the implants on one, to being intent on controlling one with the implants. They argue to want marriage first but they are wanting to control one head to use the implants to watch ones every move to control everything about one. They argue to be someone different and new that is just mind games whilst it all makes no difference it is all still Fascism.
They are guilty but arguing to be innocent based on there want marriage, alas they are very fascist where one does not know whom the are, and they are those whom have controlled one all my life to using the implants on one. They are conspiracy those have caused on harm and problem all my life to being guilty of events through out my life, they are psychopaths whom are just hiding behind this pretence of marriage.
As an organisation they are not allowing ones brain to work to insisting on marriage first and dismissing anything that one would say about this ones own thoughts on the matter to being intent on standing as an race corner with race issues and one being say predictable or perhaps contained within it all. One is just forced into this race corner and into marriage where one has no choice or any say regarding the outcome of events or proceeding of on going events. All events are an conspiracy against one but it is just deemed to be an organisation dealing with this.
Ones life is dismissed, one is not allowed to do anything and all that one does is dismissed them all wanting me to repeat my arguments in all matters not wanting to recognise or listen too that which one has already argued on, and to talk to one after one get married. Again it is fascism where ones own life is dismissed.
It is even more fascist in the sense the are making sure that they know ones mind, to being able to mess up ones mind ones thoughts the case which one holds against them, they are not allowing one to express ones thoughts already to dismissing any arguments that one has against already and bound force of dismissal of any arguments that one has against them in the future. It all just concludes too one being forced and moulded into that which they have already planed.
Organisation is forcing one into marriage and using that as means of doing ones head and side tracking one away from issues regrading the implants to allowing them to continue with there control of one and conspiracy to keep one as an disturbed person. It all goes into the future where they are forcing one into an future of marriage and there presence whilst neglecting to deal with any issues that exist, all of which are pending to be dealt with.
In effect they are forcing about there presence in ones future in which they are perhaps dealing with issues that exist but alas problems would not have existed if they have not had caused the problem or conspired against one to that effect. The issues of everyone using the implants or everyone knowing ones mind thoughts to them all saying so what to that, or what is wrong with that and they say that to all issues or problems which they are can be held responsible for.
It is total fascism where one has no choice, one has been kept isolated, controlled and disturbed by the implants, watching ones every move to knowing ones every thought, repressing ones mind to moulding one into there own way of life, into marriage into this control over ones head, ones brain and all of ones thoughts. This conspiracy to control all that exist in ones life, to those whom one associates with. It is Fascism where they know they are able to change ones life to interfere with ones life, to insane one out of things, to control one out of things to conspire against one forcing one out of things in ones life.
They are totally fascist to the effect of controlling ones, and forcing one out of having an social life, to using the implants and interfering with the mind they know they able to do so and doing so to the effect of controlling ones life or changing ones life forcing one out of events or that which one would have done in ones life. They know with the implants they are able to change ones life ones to change ones mind and intent on using the implants for that purpose hence there presence behind the implants to this mental torture on marriage. To one having to argue against insanity or there intentions to change ones mind by arguing against logic and sanity.
All the problems of fascism exist with all the problems of conspiracy and implants the experiments all issues exist, the threat as posed by the implants and experiments. This control of ones head ones mind to leading one into marriage, there excuse on messing on up but just controlling one into an coverup. They mean to stay in control of one and finding one way or the other of doing so by mind games they have done so, and mean to do so by being one person or another.
Although they argue on marriage it is an poor reason to go to so much length to conspire to watch ones every move to know ones mind, to drive one mad into that marriage, to make ones life hell and to dismiss ones life ones career ones academic progress ones social life ones life as an whole for something as trivial as marriage as an aspect of one life which is none of there business, and they means to force one into marriage with someone they have chosen. It is Fascism and it is also an cover-up of Fascism as given by the implants.
They have no right to inflict there own way of life onto one or to enforce there presence into ones head, it is all an Crime Against Humanity. They are illogical and full of lies to forcing those lies into ones head and ones life to accept those lies and live that lie, and mean to compromise ones sanity that is there intentions there conspiracy to drive one insane. They are that conspiracy and the mean to conspire against one into the future where they mean to control that lie. Alas one has been forced to live an insane life, to prove that reality is all but an disillusion.
I do know that they guilty of all things as an organisation but the mind games exist as to whom they are and there guilt, to the claims on wanting marriage, but that want for marriage also shows they are guilty of Fascism of driving one mad. They will always play mind games in respect of there guilt, whilst it is about there actions not about marriage, and it is that to which they must answer. The problem is with marriage they argue that they will admit to there guilt as along as one gets married, to which there is no point, they still have things there own way and are not done for whilst one life has been damage, change ones life would be better without
the problems and there presence.
How difference and what life one would have had one will never know, whilst the damage is done the problems exist to which they all perhaps feel that it is necessary or just to cause one such problems in order to have this marriage arrangement. To which they would cause the same problems again, for what ever reason they all see fit to cause one such problems. They do not consider there actions as being wrong, and one will not be able to remove them from ones life or one head and alas they will alway be an threat to one. Whilst even perhaps inclined to admit to things where they know they will not get done for. It is all the actions of an fascist regime.
It is Fascism where they are intent on interfering in ones life for the rest of ones life they are making sure that one is unable to do stand on ones own feet in first place, unable to get a job or support one self, this damage where they are making sure they are able to interfere in all that one does for the rest of ones life forcing about marriage and ones dependence on them for all things in ones life. One is not dependent on them but that conspiracy is messing everything up to the extent that one has no choice but to go insane or to do as they want. The conspiracy prevents one from stand on ones own feet now and in the future but the damage is being done to the effect that they are able to run ones life in future.
The organisation is moving to stay in control of one via insanity, to have one considered insane hence the use the implants to the effect that one is considered insane. They argue that one is insane or thick and incapable of doing that which one can do, covering up there actions against that which one is able to do including typing. Forcing about control of one, and forcing one into marriage. It is all still Fascism where they are using the implants to cause one damage to control one into there own way of life.
Race issues are also playing a role within this, because of there respective racism they all disagree with ones association with various people, and they are all interfering with ones life isolating one and controlling whom one associates with to the effect of being isolated and alienated. It all leads into this marriage thing where they are intent on making sure of those whom one can and can not associate with, to controlling whom one can and cannot have relationships with. Alas there Fascism is not allowing for any relationship with anyone.
It is Fascism for them to waste an genius or an intellectual, they do so out of punishing one for not listening to them or doing as they want and out of being conspiracy, and it all makes no difference to them where they know ones mind they know ones intelligence and able to steal things to using things one is thus kept as an Human Guinea Pig, and forced into marriage and into there own sense of justice, where one is considered guilty via conspiracy. They argue that one asked for this, that one disserved thus there justice as applied.
Using there want for marriage as an justification of all things, there control of ones head there repression of ones mind ones thoughts the control of ones life, of doing ones head in of messing up ones life, and all that one does in ones life whether that is reading or studying or waking up or having an shower. Justifying there actions of stealing ones mind ones thoughts of using ones mind, of driving one mad of mentally torturing to using the implants to messing up ones job one career ones academic progress. Justifying there actions with an want for marriage. Justifying there use of the implants and using things for it is purpose, they are fascist.
They are fascist in the sense that they will kill one if one does not do as they want in respect of this marriage business and the isolation which they have confined one too. It is the same as where one has no choice but to kill oneself or to live with this use of the implants this presence this insanity and the mental torture. One has no choice but go insane, to deal with insanity, they refuse to get out of one head there intention to control ones head ones mind to steal ones thoughts and to keep one as an Human guinea pig.
They are fascist in the sense they have controlled one from start to finish, controlled everything in ones life and everyone making sure that one isolated and confined to themselves,
with control of the brain to experiment to getting more control over ones brain and mind that is used to control even further, the control exist and as time goes on they learn more about one and the brain and move to control that. They have controlled one from the start and intend to control one to the finish into marriage and into an coverup.
It is all Fascism and one is controlled into there own way of life where they will not allow for anything else or anyone else in ones life or an single thought to exist without them knowing. Not allowing one to know anything else apart from there want for marriage this Fascism which is also an race thing. One is played into an race thing and controlled by it, and the outcome of events would still be Fascism where one life seems very much pre-determined.
Not sure perhaps they wish to sit on things until one is forced into there corner, but then there control of ones life would just continue to deal with this, implants, experiments to the extent of them all claiming to want to handle this conspiracy. One life would no doubt be governed by this factor of being an Human guinea pig , as it always has been. There motive for doing so will always exist no doubt the same if not new ones, whether that motive is out of race issues or an cover up or money issues.
It is all Fascism, it always will be Fascism. The formation of an organisation which is intent on controlling all aspects of ones life, as an race corner they would also be expected to act in such an manner because one is an human guinea pig and because they want control fo the implants. They would act is such an manner to support there own racism thus they are all respectively fascist.
Nothing is possible or goes on without there control, hence the chaos or the mix ups the trouble that exist is not an mix up or trouble as such it is all controlled and conspiracy, there presence there coverup there defence it is done with there control, all that is goes on is controlled by them including ones every thought, they are intent on controlling one and interfering with ones head and ones life for the rest of ones life hence this marriage thing.
Fascist rule exist where they argue that one will not be allowed out of this mess until one gets married, which means they will not recognise ones rights, will cause one problems, will be using the implants and will always be doing one head in. They are just covering up there Fascism with more Fascism with there insistence on marriage. It is all Fascism and they will continue with there Fascism hence this insane control of one until they have everything there own way hence marriage, to controlling ones every thought, which is supposed to be an solution to there own conspiracy or Fascism.
They are confining one to that which they want on to know, to working on the mind and conspiring against the mind accordingly, forcing about errors too making sure that one is of character that one is them able to be argued against. Issues on nobody liking or women not liking one or racism being the issue, or whites to one being thick or they argue to be better than one and insisting that one does as they want hence to get married. They are conspiring against ones mind, where they are driving one mad into error.
They are intent on using ones thoughts against one but one makes no errors, and one is accountable, even so they are intent on using such notes against one to insane one as they have always conspired to insane one to mess with ones head, to control one to force one into there own way of life. It all includes marriage and this running of ones life.
Organisation forcing one into this race thing and marriage and using marriage to force one into there own plans where they have nothing on one, but perhaps a few thoughts Fascism plays its role where one has no choice, that exist through out all this and is bound to continue throughout ones life where the do not respect ones rights or choices where they are intent on choosing for one, it is the same as control. Hence they want to choose that which goes on in ones life, ones decisions whom one talks to that which one knows, says to the women in ones life whom one is supposed marries.
Forcing one into one thing after the other to the control of the outcome of events, where they are intent on covering up the implants the experiments, and the conspiracy. One is being brainwashed into marriage, where one is not allowed to know anything else and is driven mad 24 /7, mentally tortured and kept mentally disturbed with this pressure of marriage. With the implants repressing ones mind to stealing ones every thought, they are not allowing one to know anything but there want for marriage.
Any talk of marriage is nonsense, it is no ones business, not even an matter of politics although they argue that no one in the world is allowed to help one until one gets married, making sure of things by race issues, they are attempting to raise things as an political point. They argue to help one after one gets married but they are an race corner which is the same as organisation and has its own objectives.
This is not about marriage it is about implants and about there use of the implants where they are just side tracking one into one thing after the other, and able to do so with there invasion the domination of ones mind. It is about that invasion the messing with ones head ones life the control they have over ones head and ones life that conspiracy to do so. One will not allow for marriage and will not agree to any from of marriage.
Those whom are intent on arguing as such an marriage are guilty of an cover up, of driving one insane out of ones own life, mentally torturing one to brainwashing one out of ones own life and into there own way of life. They know they are able to do ones head in with the implants and thus doing so, it is not about marriage but there ill intentions, there conspiracy to drive on insane.
They are guilty of Fascism and it is about Fascism about insanity about driving one mad, whilst if they do so in public they can be argued to be the same people whom have done so with and behind the implants. Given the implants the would do so hence may as well be guilty besides one has to identify those behind the implants those whom mean me harm, and they are identified by there want for marriage. They have covered up from other attempts of identifying or proving there guilt.
Besides it is about those behind the implants, whilst there mind games has allowed them to coverup, they are the same people that organisation that conspiracy which is intent on forcing one into marriage covering up from driving one insane to controlling ones head, they have failed to insane one and to have one killed by suicide where that is the only choice that one has had to commit suicide or to live with this Fascism.
They should not even know whom one is and should not be interfering in ones life let alone through they implants, they are that conspiracy which is intent on forcing one into an cover up of this conspiracy, an conspiracy to keep one as an human guinea pig. Forcing one into marriage and this control of one for the rest of ones life. It was never about marriage but also about implants about experiments about mind control about what`s going on hence conspiracy.
It is none of there business as to what one does in ones life, in the first place let alone for the rest of ones life, as to whom one talks to or whom one spends time with, or what is said to one, it is not for them to know whom one talks to, or what one says and whom one spends time with. Which would be nothing and no one really where that knowledge has allowed them to keep one isolated. It is none of there business as to what one does in ones life, they say they will make it there business, the corridors of power and organisations, those responsible for all this conspiracies in the first place.
Organisations will always attempt to take control of one and implants conspiracies will always exist for that purpose and one has oppose such organisation and conspiracies where they always tend to controlling ones life and tend to pose the threat of fascism. This is still about conspiracies an organisation and all the same logic gates and arguments can be used against them all as against one organisations or one person.
Marriage is means of controlling one for the rest of ones life, they will know whom one is and whom she is and will know everything about us, as an organisation they are not supposed to know. It is an side track the issue is about there presence the implants the functions of the implants and experiments. This is about preventing the use of the implants and preventing the implants from become so functional. It should not be able to dominate ones mind alas that is what this is about the case.
The threat exist to ones mind, that of control that organisation must not be allowed to know anything about one for at least 10 years where one is then able to learn new things and learn other things than that which they already know and are able to use too control ones mind. Including that of an threat they would harm others to get to one hence would harm women in ones life, as they have done so hence removed them from ones life as one is lead to believe.
They conspire to cause one harm with the implants and it is about causing one harm, and they are using there ability to cause one harm to force one into there own way of life. There presence behind the implants to there use of the implants is all ill intentions, they are forcing one into marriage to cover up there ill intentions, there hate for one, the fact that the are wrong to cause one harm and reasoning to cause one harm in order to have marriage, that the ends justify the means.
Because they want marriage does not mean that they are innocent, more rather that they are covering up there guilt, and because the are behind the implants they are guilty of driving one mad or mental torturing on all my life, they just think they are able to get away with causing one harm with this want for marriage. Any marriage has no bearing on the case or trial issues where they must be all brought to trial, and put on trial on all issues including there presence.
It seems they are forcing about marriage, to avoid any trial issues preventing trial or justice from occurring, preventing themselves from being done for all issues including knowing ones thoughts or using the implants, to all issues and listed with the title of Fascism. From Isolation to Insanity or that of Control, all issues as listed in this paper. They are guilty of experiments to causing one pain but do not want such issues to be brought to trial thus covering up with this pressure on marriage. Arguing to want marriage as opposed to wanting one to Suffer.
Organisation is intent on interfering in ones life not allowing one out of there site thus using marriage as means of further interfering with ones life an ones mind it is none of there business as to whom one spends time with, they are not well-come within ones life and such protocol must be present to prevent them from interfering and invading ones life and ones mind. There want for marriage it self is Fascism and as an issue of marriage they are covering up the Gross Fascist nature of this conspiracy and use of the implants.
It is sick of them there actions there presence there use of the use of the implants, from knowing ones thoughts to reading ones mind and controlling everything in ones life, alas nothing should be allowed to distract one from the fact that they are psychopaths. It is protocol to prevent any other issues from being raised and considered Brainwashed, if one is forced to accept other wise. They are forcing one to accept otherwise with the issue of marriage, whilst all issues of the case must be addressed, anyone whom violates such rights can have control over one.
On issues on having an better life if one was to get married again, case issues come first, such arguments are put forward by psychopaths, where it is they whom are making ones life hell such arguments are put forward by psychopaths even though they are covered up into being anyone and everyone. Nobody knows whom they are thus no one should be allowed to argue against or compromise ones sanity. Psychopaths have an habit of doing so it is in here nature whilst any sick or twist nature will give evidence of there guilty, there use of the implants.
This pressure on marriage has caused one harm, they have used marriage as means of mentally torturing one all my life, where it is the same organisation and people whom have always wanted one insane just that they have covered up into an want for marriage. It is argued that they have always been behind the implants, and have always used the implants on one all my life, to messing with ones head and driving one mad to finding an means of getting away with driving one mad by mentally torturing one on marriage.
They must be that organisation where all aspects of that conspiracy exist all aspects of there objectives continues and run through this and has met as an coverup of that intentions to control one with the implants, hence there use of the implants to that of isolation, to experiments and the control of ones head, to the compromise of all things about one, ones identity ones mentality ones thoughts ones intelligence, to the act of doing ones head or mentally torturing one of keeping one disturbed and driving ones insane.
It is murder this pressure this mental torture of marriage where they are using that as an excuse to cause one problems, doing ones head or straining one face or shaking with the implants, to disturbing one, using marriage as an reason or motive. Protocol should see that it is murder where one is not allowed to live or one is unable to do anything about there use of the implants, the problems they cause one where they are making ones life difficult, or one as being mentally disturbed. It is there intentions to have one insane and dead.
One has never had an choice but to go insane and to be dead, they are all driving one insane but using marriage to drive one insane to after ones head, it is the same insanity but with experiments where they know how to harm one or how to get ones attention how to attack the mind or the brain. Insanity never worked in even distracting one but this pressure this mental torture on marriage or use of the implants tends to upset one and disturbs one.
The conspiracy always wanted one curbed this means of doing so is an means of doing so and without an trace where they claim to just want marriage.
Any pressure on marriage or any issues of being ones friends or talking need not occur with and through the implants, there is no point in using the implants for that purpose other than causing one harm, perhaps as insanity or psychopaths where it is they themselves whom have prevented association or any conversations with people, and any from of relationships. If they wanted to talk or associate with one then they would have done so, unless Fascism exist,
where I have always attempted associate with people alas one is conspired against and perhaps evidence of this Fascism exist within everyone.
Any issues of marriage is just an build from all other issues and an cover up of all other issues, it all allows them to use the implants and using the implants for its purpose, from watching ones every move to knowing ones thoughts to keeping one controlled, experiments too keeping one repressed isolated and tormented. They tend to disturb one on ones refusal to get married whilst basing all there actions on there want for marriage, to causing one damage in all that one does from showing to waking up or studying.
The damage is the same but they are adding marriage to all issues and arguments, to all there insanity that conspiracy to damage ones mind or too inflict physiological damage. One is tormented by the consideration of marriage, where it is there intentions to do ones head in on marriage, and inflicting physiological damage on all that one does. Torment exist as always on the thought of them all using the implants, on whom they are, to losing thoughts and ones life or aspects of ones life to the psychopaths causing damage to those whom one would fancy.
Any talk or issues of marriage must be considered as tormenting one where this is about implants, it is about there presence it is about ones life and that which one does that which one is prevented from doing, whilst they argue it is there want but they also want to cause one harm, they also want insanity induced, to damage ones mind. One is not going to consider any issues of marriage, with all case issues needing to be addressed. Whilst any issues of marriage can be considered an threat and they would be those whom have always caused one harm.
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